Who Opposed The First ND? Flashcards
What was the purpose of FDR’s economic recovery efforts?
To bring the USA out of the economic crisis and stabilize the financial sector
FDR’s initiatives included reforms and policies aimed at recovery from the Great Depression.
What was the American Liberty League’s main objective?
To defend and uphold the Constitution and the right to work, earn, save, and acquire property
The League was formed in 1934 and opposed FDR’s New Deal policies.
Who were some notable supporters of the American Liberty League?
- Du Pont family
- Alfred Sloan of General Motors
- Nathan Miller of US Steel
These individuals and families represented significant business interests opposing FDR.
What was the impact of the First New Deal according to its critics?
Critics believed it was not enough to tackle the USA’s problems effectively
The American Liberty League and other critics argued that FDR’s approach fundamentally changed the country.
What was Father Coughlin’s initial stance on the New Deal?
He initially supported the underlying aims of the New Deal but later opposed it
Coughlin’s views evolved into a radical critique, leading to the formation of the National Union of Social Justice.
What alternative did Father Coughlin propose to the First New Deal?
Monetary reform, including more silver coinage and inflationary policies
He believed these changes would help erase financial debt.
What was Francis Townsend’s proposal?
Federal-funded old-age pensions to stimulate demand
Townsend’s plan gained significant grassroots support, resulting in the formation of Townsend Clubs.
Who did Father Coughlin and Francis Townsend support in the 1936 presidential election?
William Lemke, the presidential candidate of the Union Party
Lemke’s campaign was specifically aimed at opposing FDR.
What was Huey P. Long’s campaign against the First New Deal called?
Share Our Wealth campaign
Long, known as the Kingfish, posed a serious challenge to FDR from within the Democratic Party.
True or False: The American Liberty League believed FDR’s policies were beneficial to the business culture of the USA.
They believed FDR’s plans were fundamentally changing the country in ways that were not aligned with traditional business values.
Fill in the blank: FDR’s radio addresses to the American people were known as _______.
‘Fireside Chats’
These chats were a means for FDR to explain his policies directly to the public.
What was the outcome of the 1936 presidential election for FDR?
FDR received 27.8 million votes, defeating Alfred Landon
Landon received 16 million votes, a significant loss.
What was Huey P. Long’s belief regarding economic recovery?
He believed economic recovery would be stimulated if every family received a minimum annual income of $2,000 and a homestead allowance of $5,000.
How would Huey P. Long’s economic scheme be funded?
The cost of this scheme would be met by raising taxes on the rich, such as income and inheritance tax.
What did Huey P. Long create to support his campaign?
By early 1935, Long had created 27,000 Share Our Wealth clubs across the USA.
What role did the Share Our Wealth clubs play?
These clubs acted as pressure groups supporting Long’s Share Our Wealth campaign.
What happened to Huey P. Long in September 1935?
He was assassinated.
What was the most serious opposition to the First New Deal?
The US Supreme Court.
Who was the Chief Justice during the First New Deal?
Charles Evans Hughes.
What power did the US Supreme Court have?
The Court had the power to declare Acts of Congress, actions by the president, or state laws unconstitutional.
What justification did FDR use for New Deal measures?
He believed they could be justified because they promoted the general welfare clause of the US Constitution.
What significant ruling did the Supreme Court make in May 1935?
The Court declared the National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional.
What was the Schechter ‘Sick Chicken’ case about?
The Court declared that the federal government had exceeded its powers by trying to regulate commerce within a state, New York.
What was the outcome of the case US v Butler?
The Court declared the Agricultural Adjustment Administration illegal on grounds that the federal government levied a tax on farm products, a power reserved to the states under the 10th Amendment.
How many First New Deal laws did the US Supreme Court declare illegal?
The Court declared 11 First New Deal laws illegal.
What was the impact of the US Supreme Court’s decisions on the First New Deal?
The impact was to make large parts of FDR’s First New Deal unworkable.
What did the US Supreme Court nearly wreck by early 1936?
The First New Deal.