Did The Position Of Ethnic Minorities And Women Improve 1981-92 Flashcards
What significant political milestone occurred in 1981?
Black civil rights activist Andrew Young elected Mayor of Atlanta
Who stood as the Democratic candidate for the presidency in 1984?
Reverend Jesse Jackson
What achievement did Carl Lewis accomplish at the LA Olympics in 1984?
Won four gold medals
Who became the first black mayor of Chicago in 1983?
Harold Washington
What notable award did Denzel Washington win in 1989?
Best Supporting Actor Oscar in the film Glory
Which film did Spike Lee direct in 1992?
Malcolm X
What event occurred in South Central LA in 1992?
Rodney King riots
In what year did Reverend Jesse Jackson make his second attempt to be the Democratic presidential candidate?
What incident involving Rodney King occurred in 1991?
Rodney King attacked by LA police
What percentage of the population did black Americans represent at the beginning of the 1980s?
11 percent
What were the social and economic conditions faced by black Americans at the beginning of the 1980s?
Many social and economic problems
What was the significance of Jesse Jackson’s campaign for the Democratic nomination?
It marked a serious attempt to gain support from black voters
What was the impact of black American success in politics, business, sport, and popular culture during this period?
Increased visibility and representation
Fill in the blank: Andrew Young was elected Mayor of _______ in 1981.
True or False: Harold Washington was the first black mayor of Los Angeles.
What was a significant cultural contribution by Denzel Washington in 1989?
Winning an Oscar for Glory
Fill in the blank: The Rodney King riots occurred in _______.
What did the election of Jesse Jackson signify in terms of political progress?
An increase in representation for ethnic minorities
What was the significance of the 1984 Olympics for black athletes?
Showcased their talents and achievements
Who was the first black mayor of Chicago?
Harold Washington
What does the timeline from 1981 to 1992 indicate about the position of ethnic minorities and women?
It shows gradual improvements in representation and success
What significant event occurred on November 3, 1983?
President Reagan signed a law designating the third Monday in January as Martin Luther King Jr Day, a national holiday.
The first Martin Luther King Jr Day was celebrated in 1986.
What was the composition of the black caucus in the House of Representatives by the 1980s?
The black caucus consisted of 20-25 Congressmen and women working for black American rights.
Who was elected mayor of Atlanta, Georgia in 1981?
Andrew Young was elected mayor in 1981.
What was Harold Washington’s major achievement in 1983?
Harold Washington became mayor of Chicago, breaking the dominance of Irish-American politicians.
He attracted white voters by offering moderate social policies and had significant support from black American groups.
What coalition did Harold Washington form to support his mayoral campaign?
Washington formed a coalition involving the local NAACP, the National Urban League, and PUSH (People United to Save Humanity).
What was the voter turnout among inner-city blacks during Washington’s election?
The voter turnout among inner-city blacks was 80 percent.
What was Jesse Jackson’s role in the 1980s?
Jesse Jackson was a prominent black American politician who ran for the Democratic Party nomination for president in 1984 and 1988.
What organization did Jesse Jackson use for his presidential campaigns?
Jackson used the Rainbow Coalition, which grew out of PUSH.
What percentage of the vote did Jesse Jackson receive in the 1984 Democratic primaries?
Jesse Jackson received 21 percent of the vote in primary election contests.
Who was chosen as the Democratic candidate in the 1984 election?
Walter Mondale was chosen as the Democratic candidate.
What was different about Jesse Jackson’s 1988 campaign compared to 1984?
Jackson’s 1988 campaign was better organized and he won a number of primary elections.
What did Jesse Jackson’s campaigns demonstrate about black Americans?
Jackson showed that black Americans could become serious contenders for America’s highest political office.
What is Jesse Jackson’s background?
Jesse Jackson graduated from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in 1964 with a degree in sociology and founded PUSH in the 1970s.
Why is Source 9 valuable to historians studying Harold Washington’s election?
Source 9 provides insight into the campaign strategies and priorities of Harold Washington, Chicago’s first black American mayor. It reflects the historical context of the 1983 election and the significance of Washington’s administration in promoting jobs and fairness in city governance.
What was Harold Washington’s first priority as mayor?
Establishing a department of employment and economic development focused on creating and retaining jobs for Chicagoans.
What pledge did Harold Washington make regarding city employees?
The Washington administration pledged to hire, upgrade, and promote city employees on a merit basis and to demand a full day’s work for a full day’s pay.
How did the civil rights movement impact black Americans in business by the 1980s?
The civil rights movement led to a significant increase in black-owned businesses, rising to 621,000 by 1992 from a few hundred thousand in the 1960s.
Who was Oprah Winfrey and what was her significance in the 1980s?
Oprah Winfrey became a national institution in television and business, with her chat show gaining popularity and her production company contributing to her status as the USA’s first female black billionaire.
What achievements did black Americans have in sports during the 1980s?
By the 1980s, black Americans excelled in sports, comprising 80% of NFL players, 60% of NBA players, and 25% of MLB players.
What was a notable achievement for black athletes in the Olympics during the 1980s?
Black athletes won 40 out of 83 US medals at the 1984 Olympics, showcasing their dominance in various events.
How did popular culture reflect the success of black Americans in the 1980s?
Denzel Washington gained recognition for his roles in films, while Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ became a significant cultural phenomenon, winning 12 Grammy Awards and dominating the charts.
What percentage of US population did black Americans comprise in the 1980s?
11.7 percent
How many medals did black track and field athletes win at the 1984 LA Olympics?
40 out of 49 medals awarded to US athletes
What significant achievement did Denzel Washington accomplish in 1989?
Won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in the film Glory
What was the title of the film directed by Spike Lee in 1992?
Malcolm X
What was the name of Bill Cosby’s television show?
The Cosby Show
Who performed ‘Billie Jean’ on national television in 1983?
Michael Jackson
This performance included his famous moonwalk.
How long did the single ‘Thriller’ stay in the charts?
80 weeks, 37 as number 1
How many Grammy Awards did the video ‘Thriller’ win?
12 Grammy Awards
Name three popular black musicians of the 1980s.
Prince, Whitney Houston, and Tina Turner
What incident involving racial intolerance occurred in June 1982?
Vincent Chin was clubbed to death by two white car-workers
What was the outcome of Bernhard Goetz’s trial in 1987?
The jury accepted his plea of self-defence and he received only eight months in prison
What sparked the major race riot in May 1992?
The acquittal of police involved in the Rodney King case
What were the consequences of the Rodney King riots?
54 people were killed, 2,400 injured, and 17,000 arrested
What was the estimated cost of damage caused by the Rodney King riots?
$1 billion
What belief was reinforced by the Rodney King case regarding police forces?
That some police forces were racist
Who was the first woman nominated to the US Supreme Court?
Sandra Day O’Connor
What significant event occurred in the 1992 election year regarding women?
The press declared it the year of the woman as women won several high-profile Senate races
What program contributed to the increased representation of women in Congress?
Emily’s List
What percentage of professional jobs did women hold from 1972 to 1985?
From 44 to 49 percent
By how much did the female share of management jobs increase from 1972 to 1985?
From 20 to 36 percent
What was the percentage of lawyers who were women in 1983?
15 percent
What percentage of jobs in banking and financial management were held by women in 1983?
39 percent
Who was the first US woman in space?
Sally Ride
Who was the first US teacher in space?
Christa McAuliffe
What was the percentage of births outside marriage in the USA by 1990?
27 percent
What percentage of marriages ended in divorce by 1990?
40 percent
What was the female percentage in the workforce in 1970?
38 percent
What was the percentage of new doctors who were women in the 1980s?
33 percent
What percentage of lawyers were women in 1990?
40 percent
What was the earnings gap between women and men for similar jobs in 1992?
Women earned only 77 percent of men’s earnings
What was the traditional role of women in 1955?
To get married, have children, and look after them while staying at home
What significant legal case did the US Supreme Court uphold in 1992?
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Fill in the blank: In 1992, the social, political, and economic role of women was radically different from _______.
True or False: By 1992, women had achieved full equality in social, economic, and political spheres.