How Successful Was The 2nd ND? Flashcards
What year did the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act create the Works Progress Administration?
What significant action did the Democrats take in the November 1934 elections?
Greatly increased their support in both houses and state government elections
What was the main purpose of the Resettlement Administration created on May 1?
To address issues created by the economic depression
True or False: Normally, a president’s party loses seats in Congress during the midterm elections.
Fill in the blank: The First New Deal had limitations in both relief and _______.
What did Congress become filled with after the November 1934 elections?
New Deal Democrats
What was the expectation regarding President Roosevelt’s actions by 1938?
To assess the extent of recovery brought by his policies
Identify one area where the First New Deal was expected to deal separately.
Relief or recovery
What was the main focus of the First New Deal?
To address the problems created by the economic depression
What is a key characteristic of the political landscape following the November 1934 elections?
Demand for more radical actions to deal with the Depression
What was the Wagner Act?
The Wagner Act, passed in June 1935, restored the right to collective bargaining for trade unions and established the National Labor Relations Board to oversee labor relations.
What did Section 7(a) of the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933) do?
Section 7(a) gave trade unions the right to collectively bargain but was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in May 1935.
What industries were primarily affected by the Wagner Act?
The Wagner Act primarily affected the textile, coal, and rubber industries, which employed semi-skilled and unskilled workers.
What were the exclusions of the Wagner Act?
The Wagner Act excluded agricultural and service workers, public employees, and those employed outside interstate commerce.
What was the Social Security Act?
The Social Security Act, passed in June 1935, established a national system for the elderly and provided minimal payments to unemployed workers, the elderly, and dependents.
Who was responsible for the Social Security Act?
Frances Perkins, the USA’s first woman cabinet member and Secretary of Labor, was responsible for the Social Security Act.
What were the pension rates under the Social Security Act?
Pensions were to be paid out at a rate of between $10 and $85 per month.
What was the maximum unemployment benefit under the Social Security Act?
The maximum unemployment benefit was $18 per week for 16 weeks.
Who was the first person to receive a pension under the Social Security Act?
Ida Fuller was the first person to receive a pension under the Social Security Act on 17 January 1940.
What were some limitations of the Social Security Act?
The Social Security Act excluded farm workers, domestic servants, and the self-employed, leaving many who needed it most without support.
What was the purpose of the Revenue Act of August 1935?
The Revenue Act aimed to help pay for New Deal programs by increasing income tax rates on high incomes.
What was the income tax rate increase for incomes over $5 million under the Revenue Act?
The income tax rate increased from 63% to 79% on incomes over $5 million.
How much additional revenue did the Revenue Act raise annually?
$250 million a year.
What percentage of American households paid federal income tax at the time?
Fewer than one American household in 20 paid federal income tax.
What other taxes were increased by the Revenue Act?
The Act increased property taxes and introduced an undistributed profits tax.
What was the political significance of the Revenue Act of 1935?
It was seen as a political showpiece to counter the Share Our Wealth campaign by Huey P. Long.
Who claimed credit for the idea of the Revenue Act when it was presented in the Senate?
Huey P. Long claimed credit for the idea.
What was the reaction of wealthy individuals to the Revenue Act?
The Act aroused huge criticism from the rich, who viewed FDR as a class traitor.
Who was William Randolph Hearst?
William Randolph Hearst was a major newspaper owner who criticized the Revenue Act.
What was the focus of the Second New Deal?
The Second New Deal aimed to reform and strengthen the American social and economic system, not to destroy it.
How did FDR perform in the 1936 presidential election?
FDR polled 27.8 million votes against Republican Alfred Landon’s 16.7 million, winning 523 Electoral College votes to Landon’s eight.
What is the Electoral College?
The Electoral College is a body that elects the president and vice president of the United States, with votes apportioned based on each state’s combined seats in the Senate and House of Representatives.
What was the purpose of the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
The WPA aimed to create public sector jobs to aid economic recovery, employing eight million workers and constructing thousands of hospitals, schools, parks, and rural roads.
What was the budget allocated for the WPA?
The WPA received a substantial budget of $4 billion to get Americans back to work.
How many votes did FDR receive in the 1940 election?
In 1940, FDR won 27.3 million votes and 449 Electoral College votes.
What was the impact of the New Deal on employment?
The New Deal created numerous public sector jobs, aiding economic recovery and employing millions.
What was the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of April 1935?
This act created the WPA, which aimed to provide jobs for the unemployed.
What was the role of the Federal Writers’ Project?
The Federal Writers’ Project aided writers, especially black Americans, and employed many in the arts.
What was the significance of the 1936 elections?
The 1936 elections demonstrated FDR’s strong support, as he won every state except Maine and Vermont.
What was the gap between the rich and the poor during the New Deal?
The New Deal aimed to address the economic gap between the rich and the poor, although it did not eliminate it.
What was the impact of the New Deal on state governments?
The Democrats won control of many state governments during the New Deal era.
What happened in 1976 and 2000 regarding the popular vote?
In these years, a candidate won the popular vote nationwide but lost the election due to the Electoral College.
What did the National Youth Administration encourage?
The National Youth Administration encouraged education and part-time work for students.
Who headed the Negro Division of the National Youth Administration?
The Negro Division was headed by black American Mary McLeod Bethune.
What was the role of the Negro Division in relation to WPA and NYA programmes?
The Negro Division ensured that black Americans benefitted from WPA and NYA programmes.