To What Extent Did Protest And Personal Freedom Change 1963-72 Flashcards
What movement focused on the rights of Chicanos?
Chicano movement
The Chicano movement aimed to address issues faced by Mexican Americans, including civil rights, education, and labor rights.
What strategy did the United Farm Workers Organization adopt?
A strategy of boycotts
This strategy was aimed at improving conditions for farm workers.
Who was a key figure in the Chicano movement that began fasting to protest?
Cesar Chavez
Chavez was known for his leadership in advocating for the rights of farm workers.
What was the significance of the Free Speech Movement?
It organized one of the first student demonstrations in 1964
The demonstration at the University of California at Oakland aimed to overturn a ban on political activity on campus.
What was the ‘Port Huron Statement’?
A document produced by Tom Hayden in 1962 outlining SDS’s aims
It called for participatory democracy and criticized the dominance of large corporations and the government.
What was a major issue fueling student protests in the 1960s?
Opposition to US involvement in the Vietnam War
Many students were inspired by civil rights movements and sought to challenge military policies.
What event in January 1968 increased anger and disillusionment with the Vietnam War?
The Tet Offensive
The Tet Offensive was a coordinated attack by communist forces on major cities in South Vietnam.
In what year did 500,000 marchers protest against the Vietnam War in New York City’s Central Park?
This was one of the largest protests against the Vietnam War, showcasing widespread opposition.
What did many protestors do during anti-Vietnam War demonstrations?
Burnt their draft cards
This act was a form of protest against compulsory military service.
What was the role of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)?
To advocate for participatory democracy and student rights
Founded in 1960, SDS played a significant role in organizing protests and discussions on college campuses.
True or False: By 1972, university campuses were primarily focused on academic pursuits rather than political activism.
By 1972, campuses were known for being centers of revolution and left-wing activity.
What was one of the outcomes of the student protests regarding the Democratic presidential candidate in February 1968?
Many students backed Eugene McCarthy against Johnson
This indicated a shift in political alignment among students during the Vietnam War.
What event in 1969 caused outrage among Americans regarding the Vietnam War?
The announcement that US troops had massacred unarmed men, women, and children at the village of My Lai.
This event contributed to the belief that the US would not win the war.
What was a significant factor in the anti-Vietnam movement in the USA?
Student protests were an important part of the anti-Vietnam movement.
By February 1968, many Americans believed the US would not win the war and blamed the president.
What decision did President Johnson make in March 1968?
He decided not to seek re-election due to rising criticism, even from within his own political party.
What year was marked by dramatic student protests across the USA?
1968 was the most dramatic year of student protest.
What occurred at the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago in August 1968?
Widespread rioting occurred in the streets outside the convention center.
Who sent police to confront the rioters during the Chicago riots?
Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago, sent in 12,000 police to quell the riot.
What happened to the student movement after the Chicago riots?
The student movement fragmented into various groups, including the extremist Weather Underground Organization.
What actions did the Weather Underground Organization engage in during 1969 and 1970?
They engaged in a series of bombings of government buildings and universities, resulting in the deaths of innocent people.
What did the federal government publish in 1970 regarding campus unrest?
The US President’s Commission on Campus Unrest declared that the unrest was rooted in the new youth culture.
What was the significance of the student strike at Columbia University?
It opened a new tactical stage in the resistance movement, evolving from overnight occupations to permanent occupations.
What was a key slogan of the counterculture movement in the 1960s?
‘Make Love not War’ was a key slogan of the counterculture movement.
Which city became the center of the counterculture movement?
San Francisco, particularly the district of Haight-Ashbury, became the center of the counterculture.
What major music festival took place in the summer of 1969?
The Woodstock Music Festival attracted over 40,000 young people and featured notable performers like Joan Baez and Jimi Hendrix.
What was the impact of the counterculture on popular music?
It led to a revolution in popular music, with bands like the Rolling Stones and the Doors linked to rebellion and drug-taking.
What organization was founded in 1966 focused on women’s rights?
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Founded to advocate for women’s rights and equality.
What significant event did SDS organize in 1965?
March on Washington DC
A demonstration for civil rights and social justice.
What major music festival took place in 1969?
Woodstock Music Festival
A pivotal event in music history and counterculture.
What event in 1969 marked the beginning of the gay liberation movement?
Stonewall Riots in New York City
A series of protests by the LGBTQ+ community against police raids.
What was one of the most important developments from 1963 to 1972?
The growth of the women’s movement
A significant shift in societal roles and rights for women.
What television shows suggested that a woman’s place was in the home?
Father Knows Best and The Dick Van Dyke Show
These shows reflected traditional gender roles of the time.
How many women were in regular employment by 1965?
More than 25 million women
A significant increase in women’s participation in the workforce.
What percentage of married women with young children held jobs by 1968?
Almost 40 percent
Indicates changing societal norms regarding women’s work.
What was the employment rate increase for women aged 20 to 24 from 1964 to 1973?
From 50 percent to 61 percent
Demonstrates the growing presence of young women in the workforce.
What significant change occurred for women in the early 1960s?
The appearance of the contraceptive pill allowed women to plan whether or not to have children.
What was the main idea of Betty Friedan’s book ‘The Feminine Mystique’?
‘The Feminine Mystique’ argued that middle-class domestic bliss was a ‘comfortable concentration camp’ and advocated for women to explore alternative lifestyles.
What did the 1964 Civil Rights Act achieve for women?
It outlawed discrimination in employment on account of sex, in addition to race and religion.
What organization was founded in 1966 to advocate for women’s rights?
The National Organization of Women (NOW) was founded by Betty Friedan and 300 feminist activists.
What was one of the first cases lodged by NOW with the EEOC?
Air stewardesses claimed their industry was female-only and that job guidelines demanded a particular age, appearance, and weight.
What major protest did the Women’s Liberation Movement organize in 1968?
They protested against beauty pageants, which they regarded as degrading to women.
What did the Education Act of 1972 require from schools and colleges?
Schools and colleges had to eliminate sex discrimination to continue receiving federal funding.
What was the Equal Rights Amendment intended to do?
It aimed to enshrine the idea of sexual equality in the US Constitution.
What was the outcome of the Equal Rights Amendment?
It failed to gain support from 75 percent of states and was not permanently added to the Constitution.
What was the impact of the women’s movement by 1972?
Women’s organizations had placed women’s issues at the center of national debate and influenced major legislative changes.
What landmark court case legalized abortion in the USA?
The court case Roe v. Wade legalized abortion.
What was the significance of the Redstockings Manifesto?
It called for unity among women and support from men for women’s liberation.
What was the impact of sexual liberalization in the USA from 1963 to 1972?
There was a rapid change in relations between the sexes and attitudes to sex, leading to a sexual revolution.
How did the contraceptive pill affect sexual activity?
By 1965, 6.5 million women were using the Pill, leading to an increase in premarital sexual relations.
What trend was observed in divorce rates during the 1960s?
The divorce rate rose almost 10 percent during the 1960s and increased another 82 percent by the 1970s.
What was the impact of the Stonewall riots?
The Stonewall riots led directly to the creation of a gay liberation movement inspired by both the civil rights and women’s liberation movements.
When did the Stonewall riots occur?
The Stonewall riots occurred on 17 June 1969.
What was the first male group supporting gay rights?
The first male group supporting gay rights was the Mattachine Society, created in 1950.
What was the first lesbian rights group?
The first lesbian rights group was the Daughters of Bilitis, set up in 1955.
What significant action did a small group take in 1965?
In 1965, a small group marched in front of the White House to protest the repression of gay people in Cuba and the USA.
What did the American Psychiatric Society do in 1973?
The American Psychiatric Society removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses in 1973.
What was the significance of Harvey Milk?
Harvey Milk was elected as San Francisco’s first openly gay elected official in 1977 and was later assassinated because of his sexuality.
What was the atmosphere during the Stonewall riots according to Robert Arissel?
There was a strong feeling of gay community and spirit, with an intoxicating sense of release, as crowds grew and chanted ‘Power!’.
What did the New York Tactical Police face during the Stonewall riots?
The New York Tactical Police faced a guerrilla war from the gay community during the Stonewall riots.
What was the status of homosexuality in the USA in 1963?
In 1963, being gay was still illegal in the USA.
What happened to thousands of men and women during Eisenhower’s presidency?
Thousands were dishonorably discharged from the military if found to be gay due to an executive order issued in 1953.
What was the role of gay communities before the 1960s?
Gay communities existed in large cities as underground groups but faced intimidation and violence.
What developments occurred in the gay rights movement by 1973?
By 1973, almost 800 gay and lesbian organizations had been formed across the USA, along with the establishment of gay churches, bars, and community centers.