When the immune system goes wrong Flashcards
What is immunological hypersensitivity?
Immune response to a harmless molecule
What mediates an allergic response
IgE, mast cells and Th2 response
What is atopy?
An inherited tendency to make hypersensitivity responses
What cytokines causes B cells to class switch to IgE?
IL-4, -5, -13
What is cross linking of an allergen and what does it cause?
When an allergen binds to more than one receptor at once, causes immediate degranulation of all of its inflammatory mediators
What is Grave’s disease
Autoimmune thyroid disease; antibody produced that binds to TSH receptor on thyroid - stimulates thyroxine production leading to the symptoms of hyperthyroidism
What is myesthenia gravis
autoimmune disease where transmission across a neuromuscular junction is impaired, antibodies are and agonist to ACh receptor
How are T cells involved in type 1 diabetes?
CD8 T mediate killing of B cells
CD4 cell mediated inflammation
Failure of T reg to supress
What are the two types of immunodeficiency
primary and secondary
What is the difference between a primary and secondary immunodeficiency
primary is inherited, rare
secondary is acquired, common
What is Di George syndrome an example of?
inherited (primary) immunodefiency
It’s where thymus gland doesn’t develop, no T cells are produced.
What is severe combined immune deficiency
no B or T cells develop
What is chronic granulamatous disease
Neutrophils cannot kill pathogens, can only surround them forming granulomas
What is hypergammaglobuinaemia?
hyper IgM syndrom, only IgM can be produced
How does HIV lead to a secondary immunodeficiency?
Virus infects CD4 T cells, then they are gradually killed off + viral portion increases over time
What does AIDS stand for
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
What is the treatment for HIV?
HAART = highly active antiretroviral therapy
What is iatrogenic immune deficiency
secondary immune abnormalities caused by patient being treated with immune therapies