Wheelock self-tutorial exercise 1 Flashcards
note: these exercises, with their answers, are taken from Wheelock (7th edition) pp. 412ff; some modifications are made to fit the Brainscape format. Note that for Latin words there should be a clickable audio recording.
Unless otherwise specified, Latin should be (a) listened to (b) repeated aloud and (c) translated.
Note: after the Latin to English translations come the same sentences in English to Latin. English to Latin is much harder than Latin to English, but see if you can do it.
1a. Give the English pronoun equivalent to the following Latin personal ending: -t
1a. he, she, it
1b. Give the English pronoun equivalent to the following Latin personal ending: -mus
1b. we
1c. Give the English pronoun equivalent to the following Latin personal ending: -ō
1c. I
1d. Give the English pronoun equivalent to the following Latin personal ending: -nt
1d. they
1e. Give the English pronoun equivalent to the following Latin personal ending: -s
1e. you (sg.)
1f. Give the English pronoun equivalent to the following Latin personal ending: -tis
1f. you (pl.)
2a. identify the form and translate both: monēre; vidēre
2a. present active infinitives (of the 2nd conjugation): to advise / warn; to see
2b. identify the form and translate both: valēre, dēbēre
2b. present active infinitives (of the 2nd conjugation): to be strong; to owe
3a. identify the form and translate both: vocāre; servāre
3a. present active infinitives (of the 1st conjugation): to call; to save
3b. identify the form and translate both: dare, cōgitāre
3b. present active infinitives (of the 2nd conjugation): to give; to think
3c. identify the form and translate all three: laudāre, amāre; errāre
3c. present active infinitives (of the 2nd conjugation): to praise; to love; to err
4a. identify the form and translate all three: vocā; servā; dā
4a. present active imperatives, 2nd person singular (of the 1st conjugation): call; save; give
4b. identify the form and translate all three: cōgitā; laudā; amā
4b. present active imperatives, 2nd person singular (of the 1st conjugation): think; praise; love
4c. identify the form and translate all three: monē; vidē; valē
4c. present active imperatives, 2nd person singular (of the 2nd conjugation): advise / warn; see; be strong / good-bye.
5a. identify the form and translate all three: vocāte; servāte; date
5a. present active imperatives, 2nd person plural (of the 1st conjugation): call; save; give
5b. identify the form and translate all three: cōgitāte, laudāte, amāte
5b. present active imperatives, 2nd person singular (of the 1st conjugation): think; praise; love.
5c. identify the form and translate all three: monēte, vidēte, valēte. I’m
5c. present active imperatives, 2nd person singular (of the 2nd conjugation): advise / warn; see; be strong / good-bye
6a. translate: vocat
6a. he / she / it calls, is calling, does call
6b. translate: cōgitāmus
6b. we think
6c. translate: amant
6c. they love
6d. translate: dēbēs
6d. you (sg.) owe / ought
6e. translate: videt
6e. he sees
6f. translate: vident
6f. they see
6g. translate: dēbēmus
6g. we owe / ought
6h. translate: valēs
6h. you (sg.) are strong
6i. translate: errātis
6i you (pl.) err / are mistaken
6j. translate: vidēmus
6j. we see
6k. translate: amat
6k. he / she / it loves
6l. translate: vidētis
6l. you (pl.) see
6m. translate: errās
6m. you (sg.) err
6n. translate: dant
6n. they give
6o. translate: servāmus
6o. we save
6p. translate: dat
6p. he gives
6q. translate: amant
6q. they love
6r. translate: vidēs
6r. you (sg.) see.
- Monent mē sī errō.
- They warn me if I err.
- Monet mē sī errant.
- He warns me if they err.
- Monēte mē sī errat.
- Warn me if he (she or it) errs.
- Dēbēs monēre mē.
- You (sg.) ought to warn me.
- Dēbētis servāre mē.
- You (pl.) ought to save me.
- Nōn dēbent laudāre mē.
- They ought not to praise me.
- “Quid dat?” “Saepe nihil dat.”
- “What does he (she or it) give?” “He (she or it) often gives nothing.”
- Mē saepe vocant et (and) monent.
- They often call me and advise me.
- Nihil videō. Quid vidēs?
- I see nothing. What do you see?
- Mē laudā sī nōn errō, amābō tē.
- Praise me, please, if I do not make a mistake.
- Sī valētis, valēmus.
- If you (pl.) are well, we are well.
- Sī valet, valeō.
- If he (she) is well, I am well.
- Sī mē amat, dēbet mē laudāre.
- If he (she) loves me, he (she) ought to praise me.
- Cōnservāte mē.
- Save me.
- Nōn dēbeō errāre.
- I ought not to err.
- Quid dēbēmus laudāre?
- What ought we to praise?
- Videt; cōgitat; monet.
- He (she or it) sees; he (she or it) ponders; he (she or it) advises
- They warn me if I err.
- Monent mē sī errō.
- He warns me if they err.
- Monet mē sī errant.
- Warn me if he (she or it) errs.
- Monēte mē sī errat.
- You (sg.) ought to warn me.
- Dēbēs monēre mē.
- You (pl.) ought to save me.
- Dēbētis servāre mē.
- They ought not to praise me.
- Nōn dēbent laudāre mē.
- “What does he (she or it) give?” “He (she or it) often gives nothing.”
- “Quid dat?” “Saepe nihil dat.”
- They often call me and advise me.
- Mē saepe vocant et (and) monent.
- I see nothing. What do you see?
- Nihil videō. Quid vidēs?
- Praise me, please, if I do not make a mistake.
- Mē laudā sī nōn errō, amābō tē.
- If you (pl.) are well, we are well.
- Sī valētis, valēmus.
- If he (she) is well, I am well.
- Sī valet, valeō.
- If he (she) loves me, he (she) ought to praise me.
- Sī mē amat, dēbet mē laudāre.
- Save me.
- Cōnservāte mē.
- I ought not to err.
- Nōn dēbeō errāre.
- What ought we to praise?
- Quid dēbēmus laudāre?
- He (she or it) sees; he (she or it) ponders; he (she or it) advises
- Videt; cōgitat; monet.