Whaikōrero Flashcards
Mōkau ki runga
Tāmaki ki raro
Mangatoatoa ki waenganui
Mihi ki Te Arikinui
Te Arawa
Mai i Maketu ki Tongariro
Ngā Pūmanawa e waru o Te Arawa
Mai i ngā Kuri a Whārei ki Tihirau
Ngāti Awa, Tūhoe, Whakatōhea, Te Whānau-a-Apanui
Paraninihi ki Waitōtara
Paraninihi kei raro, Taipake kei runga
Mai i Waitapu ki Rangataua
Mai i Miria Te Kakara ki Whitireia
Whakawhiti atu i Te Moana o Raukawa
Ki Wairau ki Whakatū
Example mihi ki te manuhiri
Tainui waka, Mōkau ki runga, Tāmaki ki raro, Mangatoatoa ki waenganui Maunga Taupiri, Waikato awa, Waikato tangata haramai, haramai, haramai!!
(verb)(-ia,-a,-ina,-ngia,-tia) to carry on the back, raise up
Tini whetū ki te rangi, he iti te pōkēao ka ngaro
A small cloud overhead will obscure the stars. Even a small group can overcome the multitudes.
E kore au e hoki i te waewae tūtuki, engari mā te upoko pakarū rā anō.
I will not be stopped by stubbing my foot on the path, but only when my head is broken open
He mana to te kupu
Words have mana - I shall keep my word.
E hoki te tihe ki te ihu, te hūare ki te waha?
Does the sneeze return to the nose, the spit to the mouth - What’s done is done.
Kaua tātou e tōtara wāhi rua
Let us not be like a split tôtara log.
He pukepuke moana e ekengia e te waka
He pukepuke tangata e kore e ekengia, He tapu
Mountainous seas can be conquered by a waka Multitudes of people cannot, for we are tapu.
(noun) dark cloud
(modifier) elderly, old (of people), of advancing years
(verb) to recite karakia
(noun) ambition
Ahakoa he iti te matakahi, ka pakaru i a ia te tōtara
Although the wedge is small, it splits the tötara.