Of work, Doing things Flashcards
What do you want done?
He aha te mahi e mea nei koe kia mahia?
What shall we do?
Me pewhea rā tātou?
What do you want to do?
He aha tau e hiahia ana kia meatia?
What is there to be done?
E taea koia te pewhea?
I don’t know what to do
Kahore i te kitea e au he tikanga māku
That’ll do
Kati rawa
That’s enough for today
Kati te mahi mo tēnei rā
I cannot do it now
E kore e taea e ahau inaianei
What is he doing?
what does he do?
He aha tana mahi
What are you doing?
I te aha koe?
He is working
Kei te mahi ia
How is your work going?
E pehea ana te mahi?
What are we going to do now?
E aha ana tātou inaianei?
We are going back home
E hoki ana tātou ki te kainga
What’s he good for?
He aha tōna pai?
He’s lazy
He tangata mangere ia
She’s lazy
He wahine mangere ia