Reo Tautohetohe Flashcards
I am very happy
Ka nui te hari o tōku ngākau
I am glad/sad
E koa/pouri ana ahau
What a shame
Katahi te mea whakama
I was wrong
I he taku
Im ashamed of you
E whakama ana ahau ki a koe
I dont like him
E kore ahau e pirangi ki a ia
I cant stand him
Ka nui taku kino ki a ia
You amaze me
Ka nui taku miharo ki a koe
I am surprised at that
E miharo ana ahau ki tēnā
Is it possible?
He pono koia?
How beautiful
Koia ana ataahua
Thats very pretty
Ka nui te pai o tēnā
Im delighted with it
E ahuareka ana ahau ki tēnei
Why are you angry
Na te aha koe e riri
To yawn without retraint
Hāmama popoia
My gain, lucky me, ive got a beauty, i am fortunate
Nōku te whiwhi
he aha kē (tāu)?
what are [you] on about? what’s it with [you]? - an idiomatic expression where tāu can be replaced by other possessives
Mā koutou e whakaaro ake te tikanga o taku kōrero
think about what i’m saying
Tēnei kōrero heahea anō
what a silly thought that is
Kia mau ki tā mātou kōrero
Take heed of what we’re saying
Nō reira, ka waiho ki kōnei
So i’ll leave it there
Te hunga whakaaro
Kei te tino whakahē mātou ki tēnā ahuatanga
We oppose that idea!
Mehemea ka noho Māori tonu
If we’re true to our Māori customs
Kātahi anō ka mōhio
they just found out
He mea kuare
ignorance of these things
maybe they have forgotten
Kua wareware pea i a rātou
Korekore rawa atu e pai
It would never work
Kāore rawa i pērā
that is not the case
Titiro mai te ātaahua
Look at the beauty
That’s one important point
Koira tētahi mea pai
Kāore e tua atu i tērā
what more could you want
take heed of what i’m saying
Kia aronui mai ki ahau
Kei te haere mai te wā
the time is coming
Kei a koutou te wā
It’s your turn
He ngawari noa tēnei kaupapa
This is an easy topic
Kei roto i te pōhēhē
they are mistaken
Te whāiti hoki o ō whakaaro
You’re being so narrow minded
Ko te īa o taku kōrero
what I’m saying is
Me te whakaaro anā
I also think
Kua hē katoa i tēnei taha
this side has faulted greatly
Mātou e ū tonu ana, mārō te haere
we are still here, stable as ever
Arā noa atu ngā whakatauiratanga kua oti i ō tātou tūpuna
There are so many examples that have neen left by our ancestors
Nā, kia mōhio mai rā koutou
Now, so that you’re all aware
Engari anei kē te tauira Māori
But here is another Māori example
Kei te hē katoa ngā kōrero
It’s all wrong (the speeches)
Kei wāhi kē ō rātou e whakaaro
Their minds are somewhere else
Kia tika te haere o tōna waka
To smooth the flow of his vessel
Me pēnei pea te kōrero
I should tell it like this
are you all listening to this?
Kei the whakarongo mai koutou ki tenei?
Kei reira te kaupapa
That’s where it’s at!
Mā koutou e kimi, mā koutou e rangahau te tika te hē ranei
you can seek out what’s right & what’s wrong
Engari kaua e kī mai
but, dont say (to me)
Ehara i a tātou te hē
that isnt our fault
Kei te whakaaro pērā tātou
If we think about it like that
Koinei ngā uauatanga o te wā
These are the difficulties of today
Me pēnei tonu tā tātou titiro
we should look at it like this
Kua here kē ō rātou arero
their tongues are tied
E kī rā, pokokohua te whakaaro
how dare you think like that!
Nā wai te kōrero?
Who said?
Ka hoki au ki te kōrero a…
I refer to the kōrero of…..
Kaua tātou e whakatekateka i a tātou….
Dont lie to us
Me mātua mōhio koe
please understand this
I runga hoki i tērā kōrero
Still on that subject
Heoi anō, koina aku kōrero mō tēnei wā
that concludes what i’m saying
E oho kua roa nei koutou e moea nei i ō koutou moe
Wake up, you’ve been asleep for too long
Kia taea e koutou te kite i ngā māramatanga
So that you can see the light
Engari rā, me huri tika ki te kaupapa
enough said, I will go straight to the subject
He aha he kōrero i tua atu
What else can I say
Kia kaua e rangirua
Let’s not be ambiguous
Me whakaaro whānui
We need to think further
Haere torotika ki te kaupapa
Straight to the point
Kei konei ahau ki te mea ake ki a koe
I am saying to you
Pēnei i ahau nei
Just like me
Me uaua pea te whakahē ki tērā
It may be hard to condemn that