He Kupu Whakarite Flashcards
Hōpara makaurangi manu whakatau
Supreme chief moa
Iho pūmanawa
An intelligent gifted role model
Kākā haetara
Inspiring orator
Ka tuhi te toto o kaitangata
Red sky at night.
Kõkako pekewero
A seasoned warrior
Whetū tārake
Literal meaning
Ko ia te whetū takitahi o te rangi
Metaphoric meaning
Te tino o roto i te matua
Whetū tārake
A stand alone star: said of one who is peerless in their actions and/or abilities.
Kanae rere tahatū
He ika ka puta i te kupenga, ahakoa te kaha o te hao i a ia
He tangata upoko mārō, ka para i tōna ake huarahi
Kei te kānae rere tahatū kua hopukina e te hao o Aituā
Kei te kānae rere tahatū kua hao o Mate
Uaua parāoa
The muscles of a whale: somebody who is physically strong.
Ko ngā uaua o te tohorā
He tangata pakari
Whakamahia ō uaua paraoa ki te hiki i ngā mea rā ki runga i te taraka
use your big muscles to lift those things onto the truck.
Kākahi whakairoiro
He kūtai nō te waimāori; ko te āhua o ngā whakanikoniko kei tōna anga, he mataora He rangatira nō uta
kākahi whakairoiro: (noun) supreme leader, mottled orca - a figurative term for a leader, just as the orca are the dominant killers of the sea
An embelisded whale: said of a leader or esteemed person.
Mā wai rā te kākahi whakairoiro e mihi?
Who will acknowledge the distinguised leader?
Ika paewai
He ika nui i roto i te kāhui
He rangatira nō tai
Being highly prized, eels were also compared to important people. The next whakataukī is used to describe that important people will act in certain ways.
He ika paewai anake hei tomo ki roto te hīnaki
Nothing but eels enter the eel pot
Raumatatiki o te ____________
Ko te raumatatiki, he puna wai e kore e mimiti
He kōrero mō tētahi mea e kore e mimiti – Ko te raumatatiki o Mihi tēnei e rere atu nei…
Kākā whakataka pōkai
Te manu arataki i tana kāhui
He tangata whakariterite i tōna iwi.
Kua motuhia e te toki o Aituā ngā parirau o te kākā whakataka pōkai
Te māra a Tāne
Ngā manu e waiata ana i te atatū He huinga reo rōreka
Kua mū te māra a Tāne
Pārera apu paru
Ko tā te pārera, he hao noa i te paruparu ki te kimi kai māna
He tangata horo kai, matapiko hoki
Pārera apu paru
A person who gobbles their food down like the duck who eats mud.
Ko tā te pārera, he hao noa i te paruparu ki te kimi kai māna He tangata horo kai, matapiko hoki
Manu noho mātārae
He manu ka noho hei whāinga, hei tauira mō tōna kāhui.
He rangatira, he tauira mō te katoa.
Koko tatakī
He kupu anō mō te reo o te tūī He reo rōreka ki te waiata, ki te whaikōrero hoki.
Manawa tītī
Ahakoa te karawhiu o te maruāroa, ka whakamomori tonu te tītī ki te tiaki i āna hua
He tangata manawanui ki te kaupapa
Manu tātāriki
(noun) leader (of a flock of kākā) - also used figuratively for a leader
He manu ka ārahi i tōna kāhui
He tangata ārahi I tōna iwi
Te wā o te whakatō kai, he wā whakapau kaha He tangata pukumahi
Anuhe tawatawa
He anuhe; ko te āhua o ngā whakanikoniko kei tōna tinana, he pūhoro
He rangatira nō te ngahere
He huinga rākau, ka whirinaki tētahi ki tētahi kia whai whakaruruhau te katoa He huinga rangatira
Uru kāhika
Tōtara whakahae
A tōtara that inspires envy in the eye of the beholder. A great chief or leader.
Taku tōtara whakahae nō ngā kāwai nui nō ngā kāwai roa / My noble tōtara from the great and long lines of descent.
He rākau taumata i roto i te wao He tangata tāwharau i tōna iwi
He kākahu ka tiaki i te tangata i te whiu o te huarere
He kaupapa, he tangata, he whare, he mea ka tāwharau i tētahi kaupapa
Whakatari hauhunga
Kahu pītongatonga
He kākahu ka tiaki i te tangata i te whiu o te huarere He kaupapa, he tangata, he whare, he mea ka tāwharau i tētahi kaupapa
Āe, ka maru koe i tōku pūreke, he kahu pītongatonga (JPS 1904:68). / Yes, I will shelter you with my rough rain-cape, an impenetrable garment.
Waero pūtahi
Ko te waero pūtahi, he kākahu kurī
The ‘waero pūtahi’ is a dogskin cloak.
He kākahu nō te rangatira He kupu anō mō te rangatira
Kāhu kōrako
He kāhu kōtea
He kotuku rerenga tahi
(noun) chief, highest-ranking leader
Ko Pōkaia, hei pāpā ki a Hōne Heke, te kāhu kōrako o te riri
Pōkaia, an uncle of Hōne Heke, was the war leader.
Iwi tuaroa
iwituaroa: (noun) backbone, spinal column, spine (of the body) - sometimes written as two words, i.e. iwi tuaroa
He taituara, he poutokomanawa Te tuarā o te kaupapa – me i kore ake te kaupapa i a ia
Tuara pahore
He tuara pikopiko ki te mahi He tangata pukumahi
Pakihiwi kaha
Ka waha te pakihiwi i ngā taumahatanga
He pou whirinaki i te wā o te taumaha
Rae mōtuhi
Te heke o te werawera i te rae o te tangata
He tangata pukumahi
Pākai riri
(noun) screen, defence
He wāhi haumaru i ngā whiu o te wā He wāhi, he tangata tāwharau i te iwi i te wā o te taumaha
Tāiki ngāpara
Ko te tāiki ngāpara i whakamahia ai hei rama.
E kore e tere pau te kaha o te tāiki ngāpara
He tangata pukumahi kia tutuki rā anō te kaupapa
Ko te pou whakawairua o te whare tipuna
He kupu mō te kaikarakia
Pītau whakareia
(noun) carved canoe figurehead with deflected arms
Me he pītau whakareia
Like a carved canoe figurehead with deflected arms.
Te wāhanga o mua o te waka tauā – māna e wāwāhi ngā ngaru, māna hoki e ārahi te waka He tangata ārahi i tōna iwi
Hoanga matarehu
hōanga matarehu: (noun) fine sandstone, fine sandpaper - sandstone is used in cutting and grinding stone implements
He tūmomo kōhatu ka whakamahia ki te whakakoi i te mata toki
He momo tangata ka whakaputa mai i te pitomata i roto i ētahi atu
Whītiki i te kī / whatiwhati i te kī
He pū kōrero, he arero pounamu Nā te pai o te tangata ki te kōrero, whītikina atu ai e ia ngā taura kōrero me ngā taura tangata
whakatarae hauhunga
He kākahu ka tiaki i te tangata i te whiu o te huarere
He kaupapa, he tangata, he whare, he mea ka tāwharau i tētahi kaupapa
Taku whakatarae hauhunga kua taka kia ākina ai au e te hau
Kotihi rerehua
Extreme beauty
Manu arataki i te kahui
The bird that takes care of the flock - as they fly this position alternates
Manu tāiko
Lead bird
Manu taupua
Keeps watch when the birds land to eat
Manu whititua
Tribal oracle
Me he ōturu ngā karu
Eyes like the full moon
Me he rangi raumati paruhi koe
Like a perfect summers day
Ngā papa kõritorito o taitamatāne
The restless waters of tangaroa
Ngā poutokomanawa o ngā whare kõrero
The oratorical virtuoso
Ngā rāuru o kurumatarērehu
Spirals of tattooed face/nga hau e wha
Nga rimurimu o taitamāhine
Pacific waters of hinemoana
Nui pūwhāwhā iti kahikātoa
Dont judge a book by its cover
Pūoioi rau o te totara haemata
Numerous knots of the vigorous totara
Purapura tuawhiti
The gifted intellectual the lerned scholar
Assembly of chiefs
Taku hei pīwara
My child, my beaver ornament
Taku rau matatiki o te kī
Wellspring of oratorical skills
Taku tipare ka taka noa
My learned scholar who has departed
Taringa rahirahi
Good listener
Te kuku o te manawa
The pincers of the heart
Te kura o te ahi
My shelter from the storms..my scarlet flame
Te pakipaki o te makiu
Admired and revered by the multides
Te taikākā o te rākau
The backbone of the family
Te whakarua kākā
The gathering of collective wisdom
Te whakatutūtanga o te hīnawanawa
The intelligence and virtuosity to raise goosebumps