He Pūranga Tākupu a Taranaki Flashcards
Having the appearance of being pleased, imparting pleasure
He āhuareka hoki tāna mahi.
His/Her work is appealing
A raised platform in a prominent position, particularly of a sacred nature
Kua tae ki te ahurewa o ōna tūpuna, o ōna mātua
She has reached the special position of her ancestors
String, fishing line or fine fibre, espicially that which is used to make cord or garmets
Land cultivation or the hard work associated with it
An environment, time or situation which is comfortable or inviting
He mea āhuru te mihi o te tangata
The mans greeting was hospitable
An epidemic, dangerous, sickness, calamity
Te kupu mihi a te Māori mō ōna mate aitū (tāna tamaiti)
The expressions of Māori people in sympathy for their immense loss (his child)
A disaster , accident, often attributed to an err of protocol
Climbing vines, creeping tendrils roots
Aka, akaaka
Huna katoatia ana te rākau ki te akaaka
The tree is completely hidden with the vines
Charge Forward in a forceful way, particularly in battle, apply pressure, force an issue
Verbal and non-verbal encouragement, moral support; To force, compel (within an intense context)
Kei te taha o te wharenui aia e akiaki ana i ōna iwi
She is beside the meeting house urging on her people
Throw something aside, away, discard
A rainbow - its physical
appearrane or nature. (as
opoosite to the spiritual
expression of a rainbow
Ka iri te āniwaniwa kei runga ake i tōna whare.
The rainbow stretched out up above her house.
The cold of weather, the
atmosphere or environment.
especially an extreme cold
Anu, anuanu
Tūtakina te tatau, kei te hou mai te anu o te pō.
Close the door, the night’s cold is coming inside.
Thin, slight, a grouping which
is sparse
He angiangi rawa tēnei tarau mō tērā wāhi makariri.
These pants are too thin for that cold place.
Uneasiness, dizziness,
Kaua hei ruku hōhonu i te kāwa, kei anini tō māhunga.
Don’t dive deeply down on the reef, lest your head begins to spin.
Crowded to the point of not
being able to move freely
Ka apiapi te whare rā i te urunga mai o te tangata whenua.
The house became crowded when the home people came inside.
The connecting of objects,
concepts or opinions
Ka āpiti atu ngā kōrero ki tēra i taukumengia ai inanahi.
The discussion related back to the issue debated yesterday.
To show or lead in a direction,
action or principle
(arahina-pass.) (arataki)
Māna ō tātou manuhiri e arahi atu ki te whare kai.
She will show our visitors to the dining room
A blockage or barrier, or to
stop an endeavour or action
Aukati, aukoti
..i te rohe o Te Pakakohi i aukatia e rātou te rūri i taua whenua.
.. in the territory of Te Pakakohi in which the survey of that land was prevented by them.
To climb a slope very quickly
Kua kite iho rāua i te ope rā e aupiki ake ana ki te whakaeke i te
They both saw the party charging upward to overthrow the pā.
A ditch dug for the flow of
Kitea ai te pounamu rā i a ia e mahi awakeri ana i tōna pāmu.
The greenstone was found while he was digging the drain on his
To be worried, or unsure about
something; Feelings of
To become familiar with, used to, accustomed
Horekau (kāore) ahau i taunga ki tēnei tikanga
I was not use to this practice
A storm with strong winds
E kore taua whare rā e hinga, ahakoa rū, ahakoa āwhā, ahakoa
That house won’t collapse, in an earthquake, storm or whatever.
Mother, Aunt
A twirling action, spiralling
twisting; A whirlwind
Āwhio, āwhiowhio
Be on guard, cautious, wary
..me te kī atu anō kia āwhitu tana haere, kei te hāmama hoki te
mura o ngā umu.
..and also told him to watch his step, the oven fires are all ablaze.
A place or thing that gives a
gloomy, or horrible feeling
He āhua āwitiwiti taua whare i mua rā.
That building was horribly run down before.
To splash or sprinkle water
Ehu, ehuehu
Ka ehuehungia atu he wai ki runga i te mara.
Water is sprinkled onto the vegetable garden.
Another important fact is, on
top of that
Enanga hoki kei te kī taua karakia i haria mai ngā taonga
whakairo i runga i te waka rā.
..another important fact ,…,makes a direct reference that the art of carving was brought here on that canoe.
Seems to be like, appears as
though, likened to
Ētia koe he pōkai manu e whakatopa mai ana i te kare o te
You are just like a flock of birds gliding over the waves of the sea.
Literally breath from respiration
or fumes in air, unseen power,
essence or a feeling
Ko te hā o te kai i te hakari.
The essence of the food at the feast.
To restrict, prevent, eliminate
or get rid of something
Ka haepapa i tōu reo.
Your voice will be suppressed.
Developing into a state or form
Kei te pai haere tana taki i taua karakia.
She is getting better at reciting that karakia.
Skin problem,
infection or
disorder (fig. issues causing
community quarrels); Scabby
He hakihaki katoa ōna waewae.
His legs are all covered with sores.
A derogatory joke or
provocative statement
Me mutu ngā hakirara o tēnei iwi, o te Māori.
Māori should refrain from insults and slander.
Of frightening or horrible
appearance (colloquial)
Titiro ki tēnā ngeru hako.
Look at that ugly cat.
A slight vibration that can be
heard when someone is
Ka rongo i te hākuru.
Hear the slightest footstep
Gape wide open, especially
the mouth when shouting or
Kei te hāmama atu te waha ki a rātou.
The mouth is wide open shouting to them
To be aligned to, consistent
with, appropriate or facing
toward something
..e ono ngā whakarapopoto e hangai ana ki runga i te kaupapa e
pā ana ki nga kawai kōrero, koia ēnei:
..there are six points about this study that relate to oral history, they
are as follows:…
Words or actions used to
humiliate someone
Hani, hanihani
Ko āna kupu hanihani, he kupu ka mau ki te hinengaro.
Her ridiculing statements are the words that the mind will hold onto
To carry or transport
Kei te hari tonu aia i te kupu ki ngā iwi hei kōrerotanga mā rātou.
She is still spreading the word to the people for their discussion.
To scrape so as to prepare
material with suppleness,
especially flax
Ka hāro, nā whai ā, ka ngehengehe, ka ngāwari.
(It) is scraped, and eventually becomes supple and soft.
Many different species of
mushroom or fungus
I tōna taenga atu ki taua wāhi, ka kohikohi aia i ētehi harore
When she arrived at that place she collected mushrooms for her.
The vibration of the
atmosphere or earth
Haruru ana te whare i te kaha o te whatitiri.
The house tremored with the reverberation of the thunder.
The movement of air, wind
Pupuhi mai ana te hau ki tōku aroaro.
The wind is blowing toward my face.
A light and cool breeze
He pai tonu te hauangi i ngā rangi wera whēnei.
The light breeze is good on hot days such as these.
A particularly cold wind
Short intermittent rain, showers
The harvesting of crops
Me hauhake e tāua nga taewa o tōna māra.
We should dig up the potatoes of her garden.
Low hanging frosty mist,
especially common to high
mountains emphasising beauty
and prestige
Kua tau te hauhunga ki runga o Tongariro.
The mist has settled on Tongariro.
An established home
Ka hoki atu au ki tōku haukāinga.
I will return back to my home.
Stubborn nature, defiance,
single mindedness
To stroke or caress gently with
Saliva from the mouth
Kaua e tukuna te kuri kia miti i o wae, te hauware hoki.
Don’t let that dog lick your legs, all that saliva.
Severe depression, apathy,
..nā te hawihawi, nā te whakamomori, nā te kōngenge.
due to the gnawing depression, the losing of the will to live and
sheer exhaustion.
A state of error, wrongness or
Hei aha taku pakiwaitara, kei hē ngā ingoa.
Never mind my story, I might get the names wrong.
The radiance of heat also the
sound of sizzling in a fire
Me noho ki te hihi o te rā
(We) should sit under the heat of the sun
A spark; The starting of a fire
or of action
Kua hika ake te ahi.
The fire has been set alight.
To have sexual intercourse,
experience an orgasm
Hika 2
Ai au tō hika, he reka anō.
I slept with you and enjoyed it.
To be lively, energetic, bold or
…ahakoa i te hīkaka o Titokowaru kia whāia anō te ara o te
..although Tītokowaru was dynamic in pursuing the discipline of modern warfare.
To lift up to a higher level
Kua timata te hiki haere
It has started to be lifted up
A quick flash of light,
commonly associated with
lightning; Electricity (modern) ;
spontaneous activity
Ka hiko te uira
The lightning flashes
The tail, end of a fish or reptile
I mau te hiku o tana ika.
The tail of her fish was caught.
The greying of hair associated
with aging
Kātahi anō ka kitea ōna huru hina.
He has only just seen his grey hair.
A trap constructed to catch
Hurihia te hīnaki kia ahu atu ki te moana
Turn the hinaki so that it faces toward the sea.
The seat of reasoning and
Te mahi o te hinengaro
The function of the mind
To fall downwards or trip over
figuratively to die or be badly
Kia āta haere i te taha o te rua kei hinga koe ki roto.
Go carefully beside the hole lest you fall inside.
A fatty or oily substance
Kaua e whakarērea te hinu.
Do not discard the fat.
To cross over a point in time or
Kei te hangaia te whakawhiti nei, ā, kua hipa te awa
The bridge is being built here, and has now spanned the river
Spanning across, laying
Freely, willingly, unrestrained
or readily
Ko Kimble Bent tētehi hōia i whakarere hira noa i tōna iwi
Kimble Bent was one soldier who deserted his Pākehā counterpart
without reservation
Merged, joined, imbued,
….kua oti te hīri ki te whenua.
…the connection with the earth had been completed
To be ready, alarmed, or to
give an alert, to exaggerate or
grab people’s attention
..te hōhonutanga o te take i hiwa ai ngā rongo o te matenga o
Titokowaru e te Pākehā.
..the real reason why the news of Titokowaru’s death was such a
prominent news item to Pakeha.
To be inspired, stimulated or
..nā ērā mahi katoa ia i hirihiri hei reo whakahau i tōna iwi.
..it was through all these things that he was roused to be a leader for his people.
The ridge of a hill
Koia, ka heke te rā i tua o nga hiwi. Ka ngaro atu te kaupapa
tangata nā.
That was it, the sun set beyond the hills. The physical embodiment was lost to us.
A paddle used to propel
vessel; To paddle
Ka whakamaua te hoe roroa rā ki te kei o te waka.
That very long paddle is secured to the rear of the canoe
To stride;
A measured pace;
Legs to be widely stretched
E hōkai ai ōna waewae.
His feet widely placed.
Come back to a former place,
point or state
Kua hoki nei ōku mahara ki taua wā.
My thoughts have returned to that time.
Exchange items as trade,
especially with money
He mea hoko ngā kumara katoa.
The kūmara were all bought.
Give to or toward the speaker
(conforms with some rules of
passive verbs)
Ehara i te mea kua hōmai e ia.
It is not as though she gave (it).
Bring or join two or more
objects or subjects together
Kua honoa te kikokiko ki te wairua, kua tangata.
The physical and spiritual have become fused to create a person
The region of the torso around
and below the waist; To swing
hips especially to music
Hope (kopekope)
Nā te mōmona o ōna hope, kihai i uru
Due to the largeness of his hips he did not fit in.
Terribly frightened or in utter
shock due to some err of
protocol or custom
Kaua e kai ki reira kei hopo.
Don’t eat there, lest you become tormented with fear.
Disperse or spread out over an
Kua horahia te kai ki te tēpu.
The food has been laid out on the table.
Dispersed, spread or
disseminated throughout an
area or group
Katahi ka hōrapa taua tikanga rā ā puta noa, puta noa ki runga ki
ngā iwi o te motu.
Then that belief spread everywhere, over the people of this country
Having had a layer or covering
removed; To be bald or
Hore, horea (tīhore, pāhore)
He wāhi horea i te motu.
A place in the bush that has been cleared
The collapse of a building,
Horo (horopari, horowhenua)
E kore māua e haere mā te tahataha o te awa kua horo a reira.
We won’t get through by the river bank, there has been a landslide.
Clean away impurity or filth
Mā te wai koutou e horoi.
You people will be cleansed by the water.
Swallow whole ie without
Koirā te raru o te horomi kai.
That’s the problem with swallowing food down.
A loud, deep growling sound,
to yell out in a deep voice, to
roar; to be gruff
… arā, ko te horuhorutanga o tona reo.
.. in other words, the hoarse sound of his voice
Sudden tugging of a rope,
figuratively used for sobbing
Hotu, hotuhotu
Kei te hotuhotu tōku ngākau.
My heart is shuddering.
Generate, bear fruit or produce
something, or the fruit of a
Nō nāianei tonu ka kite atu au i ngā hua o ō mahi.
It is only just now that I have seen the product of your labours.
Plentiful, in very large
numbers, multitudes
..ki ērā wā e huahua ana te kereru, te tui, te kakapo i te motu.
..to those times when the pigeon, tui, and kakapō were plentiful in
the bush.
Open or uncover something,
especially something which
can be easily closed again
He oti anō kia huaki koe i te tatau
All you need do is open the door.
A course of travel or activity
Nāna te huarahi tika i tohutohu mai.
She gave directions as to the right direction.
A handsome or stately
appearance, especially of
shape or form (more often
used for a male)
Ka mutu pea te huatau o to tungāne.
Extremely handsome is your brother.
The inner region of the thigh,
the groin
Hūhā (kūwha)
Piri ki te hūhā !
Close to the groin.
A slow running streamlet or
Ka tōtō te kānga rā ki te wai o te huhi, kia rua ngā wiki neke atu.
The corn is soaked in the stream’s water for two weeks or more
To gather into a group, a
I huia rātou i te hui kaumātua
They were gathered at the kaumātua meeting
Generic term for foam or ice
Huka (kōhukahuka, hukarere, huka-ā-tai)
Ka pa ōku wae ki te huka, ka matao
My legs touch the snow, and were cold
Frost on the ground
Kua tauria te whenua ki te hukapapa
The land has been covered with frost
Snow or ice falling from the sky
Karawhiu ana te hukarere
The ice/snow was lashing down
Of a generation, group or
category of people
Huki, uki
He kano tangata anō te huki o nāianei i te huki o te nehenehe
The people of today are a different people to those of long ago.
Of a calm, peaceful nature;
Natural beauty
Hūmārie, hūmārire
He pai hoki rā a ia, he hūmārie
He is indeed good, he is gentle
Amputated, cut off
He ringa humuhumu tōna, engari e kaha tonu ki te taraiwa, ki te
whāwhā hoki.
He had an amputated arm, but could still drive and also grope (at the women).
To hide something, or be
hidden out of sight or
recognition, or destroy, not
..kia whāia tonutia, kia huna aua iwi kia mate rawa.
…to continue to pursue, and annihilate them until they were all dead.
A group of people sharing a
common characteristic or
Nā te hunga rangatahi i hanga.
The young people built (it).
Son or daughter in law
Hunōnga (hunaonga)
Kua riro ke te ika i taku hunōnga
The fish has been taken by my daughter-in-law instead.
To travel, migrate or move as a
group or with a purpose
Heoi anō, e eke tonu ana te tangata, e 400 - 500 atu e hūnuku atu ana.
People just kept on coming, 400, 500 or more travelling on.
Jump while moving in a
Kāore e tāea te hupeke atu ki tua.
Not able to jump to the other side.
Roll back, unveil or lift off a
Ko tēnei te wā hei hura i te hāngi.
This is the time for pulling up the hangi.
Make a rotation, turn from a
direction or change a state
Ka huri ōku karu ki te moana.
My eyes turn to the sea.
An anniversary; also refers to a
birthday (modern)
Whakaminemine mai koutou ki te huritau whitu tekau o Maraia.
You should all gather together for the seventieth birthday of Maraia.
Stagger about with delerium or
I kite atu au i ā koe ināpō e hoki hūrorirori ana ki te kāinga.
I saw you last night stumbling back home.
Hair or bristles from the body
or head of human or animal
including birdfeathers
Huru, huruhuru
Kua hunuhunua ōku huru i te ahi.
My hair has been singed in the fire.
To die or cease to exist
Kua oti i ā koe te hurumutu, kua mate.
Your death has been completed, (you) have died.
Pull or haul something upward
with force, ie pull weeds out
Huti, huhuti
Kei te huti rātou i te ika, i te tāmure, i te mangō.
They are reeling in the fish, the snapper, the shark.
A flow of air, water or a line of
thought etc
… hei whakaū i te tino ia o te kaupapa o taku whakaaro nei.
… in order to establish the basis of the theme of this my theory.
To sing a song
Otirā, he nui ngā waiata me ngā pao i Īere ai a Mirimiri mā ki a
Furthermore, there were many songs and dittys sung to me by
Mirimiri and others.
Power felt through inner
Kei ā ia te ihi kia tutuki ai.
He has the might to do it.
Shiver down your spine after a Shock
Kātahi ka wiri, ka ihiihi tōku tinana i te tūpono atu.
Then my body shook and tingled upon coming across (it).
The in depth philosophy,
essence or heart of something;
An umbilical cord
..me te mihi tonu o te ngākau ki te iho o ēnei kōrero….
and with real appreciation for the substance of these relatings
The nose of a being or
E kore e makariri tōna ihu.
Her nose will not get cold.
A fish also a whale; figurately
used for a casualty in battle
Kei te hōhā au ki te kai ika.
I am sick of eating fish.
Such as, thus, by reason of,
when or should that be the
Ina, inā
inā hoki kātahi rawa tēra tikanga ka whakaarangia mō tētehi
wā roa.
such was it the case that this protocol was just now being revived in a long time.
Something just immediately
happened, or is just happening
Ināianei (nō naianei)
Kua puta katoa atu ngā tikaokao inaianei.
All of the chicken have escaped out now
To warm oneself at a fire or in
the sun
Inaina (painaina, pātiti)
Hikaia te ahi kia mura, inaina ki te ahi kia mahana.
Light the fire so that it blazes, warm (yourself) at the fire to be warm
A time well in the past
He taonga i haria mai inamata.
An object brought here a long time ago.
I tae atu inanahi ō rātou mai.
Their clothes arrived there yesterday