Mātāmua Ko Te Kupu Flashcards
(noun) attitude
Kua rerekē haere ngā waiaro ki te hunga hauā i roto i ngā tau
Over the years attitudes towards disabled people have gradually changed.
(modifier) first, elder
(noun) decorative panels of a superior house, house with decorative panels
(stative) be assembled, collected together
(noun) treasure
puipuiaki: (modifier) rare, precious, valued, prized
He kākano puipuiaki
A precious seed.
anō hoki
(particle) also, too - does not begin a phrase and follows a base
(noun) list, inventory, roll, listing, catalogue
Heoi anō me pēnei noa ake te whakarārangi haere o ngā wāhi i tae ai au me ngā kōrero i rongo ai au
However, this is the way I should list the places I went to and the information I received.
(verb)(-hia,-tia) to desire, wish for, want, crave, need
matainaina: (noun) desire, wish, want, need, aspiration
Taku matainaina atu ki te mea a te tangata rā
My desire is for the property of that man.
(verb) to be deep
(noun) negative criticism, disparagement, denigration, disapproval
Anei tonu e hoe nei ahakoa pariparitia mai e ngā tai o whakatakē, o whakaparanga, o mihi, o whakamiha, koianei katoa hoki ngā āhuatanga ka pā ki te whakahaere Māori ahakoa he aha te kaupapa i whakatūria ai
Here we are still paddling despite being inundated by the tides of negative criticism, insincerity, acknowledgement and appreciation, but those are all aspects that affect Māori endeavours whatever they are.
(verb) to be disseminated, circulated, dispersed, spread, promulgated, extended
(stative) be in vain, fruitless, not worth the bother, trivial
(verb) to decline, set (of the sun)
Nekuneku rawa ake te rā, kua ngehe, kua tāhōhō te nuinga o ngā ākonga
When the sun was finally setting the majority of the learners were tired.
(verb) to be contracted, shrivelled up, crouched up from the cold, limited, restricted, crowded together, squashed.
(verb)(whakarērea) to leave behind, forsake, desert, bequeath, reject, cast away, abandon, quit (computer)
(verb) to be accustomed to, familiar with, used to, practised
(verb) to practise, rehearse, refine
(verb)(-hia,-tia) to meddle with, interfere with, tamper with, have on
(verb)(-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to convert, change, switch
(noun) cook, servant, chef
Ka whakaritea e te tohunga he tūmau hei tahu he umu te ingoa he ‘pure’
The tohunga arranged for a cook to light an oven, which was called a ‘pure’.
(verb) to move into action
(noun) movement
Ko te kanikani te neke me te kori a te tinana, me te ū anō ki te manawataki o te puoro (i te nuinga o te wā)
Dance is the movement of the body usually in time with music
(loan)(location) Germany
(loan)(location) Poland - a country in central Europe with a coastline on the Baltic Sea
(verb) to dissolve, wane, dissipate
Kei memeha ka ngaro
(verb) to dissolve, wane, dissipate
Lest it fade away and disappear
(verb)(-hia,-tia) to ill-treat with violence, rape, torture, destroy, abuse, maltreat, violate, mistreat
(verb)(-tia) to hold, retain possession of, keep, hold on to, grip, restrain, keep in the memory
(verb) to beat one another, clash, fight one another
Nā te matareka o Shelford ki te whakangaro noa i a ia te take nui i papatu tonu ia ki ngā mana hōia
Shelford’s penchant for absence without leave was the main reason he clashed with military authorities.
Nō paku tata atu
From a little closer
ko tenei e whai ake nei he mea waiata i te wa i tu ai te poroporaki
the following was sung during the sermon
hau maiangi
(noun) light wind
(verb) to be eager, urgent, quick, brisk, zealous, full of life, energetic
(verb) to work for a time, work as a volunteer, volunteer
(verb) to be attached, keep close to, faithful, loyal, committed
nō nā noa nei
just recently, just now
engari mō tēnā
not a chance! theres no way ll do that! not likely! I dont think so! no way! - an idom used to emphatically disagree with a statement.
engari mō tēnā: thats not right, no way was it done like that - an idiom to criticise some action
: (noun) penalty, sentence, punishment
(verb)(-ina) to be heart-rending, moving, sad, pitiful, poignant
aua atu (rā)
nonetheless, no matter, nevertheless, never mind, it doesnt matter, who cares, dont worry - an idiom used to indicate that there is nothing to be concerned about.