Kōrero Flashcards
E kīia ana, nā tētahi kuia o Tūhourangi, he tangi mō ngā rangatira maha o tērā iwi i mate i te horonga o Mokoia i a Ngā Puhi
- (stative) be dead, deceased, killed.
It is said that it is a lament by an elderly woman of Tūhourangi for the many chiefs of
that tribe who were killed by Ngā Puhi in the fall of Mokoia.
Hei ētahi wa i te Māori e mate ana, i te ohonga ake i te pō e kī ana tōna waha i te toto
Mate (stative) be sick, ill, ailing, unwell, diseased.
Sometimes when a Māori person is ill, on waking in the night her mouth will be full of blood.
Maia-a-te-ahu. Kei roto o Uawa, kei te huarahi atu i Mangaheia ki Waimata, i mate ai Te Aitanga-a-
Hauiti i a Ngāti Porou.
- (stative) be overcome, beaten, defeated, conquered, vanquished.
Maia-a-te-ahu. A place in the Ūawa valley (Tolaga Bay), on the road from Mangaheia to
Waimata, and the place where Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti were defeated by Ngāti Porou.
Tekau, tae ki tekau mā rua ngā rā e haere puku ai te kāmera e kore e mate i te hemokai, i te kore wai
- (stative) be in want of, lacking, overcome, deeply in love.
The camel can go without food for ten to twelve days without being overcome by hunger or lack
of water.
- (stative) be extinguished.
Ehara, kua weto taua ahi. Ana, tae rawa atu hoki a Mahuika ki te whare, kua mate noa iho i te ua
Low and behold, the fire had been put out. And so when Mahuika returned to the house, it had been extinguished by the rain
- Kãore kau he pâtai rorirori! Pâtai mai!
There is no such thing as a stupid question.
He matauranga Mãori e whakahaere ana i a tatou i ngã mahi katoa.
We use Mäori knowledge and processes of conflict resolution.
Kia pukuriri tetehi, me korero atu kite kaiwhakaako, kite pupu tonu ake, me wehe i te akomanga, kia tau rã ano te tangata.
If you become upset or angry with another student, please talk to your kaiwhakaako first, then leave the situation until you calm down. Abusive behaviour of any sort, will not be tolerated.
Kia tae wawe atu ki te akomanga, kaua e tae tomuri.
Arrive to class before class begins prepared to work,
Kia tae a-tinana atu kingã akomanga katoa, me he take nui kaore koe e puta kite akomanga, whakapä mai
Attend all classes. If you are unable to attend, you must notify your kaiwhakaako, or Te Whare Körero.
Kia tae a-tinana atu kingã akomanga katoa, me he take nui kaore koe e puta kite akomanga, whakapä mai
Attend all classes. If you are unable to attend, you must notify your kaiwhakaako, or Te Whare Körero.
Kia whakamana i te tohu, i te Whare Wänanga, i te tangata i ngã mahi katoa.
Enhance the mana of the institution, your fellow students and staff in our behaviour towards each other,
- Kia ngäkaunui, kia ngäkau mähaki tetehi ki tètehi.
Always exercise patience and respect towards each other,