Colloquialisms Flashcards
For crying out loud!
Hika mā!
Tōna tikanga
Know it all!
Whakaputa mōhio!
Has an answer for everything
Kāore e nama te kōrero
That creep!
Te weriweri rā
Never ever forget it
Tuhia ki tō rae
Is that so!
Meinga! Meinga!
Butt out
Tō ihu
Well that expains it
Nā whai anō
Thatll do!
Ka mātua i tēnā!
You only live once!
Ehara i te tī!
So what!
Kia ahatia!
Youre awesome all right!
Ka wani kē koe!
Yes indeed!
Āe mārika!
Who cares!
Aua atu!
Youre awesome all right!
Koia kei a koe!
Ger, youre the one
Kino kē koe
Neat! Choice! Cool!
Taputapu kē!
What a snob
Te tū mai hoki o te ihu
Have you learnt your lesson?
Kua mau tō iro?
Kāti i konei!
This ends here!
How terribly offensive!
Pakaru mai te haunga!
Without a doubt
Kāore e kore
Why should i care!
Hei aha atu māku!
My hands are tied
Kāore i a au te tikanga
Nāwai rā, nāwai rā
Thats the price you pay!
Koinā te utu!
To no avail!
Auare ake!
Tau kē
Pretty good
You bet, for sure
Engari tonu
Theres plenty of fish in the sea (said to a male)
Tāne rau ā-hine
Theres plenty of fish in the sea (said to a female)
Hine rau ā-tāne
I hated it/hate it
Taku matakawa atu
Cried his/ her eyes out
Pakaru ana te tangi
No idea whatsoever
Tē mōhio hoki
In a foul mood
Kua kino kē ngā piropiro
Hanepī tonu atu
Ezaggerating/ laying it on thick!
Hau pirau!
Broke ( no money)
Kua pakaru te pūkoro
Promiscuous woman!
Tarau makere!
Promiscuous man!
Ure paratī!