WH: Vaginal + Vulval Disorders Flashcards
What is urinary incontinence ?
It is the involuntary loss of control of urination
what are the main 2 types of urinary incontinence ?
- Stress
- Urgency
What is urge incontinence ? also known as ?
urge incontinence (overactive bladder)
- overactivity of detrusor muscle of bladder
what will patients with urge incontinence often complain of ?
sudden feeling to urine + rush to the toilet
(when they gotta go, they gotta go)
what is stress incontinence ? due to?
due to weakness of the pelvic floor + sphincter muscles => allows mine to lead when increased pressure on bladder (increased intraabdominal pressure)
what will patients with stress incontinence complain of?
leakage of urine when laughing, coughing or surprised
What is mixed incontinence ?
symptoms of both stress + urge incontinence
What is overflow incontinence ?
obstruction to outflow of urine => chronic urinary retention => overflow + leakage of urine
What is overflow incontinence caused by ? (4)
- Anticholinergic meds
- Fibroids
- Pelvic tumours
- Neurological disorders (MS, Diabetic neuropathy)
- posterior POP (+faecal loading)
RF for urinary incontinence ? (6)
- Increasing age
- Post-menopausal
- increased BMI
- prev pregnancy + vaginal deliveries
- neurological disorders
What investigations are done for urinary incontinence ?
- Bladder diary
- Urine dipstick (to exclude infection)
- Post-void residual bladder vol
- urodynamic testing
what info is there in a bladder diary ?
- fluid intake
- urination vol
- incontinence vol
Management of stress incontinence ?
- Lifestyle: avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking, dietetics + overfilling bladder
- Weight loss
- Supervised pelvic floor exercises
Urge incontinence management ?
- Bladder retraining
- Anticholinergic meds (oxybutymin)
- Incasive procedures
what does bladder retraining involve ?
gradually increase the time between voiding
SE of anticholinergic medications? (3) give example of this type of drug
- dry mouth
- dry eyes
- urinary retention
What is pelvic organ prolapse ?
Descent of pelvic organs into the vagina
POP pathophysiology ?
as a result of lengthening + weakness of muscles + ligaments surround the uterus, rectum + bladder
name the pelvic organs from anterior to posterior
- bladder
- vagina
- rectum
what is an anterior compartment prolapse ?
weakenes anterior vaginal wall
- cystolcele
- urethrocele
what is a cystolcele ?
bladder prolapse into vagina
what is a urethrocele + cystocele called ?
what is a middle compartment prolapse ? (2)
- uterine prolapse
- Vault prolapse (post hysterectomy)
what is a posterior compartment POP ? (3)
involvement of posterior vaginal wall
- Enterocele
- Rectocele
What is enterocoele? be specific
small bowel prolapse
- usually pouch of Douglas
what is rectocele and what can its cause?
rectum prolapse
- causes constipation + faecal loading => urinary retention (due to urethral compression)
POP RF? (6)
things that weaken + stretch ligaments
- Postmenopausal
- Multiple vaginal deliveries (increasing parity)
- Instrumental/prolonger/traumatic deliveries
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- DM
POP presentation ? (3)
- feeling of something coming down/dragging heavy sensation
- Urinary symptoms (incontinence, urgency, frequency, weak stream, retention)
- Sexual dysfunction: pain, altered sensation, reduced enjoyment
what would you do for POP examination ?
sims speculum
(support anterior wall to see rectocele (vice versa)
how many grades of uterine prolapse are there ? which is worse ?
grade 0 - 4
- grade 0: normal
- grade 4: full descent with eversion of the vagina
what are the 3 general categories for POP management ?
- Conservative
- Pessaries
- Surgery