Neurology (Z=>F) Flashcards
Describe myelin in terms of resistance and capacitance
- Increase resistance
- Decrease capacitance (ability to store charge)
Is myelin found in cells of CNS or PNS?
What is myelin sheath made out of ?
made of lipid-rich substance (mainly lipoprotein)
What is Multiple sclerosis (MS)?
Chronic and progressive condition causing demyelination and axonal loss of neurones of the CNS
Does MS affect CNS or PNS?
Just CNS. PNS not affected.
MS Epi?
- Young adults (20 - 40)
- more common in women
MS pathophysiology/aetiology?
Autoimmune process
- Inflammation around myelin and infiltration of immune cells => damage to myelin => affect electrical conduction along the nerve
How to patients often present to health services with MS?
present with an “attack” (e.g. episode of optic neuritis) and MRI would likely show other lions of demyelination throughout CNS
How does early on MS compare to later on?
Early disease: demyelination may occur => symptoms resolve
Later: remyelination is incomplete => symptoms gradually become worse
What are those buzzwords to describe MS diagnosis? what does it mean?
Lesions disseminated in time and space
- lesions change location over time => different nerves are affected => symptoms change over time
MS RF? (5)
- FHx
- Living further away from the equator
- Smoking
- Obesity
Signs and symptoms of MS. onset? duration?
- Usually progress over >24 hrs
- Symptoms usually last days- weeks
(then improve)
What is optic neuritis ?
(most common MS presentation)
demyelination of optic nerve => unilateral reduced vision developing over hours-days
Optic neuritis symptoms (4)
- Pain on eye movement
- Vision loss
- Central scotoma
- Impaired colour vision
Name some MS symptoms
Can affect anywhere!
- Central: fatigue, cognitive impairment, depression
- Visual: nystagmus, optic neuritis
- Speech: dysarthria
- Throat: dysphagia
- MSK: weakness, spasms, ataxia
- Sensation: pain, numbness, tingling
- Bowel: incontinence, diarrhoea, constipation
- Urinary: incontinence, frequency, retention
What is the first episode of demyelination + neuro signs + symptoms called? why this not MS?
Clinically isolated syndrome
- Cannot be diagnosed as MS with just 1 episode
Describe relapsing remitting MS disease course. How is it subdivided?
(most common)
- episodes of disease followed by recovery
- active/not active
- worsening/ not worsening
what does active or no active MS mean?
Active: symptoms developing or new lesions appearing on MRI
What does worsening or not worsening MS mean?
Worsening: overall worsening of disability over time
What is secondary progressive MS?
initially relapsing-remitting but now progressive worsening of symptoms with incomplete remissions
What is primary progressive MS?
worsening of disease + neurological symptoms without initial relapses + remissions
How do you get MS diagnosis? what criteria?
- Based on clinical picture
- McDonald criteria
- Investigations can help
What would MRI and LP find in MS?
MRI: demyelinating lesions
LP: oligoclonal bands in CSF
MS management - 3 general bands and what do they mean?
- Disease modification: disease modifying drugs => induce long term remission
- Treating relapses: Steroids (prednisolone)
- Symptomatic treatment: exercise, Neuropathic pain, depression, incontinence, spasticity
What is a stroke?
Acute onset of neurological symptoms of presumed vascular origin
What causes an ischaemic stroke? + 4 examples
ischaemic + infarction: caused by disruption to blood supply (thrombus, stenosis, shock (reduced BP), vasculitis)
What causes haemorrhage stroke?
haemorrhage stroke: caused by vascular rupture => intraparanchymal/SAH/…
What is a TIA?
transient ischaemic attack
- Transient neurological dysfunction secondary to ischaemia without infarction
Describe presentation of a stroke (5)
- Asymmetrical
- Sudden weakness of limbs
- Sudden weakness of facial muscles
- Sudden onset dysphasia
- Sudden onset visual or sensory loss
Stroke RF (8)
- CVD (angina, MI, PVD)
- Prev stroke/TIA
- AF
- Hypertension
- DM
- Smoking
- Vasculitis
- Haemophilia
What screening tool is used for stroke? what does it stand for?
- Face
- Arms
- Speech
- Time (act fast and dial 999)
What risk score is associated with stroke? tell more - what is it actually used for? what does it stand for?
ABCD2 score: Risk of stoke in next 24 hours
- Age (>60)
- BP (>140/90)
- Clinical features
- Duration
- Diabetes
Patient presents with visual defects and perception disorders - what blood vessel effected?
Posterior Cerebral artery
Patient presents with sudden onset aphasia. what has likely caused this? be specific
ischaemic stroke
left (or dominant) brain hemisphere - Middle cerebral artery
patient presents with weakness and sensory loss of the left sided upper limb. what is this? what affected?
right ACA/MCA
Describe the management of stroke. starting from patient admitted to A&E?
- Admit patient + exclude hypoglycaemia (blood glucose)
- Immediate head CT
- Aspirin 300mg stat (if CT head excludes primary intracerebral haemorrhage). continue aspirin for 2 weeks
- Thrombolysis (alteplase)
- Consider surgical intervention - thrombectomy
Management of TIA
- Start aspirin 300mg daily
- ABCD2 score to determine wither seen in 24 hrs or next 7 days
- secondary prevention for CVD (atorvastatin)
ongoing management of stroke?
- secondary prevention: clopidogrel (75mg once daily), atorvastatin (80mg), carotid stenting (if carotid US shows stenosis)
- Treat modifiable RF (smoking, hypertension, DM)
layers of the meninges (out => in)
Dura => arachnoid => pia
What is GCS? min score? categories?
Glasgow Coma Scale
- min score 3/15
- Universal tool to assess consciousness: based on eyes, verbal + motor response
What is subdural haemorrhage usually caused by?
rupture of bridging veins (between dura + arachnoid mater)
How would subdural haemorrhage look on CT?
- Cresent/banana
- Not limited by cranial sutures
Epidemiology for subdural haemorrhage? Why?
elderly + alcoholics
- bridging veins become weaker and more atrophic
How does extradural haemorrhage look on CT?
- Biconvex/lemon on CT
- Limited by cranial sutures
describe SAH? usually caused by what?
bleeding into subarachnoid space (where CSF is)
- usually caused by ruptured cerebral aneurysm
SAH presentation
sudden onset occipital headache (thunderclap) often during strenuous activity (lifting weights, having sex)
- Hypertension, aneurysm, cocaine use, smoking, excessive alcohol
- Cocaine + sickle cell anaemia
SAH investigations and what would they show?
CT: bright white bleed
LP: CSF will show raised Red cell count and xanthechromia (yellow colour due to bilirubin)
Angiography (CT or MRI): once SA is confirmed to locate the bleed
SAH management? (4)
- Intubation and ventilation
- Surgical intervention, repair vessel to preven re-bleeding
- Nimidipine (CCB) to prevent vasospasm
- LP or shunt insertion to preven hyrdocephalus
What is motor neurone disease?
Umbrella term that covers variety of specific diagnosis
- progressive + ultimately fatal condition where motor neurones stop working
Describe sensory symtoms in MND
none! no impact on sensory neurones so patient will experience no sensory symptoms
MND pathophysiology
progressive degeneration of U + LMN (sensory neurones spared)
- aetiology not fully understood
MND presentation? patient speak ?
- Weakness of muscles throughout body affecting limbs, face, trunk, speech
- patient speak: clumsiness, dropping things, tripping over, slurred speech
signs of LMN disease? (4)
- muscle wasting
- decreased tone
- fasciculations
- decreased reflexes
Signs of UMN disease? (3)
- increased tone/spasticity
- risk (increased) reflexes
- upping plantar reflex
how is MND diagnosis made?
clinical presentation + exclude other conditions
MND management?
No way to halt or reverse progression of disease
- Riluzole can slow the progression of disease
- Symptomatic + supportive management
In general, for neuro syndromes, do signs or symptoms appear first? Which 2 exceptions are there to this rule?
Symptoms appear before signs except for…
- Myelopathy
- Peripheral neuropathy
What is a secondary brain problem?
Where the pathological process disrupting brain function is outside the brain
How many vital signs are there? what are they?
1) Pulse
2) BP
3) Temp
4) Respiratory rate
5) Oxygen saturation
Explain what usually causes a fixed and dilated pupil? go into detail
compression of the parasympathetic fibres on the outside of the third nerve (as it passes over the apex of the patriots part of the temporal bone (McDonalds burger nerve))
- Due to life-threatening brain swelling process
What are the 3 sections to the Glasgow Coma Scale? how many points to each one?
- Best motor response (6)
- Best verbal response (5)
- Best eye opening response (4)
What do you have to do before performing a lumbar puncture?
ensure prior appropriate cranial imaging (CT head)
What do you have to do before scanning (radiology) a patient?
Make sure the patient is stable
- Airway secure, vital signs are normal (resuscitation is complete and respiratory support is appropriate)
How many cranial fossa are there
- anterior, middle and posterior
What separates the anterior and middle cranial fossae?
lesser win of sphenoid
What separates the middle and posterior cranial fossae? Name in important structure that runs over this
- petrous part of temporal bone and foramen magnum
- CNIII runs over apex of petrous temporal bone => prone to getting squished (McDonalds burger)
Which demential is associated with features of Parkinsonism
Demential with Lewy bodies
What is the first line option for most forms of epilepsy? except for which type of seizure?
Name an important SE
Sodium valproate
- First line option for most forms of epilepsy (except focal seizures)
- SE: teratogenic !
What medication is first line for focal seizures ? name a SE
- SE: agranulocytosis
What is status epileptics?
- seizures lasting more than 5 minutes
- or more than 3 seizures in one hour
Management of status epileptics in the hospital? think it through
ABCDE approach
- Secure the airway
- Give high-cons oxygen
- Assess cardiac and respiratory function
- Check blood glucose levels
- Gain IV access (insert a cannula)
- IV lorazepam (repeated 10 mins if seizure continues)
- IV phenobarbital if seizure persist
What causes neuropathic pain (pathophysiology) ?
Cuased by abnormal functioning of the sensory nerves => delivering abnormal and painful signals to the brain
What is Parkinsons disease? caused by?
Progressive reduction of dopamine in the basal ganglia => movement disorders
Parkinsons disease triad of symptoms?
- Resting tremor
- Cogwheel rigidity
- Bradykinesia
(classically asymmetrical)
Describe (vague) distribution of symptoms in PD:symmetrical or assymtetrical ?
- Asymmetrical (one side is affected worse than the other)
What is the role of basal ganglia? explain how this links to PD?
- Basal ganglia responsible for habitual movements (walking, looking around, controlling voluntary movements)
- Substantia nigra produces neurotransmitter called dopamine
- PD: gradual + progressive fall I production of dopamine form substantia nigra