WH: Obstetric Emergencies Flashcards
What is primary PPH ? vol ? timing ?
- Primary post-partum haemorrhage is the loss of >500 ml of blood per-vagina within 24 hours of delivery
how much blood loss is required for it to be PPH for vaginal delivery ? for CS ?
- vaginal: >500ml
- CS: >1000ml
what is the difference between primary and secondary PPH ?
- Primary: within 24 hrs
- secondary: 24hrs - 12 weeks
What can cause PPH ? (4) give example of each ? most common ?
4 Ts
- Tone (uterine atony) (most common)
- Trauma (perineal tear)
- Tissue (retained tissue from placenta)
- Thrombin (bleeding disorder)
What can cause uterine atony ? (3) what can this increase risk of ?
most common cause of PPH
- uterine over distension (polyhydramnios)
- Prolonged labour
- Full bladder
PPH RF ? (9)
- Prev PPH
- Multiple pregnancy
- Obestiy
- Large baby
- Failure to progress in 2 nd stage of labour
- Prolonged 3rd stage of labour
- Pre-ecclmapsia
- placenta acreta
- Instrumental delivery
What preventative measures are there for PPH ?
- Treating anaemia during antenatal period
- Give brith with empty bladder
- Actie management of 3rd stage of labour
how does giving birth with an empty bladder reduce risk of PPH ?
full bladder => decrease uterine contractions
(full bladder is RF for uterine atony)
what drug can be given in the active management of ht third stage of labour ?
oxytocin (syntocinon)
overall approach to primary PPH ?
obstetric emergency
- Resuscitation (ABCDE)
- lie flat _ keep her warm
- group + cross match 4 units
- oxytocin
what 3 categories of management is available for primary PPH ?
- Mechanical
- Medical
- Surgical
what is the mechanical management of primary PPH ? (2)
- Rubbing uterus through about to stimulate contraction
- Urinary catheterisation => empty bladder (bladder distention preventer uterine contraction)
What is the medical managmetn of primary PPH ? (4) what type is each drug
- Oxytocin
- ergometrine (stimulate smooth muscle contraction)
- Misoprostol (prostaglandin analogue)
- tranexamic acid (anti-fibrinolytic)
What is the surgical mamangemt of primary PPH ?
- Intrauterine balloon tamponade
- B0lynch suture
- uterina retro ligation
- Hysterectomy (last resort)
rare complication of PPH ?
Sheehans sydnrome
What is secondary PPH usually due to ? (2)
- Retained products of conception
- Infection (endometritis)
labour related RF for endometritis ?
- CS
- Prematur ROM
- Long labour
what investigations for secondary PPH ?
- US (looking for RPC)
- highvaginal + Endocervical swabs
secondary PPh managmetn ?
depends on underlying problem
- dilatation + curettage
- Abx
(usuallydue to retained products of conception)
What bloo counts as minor PPH ? major PPH ?
minor: <1000ml
major: >1000ml
What is umbilical cord prolapse ?
it is when the umbilical cord descends below the presenting part of fetus and thought the cervix into that vagina (after ROM)