Paediatrics: NIPE screening Flashcards
Screening during pregnancy: What 2 investigations are done at around 10 - 12 weeks ?
- Ultrasound scan for genetic abnormality screening
- Blood test for 3 infectious diseases
what 3 infectious diseases are screening for in pregnancy?
- Hep B
- Syphilis
What screening is offered to women if diabetic? why?
Eye screening (because pregnancy increases risk of retinopathy)
When is the combined screening test offered?
10 - 14 weeks
What is involved in the combined screening test (what samples) and what does it screen for? what specifically does each test measure/look for?
- USS: Crown rump length (CRL) + nuchal translucency (NT)
- Blood sample: beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (bhCG) + pregnancy associated plasma protein - A (PAPP-A)
- Down’s, Edward’s, Patau’s syndromes
What happens if mother misses the window (what is it?) for combine screening test? what is she then offered? what does this test for?
if misses window of weeks 10-14 for combined test then:
- Qaudruple test (up to 20 weeks): Downs syndrome only
What is involved in the quadruple screening test?
blood sample looking for 4 pregnancy hormones
pregnancy screening: What test is done between 18-21 weeks ? what happens ?
US 20-week scan
- screen for 11 physical conditions
How long after birth should the newborn physical screening test be done?
72 hours
What 4 areas does the NIPE screening exam screen for?
- Heart
- Eyes
- Hips
- Testicles (in boys)
What does the heel-prick test screen for and when is it done?
5 days old: blood spot test
- tests for 9 rare diseases (e.g. CF, sickle cell disease, congenital hypothyroidism)
What screening exams are done on a newborn in the first few days of life?
- NIPE (72 hrs)
- Heel-prick (5 days)
When is the infant physical exam done?
6-8 weeks
How many antenatal and newborn screening things are there?
6 (3 antenatal and 3 newborn)
what antenatal screening programmes are there? when are they? (3)
- SCT: Sickle cell + thalassaemia screening programme (10 weeks)
- IDPS: Infectious diseases in Pregnancy screening programme (8-12 weeks)
- FASP: fetal anomaly screening programme: 2 parts: (10-14) (18- 21 weeks)
What 3 newborn screening programmes are there? when are they?
- NBS: Newborn blood spot (5 days)
- NIPE: Newborn + infant physical examination (72hrs) (6-8 weeks)
- NHSP: Newborn hearing screening programme (4-5 weeks)
What are the 4 screening components of NIPE? what condition in particular for each one
- Heart: Congenital heart disease
- Eyes: Congenital cataracts
- Hips: Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
- Testicles: undescended testicles
When would NIPE newborn screening be delayed?
usually within 72 hrs unless
- too ill
- too young (<34 weeks gestation. wait until 34 weeks corrected age)