Psychiatry: Neurodevelopment Flashcards
what is ADHD ? characterised by what ? (3)
neurodevelopment disorder characterised by:
- inattention
- hyperactivity
- impulsiveness
how does ADHD often present to health care ?
due to poor school performance or sorptive behaviour
describe ADHD symptoms ? characters by the 3 domains
- inattention: difficult maintaining focus on thought/ task, easily distracted, task avoidance, signore instruction, lose things, disorganised, forgetfull
- Hyperactivity: energetic, difficulty sitting still/ withholding impulsions
- Impulsiveness: talk excessively, blurt out answers, can’t wait turn, interrupt
ADHD Dx ? requirements ? how long Sx for ? Sx onset ?
functionally imparting inattention, hyperacitivy and or impulsiveness (in 2 or more settings) for more than 6 monts
- young at onset (<12 yrs)
first line ADHD managment in children ? second line
- stimulant (methylphenidate), psychoeducation, +/- behavioural therapy
- 2nd line: different class of stimulant (amphetamine)
how do stimulants work ind ADHD Mx ?
increase dopamine and NAd => improve attention + hyperactivity
SE of ADHD Mx ?
methylphendate, amphetamine salts
- SE: growth restriction, appetite suppression, insomnia, addiction
What is ASD ? characterised by what ? (2)
neurodevelopemtnal disorder characterised by:
- difficulty in social communication/interaction
- Restricted interest/activites
ASD Dx ?
difficulty in social communication + restricted interest/activity present since early childhood => impairing function (exclude other causes)
what are some of the social communication Sx associated with ASD ? difficulty with what ?
- used of language (verbal + non-verbal) difficulties): delayed speech dev (or mute), struggle understanding + using body language/facial expression), only literal
- difficulty with: reprocity, turn-taking and sharing
describe the restricted/repetitiv pattern associated with ASD ?
insistence upon sameness
- same food/activies
- special interest
what other symptoms might there be in ASD ?
- sensory disturabce
- Savantism
- reduced cognition (I think)
ASD epi ?
- M>F (x4)
ASD Mx ?
- behavioural therapy
- speech and language therapy
what is a somatisation or somatiform disorder ?
body based/somatic sx (pain, nausea, SOB)
- resemble physical disorder but actually psychological (no pathology)
what is somatic disorder ? Dx ?
- somatic Sx
- medically unexplained
- accompanied by maladaptive thoughts + feelings: anxiety, time + energy
name some of the common presentation is somatic disorder ? most common ?
pain, fatigue, dizziness, stiffness, palpitations, N+V
- pain is actually experiences (not fake)
- GI tract most common presentation (diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation)
(chronic and impairing)
Somatic Symptom disorder Mx ? (3)
- Mindfullness based therpy
- Antidepressants
somatisation RF ? (3)
- female
- sexual or physical assualt
- ACEs
What is illness anxiety disorder ? associated with what ? describe this
obsessional preoccupation that one has a medical disease
- under ocd spectrum: obsessive thought (belief that ill) => impulsive behaviour (check sings + Sx) => distress + dystfuciton => repeat
how illness anxiety disorder different to somatic Sx disorder ?
somatic Sx disorder is focus on Sx where illness anxiety is stress is not about the Sx but the disease (will make condition worse when no Dx found)