Paediatrics: Renal/Urinary/Urology Flashcards
what structures are in the urinary tract ?
- urethra
- Bladder
- Ureters
- Kidneys
What is acute pyelonephritis ? leads to ?
it is when infection affect tissues of the kidney => scarring => reduced kidney function
What 2 things could confirm the diagnosis of pyelonephritis ?
- Temp >38
- Loin pain/tenderness
What is cystitis ?
inflam of the bladder (can be due to infection)
What is the most common cause of UTI ? be specific
most caused by bacterial organism from GI tract
- E.Coli (most common)
Name symptoms of UTI in babies ? (7)
- Fever (often the only symptom)
- lethargy
- Irritabilty
- VOmiting
- Reduced feeding
- Urinary frequency
- Failure to thrive
what investigations would you do for suspected UTI ?
- Clean catch sample
- Microscopy and culture
explain the expected results of a clean catch urine sample for suspected UTI ?
- nitrites
- Leukocytes
describe why there would be nitrites in urine in a UTI ? what causative organism ?
gram -ve bacteria (echericha coli) breakdown nitrates (normally found in urine) to nitrites
urine sample showed negative nitrites and positive leukocytes. What do you do ?
- don’t assume or treat its a UTI
- only leukocytes raised so most likely vulvovaginitis
What do leukocytes in urine suggest ?
can be small amounts normally but rise suggest infection of inflammation
presentation of older infants + children with a UTI ?
- Fever
- Abdo pain
- Vomiting
- Dysuria
- Frequency
- Incontinence
Management of UTI in a baby < 3 months ?
- All children <3months: start immediate IV Abx (ceftriaxone)
- Septic screen (blood cultures, bloods, lactate, consider LP)
Management of UTI in children > 3months ?
- Oral Abx (trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin)
When would you admit a child with UTI ? what would you do ?
- under 3 months
- if septic
- if pyelonephritis
admit + IV Abx
Would investigations would you do for someone with Recurrent UTIs ? to look for what ?
- US scan (I think to look for renal scarring)
- Micturating cysourethrogram (MCUG) (VUR)
What does a micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) assess ?
assess for vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR)
What is vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR) ? cause of what ?
urine ahs tendancy to flow from the baldderback to the ureterus => upper UTI => renal scarring
- cause of recurrent UTIs
Managmetn of vesicle-ureteric reflux (VUR) ? (2)
- Avoid constipation or excessively full bladder
- Consider prophylactic Abx
What is vulvovaginitis ?
it is inflammation + irritation of the vulva + vagina
In who is vulvovaginitis common ?
common condition affecting girls between 3 - 10 yrs
what is vulvovaginitis caused by ?
caused by sensitive + thinned skin + mucosa around vulva + vagina in young girls
what exacerbates vulvovaginitis ?
- Wet nappies
- Chemical soaps
- Tight clothing (traps sweat)
- Poor toilet hygeine
why does vulvovaginitis affect pre-pubertal girls ?
at puberty: oestrogen helps keep vagina + skin healthy so prevents it
vulvovaginitis presentation ?
- soreness, itching
- erythema
- vaginal discharge
- Dysuria
What would be seen on urine dipstick for vulvovaginitis ?
may show leukocytes nut no nitrites
(don’t misdiagnose as UTI)
vulvovaginitis management ?
- Avoid washing with harsh soaps
- Keep area dry
- Good toilet hygiene
What is nephrotic syndrome ?
It is when the basement membrane in the glomerulus becomes highly permeable to protein => allows protein to leak from blood into urine
classic triad nephrotic syndrome ?
- Low serum albumin
- Raised protein urine content (>3+ on urine dipstick)
- Oedema
other features of nephrotic syndrome ? apart from classic triad
- deranged lip profile
- raised BP
- hypercoagulability
Nephrotic syndrome presentation ? age ?
age 2 - 5
- Frothy urine
- generalised oedema
- Pallor
What is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children ?
minimal change disease
(cause in 90% of children)
What is minimal change disease
nephrotic syndrome without any clear underlying pathology
What will be seen on urinalysis in minimal change disease ? (2)
- small molecular weight proteins
- Hyaline casts
what will be seen on renal biopsy in minimal change disease ?
will not detect any abnormalities
Management of minimal change disease ?
- Corticosteroids (prednisolone)
minimal change disease prognosis ?
most children make a full recovery
Would can cause nephrotic syndrome in children ? (3)
- Minimal change disease (90%)
- Intrinsic kidney disease: focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
- secondary to systemic illness: HSP, diabetes, infection
what are podocytes ?
specialised epithelial ells of the glomerular BM
oedema differential ? (4)
- Nephrotic syndrome
- HF
- Allergic reaction
- Malnutrition
Nephrotic syndrome management ?
- High dose corticosteroids (prednisolone)
- Low salt diet
- Consider dietetics for oedema
- Prophylactic Abx (due to leak of immunoglobulins)
Nephrotic syndrome complications ? (3)
- Hypovolaemia
- Thrombosis
- Infection