Well Child Care: Anticipatory Guidance Flashcards
What are the different type of anticipatory guidance topics?
- Development/behavioral issues
- Injury prevention
- Violence prevention
- nutritional counseling
- Oral health
- Fostering optimal development
What is the leading cause of death in children and adolescents?
Unintentional injuries
*Males at higher risk
What is SIDS
Sudden infant death syndrome
How to reduce the risk of SIDS?
Back to sleep Firm sleep surface No pillows or loose bedding or blankets Do not smoke Do not share a bed Actively check on child
What are the two types of ways to put an infant to bed?
- Extinction (used for children who don’t need to be feed)
- Put infant to bed same time every night (ignore crying, tantrums). Don’t go in until morning
- Gradual extinction
- Comfort the child for fifteen seconds to a minute, then leave him/her again if they’re still crying
- Progress in 5 minute intervals
What is the primary cause of death in children?
Motor vehicle injuries
What are the recommendations for at seat safety? (Infant-preschoolers)
- infants and toddlers should be in a rear-facing safety seat until 2 y/o
- Toddlers and preschoolers: over 2 or have outgrown the rear facing car seat should use a forward-facing car seat
What are the car seat safety recommendations for school-age and up?
- school-age children should use a belt-positioning booster seat
- Younger than 13y/o should be restrained in the rear seats with a lap and shoulder seat belt
What is the leading cause of injury and death in young children?
What are the categories of fire and burn injuries?
Smoke inhalation Flame contact Scalding Electrical Chemical Ultraviolet burns
What is the most common type of burn in a child?
*120 F
What is the easiest way to prevent fire deaths?
85% are prevented with a smoke detector
Discuss fire plans
What is the leading cause of non-fatal injuries in children ages 0-19?
What is the number for position control?
1 (800) 222-1222
What is the second leading cause of injury-related death in children?
*1-3 y/o have the highest rate
What doubles the likelihood of a lethal suicide attempt?
A gun in the home
* US has the highest rate of firearm related death than any other country
What is an effective way of eliminating a frequent, annoying, and relatively harmless behavior?
Ignore it
What are the AAP recommendations with screen time in children?
< 2 y/o should not have any screen-time
Children 2-5, max 1 hour a day
When should the first breast feeding (colostrum) happen?
Within the first hour
How can you tell when a neonate is ready for a feeding?
- alert and vigorous
- has no abdominal distention
- has good bowel sounds
- has a normal hungry cry
- occur within 6 hours after birth
How many hours should a neonate be feed?
Every 2-5 hours or on demand
How long (age) does the USPSTF, AAFP, and AAP recommend breastfeeding?
At least 6 months
* 12 months preferred method * vitamin D supplementation for the first yer of life
What type of vitamins does breast milk not have?
-vitamin K, D, B12, and zinc
How long should breast feeding along with complementary food last until
2 years