Travelers Health Flashcards
When should a pre travel evaluation be obtained?
At least one month before travel
-Medical history
What are the three categories for immunizations when traveling
- Routine prevention
- Required for travel
- Recommended based on the risk of exposure to disease
What are infections that are transmissible by contaminated food and water?
Travelers diarrhea
Hepatitis A and E
Transmission of parasitic infections
What are vector born disease/
What is malaria/
Plasmodium parasite in mosquito transmission through bite, fever, sweats, myalagias, confusion
What is Dengue?
mosquito born fever, rash, bleeding manifestations (vaccine)
What is chikungunya?
Mosquito born fever, myalgias, arthritis, rash (no vaccine)
What is Zika virus?
mosquito born pregnancy transmit to fetus
-congenital defects, microcephaly
-no vaccine
What can rafting and exposure to floodwaters result in?
Exposure to leptospirosis
What is leptospirosis?
Bacterial illness infecting humans from direct contact with animal urine
-through cuts, mucous membranes, or conjunctiva
What is schistosomiasis?
Infection with parasitic blood flukes
-from bathing in fresh water contaminated by cercariae carried by snails
-“snail fever”
What is stronglyoidiasis?
Infection with the helminth
-Filariform larvae penetrate the skin and migrate via the blood stream and lymphatics to the lungs
-Strongyloides stercoralis
-S. Stercoralis
What is the most common cause of death among travelers?
Traffic accidents
If someone has a unstable medical condition should they fly?
If someone has a medical condition that could lead to inflight illness what might they need to have?
A medical certificate
Can someone with TB or epilepsy fly/
Epilepsy: yes
>1 seizure in the prior month should not fly
What can the lower partial pressure of oxygen in a flight cause to individuals with pulmonary issues/
What should asthmatics carry on the flight with them?
A rescue inhaler
-SABA (short-acting beta agonist)
What is a CI to air travel (pulmonary)
If someone has OSA what must the get approved before coming onto the flight?
Portable oxygen concentrator
How to determine if a patient needs supplemental oxygen?
Use 6 minute walk test
-Resting pulse ox is not fully predictive of in-flight hypoxia
Does DVT get worse with air travel?
-long distance travel, either air or land (2-3 fold increase)
What is a life threat to a mother and fetus?
Malaria prophylaxis key
What are risk factors for venous thromboembolism/
Recent major surgery
Prior VTE
Active malignancy