Week 9 - Talocrural joint Flashcards
Which part of the talus does the tibia and fibula articulate on, and what is the joint called?
The body of the Talus and it is called the Talocrural joint
What other structure helps keep the Talocrural joint stable?
Interosseus membrane of the Tibia and Fibula keeps both bones together
Talocrural joint
Type of joint, physiological movement, accessory movement?
Type of joint: Synovial joint
Physiological movement: Plantarflexion, dorsiflexion
Accessory movement: Talar body rolls in mortise, anterior posterior glide
What is a mortise?
A carpenters mortise joint that is cut perfectly to wedge two pieces together
Talus tilt
Not anatomical, it’s a way of describing excessing tild of the talus.
The talus cannot tilt in dorsiflexion due to the body of the talus being wider more anteriorly
Is dorsiflexion or plantarflexion more stable at the Talocrural joint? and why?
Dorsiflexion, the Talus is wider more anteriorly so there is a wider base of support when the tibia and fibular glide anteriorly in dorsiflexion
Lateral ligaments of the TCJ
Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)
Calcaneofibular joint (CFL)
Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL)
Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) attachments, limits and assisted by
Anterior: The neck of the talus
Posterior: Lateral malleolus
Limits: Inversion in plantarflexion
Assisted by: Fibularis longus and brevis
Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) attachments, limits and assisted by
Proximal: Lateral malleolus
Distal: The lateral surface of the calcaneus
Limits: Inversion
Assisted by: Fibularis longus and brevis
Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) attachments, limits and assisted by
Lateral: Medial surface of Lateral malleolus
Medial: Posterolateral surface of talus
Limits: Dorsiflexion
Assisted by: talar body shape
Medial ligaments of the ankle (deltoid)
Anterior tibiotalar, Posterior tibiotalar, Tibionavicular part, Tibiocalcaneal
Sustentaculum tali and what muscle attaches on the inferior surface
A horizontal shelf that arises from the anteromedial portion of the calcaneus which supports the talus. The inferior surface has a groove for the tendon of flexor hallucis longus.
Anterior tibiotalar attachments
Medial malleolus to the of the neck talus
Posterior tibiotalar attachments
Medial malleolus to the body of the talus
Tibionavicular attachments
Medial malleolus to the navicular bone
Tibiocalcaneal attachments
Medial malleolus to the calcaneus