Week 3 Bacterial Struc Flashcards
Hydrophobic substance acid fast
mycolic acid
Halo like
Mechanism of Slime layer
Inhibits phagocytosis and host tissue
Acetone alcohol
optimal growth of mesophiles
20° to 40° C
is the most common solidifying agent or it is the solidifying agent in a medium
Made by adding a solidifying agent to the nutrients and water.
Solid (agar) medium
Powder used for solidify agent
Agar powder
1 genus of cell wall less bacteria
1 structure unique to gram negative
Proteins, phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide
Specific term for pair cocci
Phase of growth curve that is constant
Stationary phase
Exact ph range of media ideal for growth of most organism or Diagnostic laboratory media for bacteria are usually adjusted to a
final pH between
Neutral ph (7.0 -7.5 ph)
Organism requires extra amount of carbon dioxide or organism that required extra amount of co2 is called?
Capnophilic organism
Bacteria reproduced/replicate to which process
Binary fission
Where Growth can be seen at aerobe or require oxygen for their growth.
Obligate aerobes