Week 2 Flashcards
Chronic disease
serious, slow onset: lasts weeks, months, years-duration= more then 6 weeks
Local disease
the disease is confined to one region of the body.
Subacute disease
used rarely because of its inconvenience
- its hard to get an understanding of what this is.
- it lasts between 1 week and 6 weeks.
-sometimes it is built into the same of some disorders.
Systemic disease
the disease is considered SYSTEMIC if it involved other organs and systems.- affects more then one organ
Local damage
the one limited to one or more distance sites WITHIN a diseased organ.
Diffuse damage
uniformly distributed damage WITHIN a disease organ is considered as DIFFUSE.
the identification of the patient’s specific disease
the prediction of a particular disease’s outcome
Causes of cell injury
- deficiency
- intoxication
- trauma
the lack of substance(s) necessary to the cell.
Two types of deficiency
Primary nutrient deficiency
Secondary nutrient deficiency
Primary nutrient deficiency
ack of the components in the food. (one component of the food is missing form thefood)
skin is damaged by DERMATITIS
CASAL NECKLACE- skin around the neck is very red.
Her skin is like this because she has absence of niacin-skin cracks and you develop infection of the skin
-PELLEGRA= lack of vit b3.
-BERIBERI= lack of B1
-SCURVY= lack of vit c
Intoxication (poisoning)
-the presence of a substance that interferes with cell function with bad consequences.
Two types of toxins
Exogenous toxins and Endogenous toxins
Exogenous toxins
toxins which come from outside our body
a) infection
-the food is infected. (with gram negative bacteria)-food poisoning death)
c) overdose of
some chemicals
-results in:
Poisoning of pupils (from non washed hands or food)(jaundice, hepatitis A- if you don’t wash your hands)
Botulism, salmonellosis, bacteriological weapon.
-many chemicals can result in intoxication
-interferes with cell function
-very serious in the USA