Week 10 Part1 Flashcards
-(1)tuberculosis (TB)
-mantoux (tuberculin) reaction
This will not give you an infection… this is just a screening for it.
God to do 48 hours after because it is delayed.
-if papilla can occur (between 1-2 cm)= positive mantoux reaction. (If
there is presence of the bacteria in the body, we will already have
synthesizes cells against the bacteria)
-if the patient is infected by mycobacterium TB there is a specific reaction
on the skin of erythema (redness) and induration (sclerosis or
-macrophages and other cells accumulate around the area and account for increased permeability to BVs for fibrinogen. Fibrinogen goes to the site ofinjection
Perivascular accumulation of T4- lymphocytes and (to a lesser extent) macrophages.
-fibrin results in induration (hardening)
-erythema is due to increased blood cells
-no reaction of papilla less then 1 cm is considered negative mantoux reaction
-this tells us whether this patient has or has not been infected by TB
GRANULOMA (formed by the body by presence of TB infection)
-granuloma- prevention of spread of the bacteria from this area to any
other area in the body. Mycobacterium can not spread out and they arekilled in this area.
-epithelioid cells- same as macrophages with a different shape
- interferon- gamma (from the T lymphocytes) cause the epithelioid cellsmake giant multinucleated cells
-infection surrounded by epitheloid cells, then by multinucleated cells,
then lymphocytes and fibroblasts and CT (these are all components of thegranuloma)
Giant multinucleated cells
Langhans-type body cells
Foreign body-type body cells (formed on infectious diseases)
(2)Contact dermatitis
-the most known develops when there is exposure to poison ivy or poison oak.
-if you touch a leaf from the poison ivy you get urushiol in your body (thisis the substance accounting for delayed type HSR- the active substance
accounting for this reaction which is in the poison oak. ) and two days
later you will see the effects of the immune reaction in your body.
-this is not a chemical burn by the plants, this is a type 4 HSR.
the substance accounting for delayed type HSR- the active substanceaccounting for this reaction which is in the poison oak
t cell
(1) antiviral immunity
(2) anti tumorous immunity
(3) graft rejection
t cell
-here the effector cells are T8 cytotoxic cells
They find and eliminate the bad boys from the human body
They play a huge and important role in our body
antiviral immunity
- they want to find viral infected cells and kill these cells with the virus in them (in type 2 is requires the presence of the ABS- but here this can work immediately instead of waiting for Abs to develop= 10-14 days)
- this is important because we can fight the virus faster.
anti tumorous immunity
-every day many cells (4 billion) in our body undergo deviation from
normal development. If they aren’t eliminated
malignant tumors
-T8 cells find these deviated cells from normal development and kill them-so they prevent cancer in our body.
-cancer can develop when our immune system isn’t strong enough (so we need to keep healthy)
graft rejection
-if there is appearance of non self cells in the body these cells are rejected
by the body
-T8 cytotoxic cells account for rejection of none self cells.
-this is a big problem with organ transplants. (rejection of donor organs)-
so we have to suppress the immune system after operation and the personwill have to be quarantined after operation
-the best thing to do is get an organ from a blood relative so the change for rejection is much less.
delayed type HSR
Of type 4
- (1)tuberculosis (TB)
(2) Contact dermatitis
- NEOPLASIA means tissue formation and involves overgrowth of a tissue to form aneoplastic mass, of NEOPLASM, which is called TUMOR
- tumor means swelling
why the tumor
Adaptive growthrespons
is the process of cell and organ enlargement that occurs in
response to increased demands*
-cells enlarge in side
-example: hypertrophy in the heart in response to increase resistance to blood flow= hypertension
mitosis produces new cells, but only in quantities needed to meeta particular demand.
-example: increased irritation of skin under the joints in RA = production of callouses.