week 10 - neonatal transition Flashcards
what are the difintion of foetus, newborn, neonate and infante?
foetus- unborn human
newborn up to 24 hours
nenoate- up to 28 days
infant birth to a year
what are the umbilical arteries?
carry dexygenated from nenate to mother branching from internal illiac artiers at a pressure of 50mmhg
what is the umbilical vein?
carry oxygentatde blood from mother to nenoate
connects to portal circulation where blood is shunted to IVC via ductus venosus
pressure normally 20mmhg
what are the three shunts in the foetal circulations?
ductus venous
forman oval and ductus arteriouses
what does the ductus venous allow?
shunts portion of left unmbilical vein bypasses liver inot IVC into right atrium
what is the degree of shunting through the ductus venous?
30% at 20 weeks and 18% at 32 weeks
what happens to the ductus venouses after birth?
closes soon after birth as blood flow is reduced/stopped from umbilical vein- colts and closes
what is the foraman ovale?
defect/tunnel between the atria
what is the flow of blood through the foraman ovale?
oxygenated blood from IVC into right atrium into left atrium due to lower pressures in the atrium compared to the right ventrical
how long does it take for the foraman ovale close?
closes within first few months
what is a patent formen ovale? what are the risks of this?
when the foraman ovale doesnt close
usually doesnt cause complications- small risk of hypoxeia if large- blood bypassing the lungs
small riske of stroke-
what is the ductus ateriosis?
blood vellse connecting the main pulmonary artery to the proximal decending aorta
what does the ductus arteriosis allow for?
bulk of blood from right ventrcal to bypas foetal lungs as no gas exchagehigh pressure into the aorta to travel to lower body
how long does it take for the ductus arterious to close?
when baby starts crying/lungs active- snap shut relativly quickly
what is a patenet ductus arteriosis? what can this cause?
left to right shunt and needs to be corected and lead to pulomanry hypotnesion and cardiac arythmias
when is surfactant produced?
begins around 30 weeks and normally adequate levels by 35 weeks
what is the blood flow like in foetal lungs?
minimal because resistance is so high- foetal SPO2 around 40-60%
how are the foetal lungs in the uterus compared to the outside?
Lungs is completely felated
lymphatic system drain fluid in lungs at birth
baby cires and inflates longs
when are the primative reflexs formed?
most reflexs are present 3-4 months into pregnancie
when is the primative gut present in foetal delveopment?
by the 4th week of gestation
what consists of the primitive gut in the foetus?
forgut, midgut and hindgut- will develop into organs in the GIT
what happens in the second and third tirmester in regarrds to the foetal GIT?
2- foetus begings to injects amniotic fluid
3- foetus beging to form meuconium which may be passed prior or after birth
when does the foetal renal system begin to develop?
2nd trimester foetus begins to excrete urin into the amnion
how much of the amniotic fluid at birth is foetal urine?
70-80 %
kidney problems in the foetusmay present as obligohydraminos- low levels of fluid