Water Flashcards
Surface water
From river and lakes
River water can often be variable so these are often dammed to create reservoirs so often dammed to create reservoirs which can store water for dry period
Ground water
Is water in the spaces between porous rocks. Layers of rock underground that contain water are called aquifers. Water is extracted by either digging wells or the more modern method of boreholes drilling. Electric pump then bring the water to the surface
Removing salt and other minerals to create fresh,drinkable water. Desalination is used where fresh water supplies are short
- seawater intake
- filtration
3.reverse osmosis
—> seawater is forced through a membrane that lets through water molecules but not salt particles
- chlorination
- Storage
Factors affecting water supply
Climate- water deficits-> low level rainfall and high temperature
Water surpluses-> rainfall is high and Temperature lower
Geology- rainfall flows down to the rock beneath the ground . Some rocks are permeable and allow water to flow through them. Permeable rocks lead to less surface water
Population-big urban area use large amount of water, especially in MEDCs this is often for dosmestic use
More people but fixed amount of water
—>more water will be used for domestic use likely to have water deficit
Pollution-some places have plenty of water but pollution has made it unsafe to use. Untreated sewage and waste waste form factories cause problems groundwater is usually cleaner although pollutants can travel down into the ground
Level of economic development- large amounts of water are used by factories or for cooling water in nuclear or thermal power station
—>countries develop, water use increases
—> high income countries
—> water footprint is higher HIC than LIC
-> a lot of water is used in industry
Meaning that is is likelier for there to be a water deficit in dry MEDC
Importance of agriculture-> irrigation uses water-higher chance of there being water deficit-especially if the country relies on surface water
Proximate of rivers
- > river transport water to dry area from wet areas
- > if it rains a lot in a place or if a major river flows through it , it is likelier for there to be a water source
Industry example of using water
Domestic use of water
MEDC- showers bath,washing machine, swimming pools
LEDC-don’t have access to piped water and use it more sparingly . Water is brought from wells or stream
Household things
Preparing food
Washing clothes
Agricultural use for water
To grow fruits
Raise livestock
Crop cooling
Water used in agriculture
IN MEDC , irrigation is mechanized . Using sprinklers
LEDC, irrigation channels are prone to losing water through evaporation
Water used in industrial use
Industries in MEDC can be a large scale and so demand a lot of water
—>steel industry for manufacturing purposes
LEDC have smaller scale cottage industry
They demand less water in the production of items
However as more multinational companies locate in LEDC there more demand on water
Dug by hand are common way of accessing water but the supply can be unreliable and sometimes as well itself can be source of disease
Low cost
Can do it themselves
Low maintenance
Won’t take long
Not hygienic
Dangerous to young children
Stagnant water
Will not provide water all the time
Can require more equipment to dig but can be dug quickly and usually safely. They require a hand or diesel pump to bring the water to the surface
Clean water
Won’t dry up
People are experts
Expensive high maintenance
Cost of electricity
Power cuts
Dams and reservoirs
River transport water to sea. Dams block river So that reservoirs of water build up behind, rather than drain away .
This provides large supplies of drinking water all year round and reduces water insecurity especially where precipitation maybe seasonal
Dams and reservoirs can also prevent flooding as the flow of the river is controlled and they can generate electricity through HEP
Impacts of water security
Lack of clean piped water
Waterborne diseases
—: malaria, diarrhea
Food production
-> water insecurity can lead to lower level of food production
—> not enough water to irrigate the crops
->source Of conflict in some parts of the world. Seizing dams is a powerful way of controlling water and HEP
Problems supplying water in MEDC there are
- quality of availability water
- distribution
- seasonal changes in supply
- broken pipes when transporting water
Managing water demand
Having a shower instead of a bath
Collecting rainwater to use on the garden rather than tap water
Recycling bath water to flush the toilet with
Installing more efficient version of appliances such as washing machines
Why are there water shortages
Rainfall isn’t equal around the world , meaning that water isn’t evenly distributed. Countries with less rain may have water deficit creating drought . Water shortages are a result of rising demand and falling supply . The rising demand is created by economic development. Water shortages can occur if the water is
Impact of water shortages
To people
The body needs water or it becomes dehydrated
—> due to lack of water
—> people are unable to work and earn money as water shortages make people weaker and more susceptible to disease
Crop failure
-> could lead to starvation
Water is used for domestic use in MEDC
—> people might not be able to clean themselves leading to poor sanitation
Impact on water economic development
Water is required for industry
—> industries can’t expand if there is a water shortage
—> if industries can’t expand , people could lose their jobs and their income
If people are ill from dehydration, they won’t be able to work and earn money affecting the country’s economy
If there is crop failure from lack of water ,mpoeple won’t be able to sell their crops and earn a profit
Because metal production demands high qualities of water , a water shortages would directly hinder the success of these industries
Managing water
Water management -aims to reduce water waste
Building dams -to collect and store water
—> could be an emergency water supply in water shortages
Limiting water extraction from wells-prevents ground water depletion
Rationing/restricting water usage-e.g using water meter or penalties
Importing water-to support or falling supply
Desalination plants-to provide potentially limitless water from the sea
Drilling more boreholes-to use unexploited aquifers
Afforestation-to increase water inception
Recycling unused water-to reduce water wastage
Explain how poor water supply may affect the development of a country
Poor water supply likely to flow down development
Many people have water borne disease
- > chlorea
- > typhoid
People not able to be educated/work
Money spent on treating disease
Lack of water for agriculture
Lack of food
In suffice to water for some manufacturing industries
I suffice to water for HEP
Pay to import water
Method increasing supplies of water
Build dams
Build dams
Rainwater harvesting
Water treatment
Rainwater harvesting
Import water
Piped water infrastructures
Explain why is it important to increase clean water
Essential for survival
Health of population will be improved
Life expectancy increases
Less money needed to treat water
Improve hygiene
People will be stronger
Children can go to school
Water used for cooking and washing
Explain why women in LEDC spend many hours each day carrying water
People carry small amounts
Journey are slow
Many don’t have piped supplies
Got no taps
Long way to go
Traditional role of women to collect water
There are no roads
Explain why many people in LEDC die from waterborne disease
Lack of water infrastructure
Few water treatment
People are using dirty water
Water is also used to dispose sewage’s
Poor sanitation
Lack of healthcare
Lack of education
Can’t afford to buy bottled water
Pipe from springs
Low cost
Naturally flow downhill
Stagnant water in tank
Pipes cross people land
Explain why dam building scheme are important to the economies of LEDCs
The project will create employment
Water supply for industry
Which create multiplier effect
Generation of HEP
Will encourage economic growth
Tourist will be attracted to the dams
Increase yield of crop
Explain how poor water supply may affect the development of a country
Many people will have waterborne disease
Like chlorea
Can’t go to work or schools
HEP insufficient water
Yield of crops
Money spent on treating diseases