Economic Developement Flashcards
Environmental threats of economic activity causes
Food production
Description of soil
Chemical spray
Deforestation Of an area
Killing habitats for food
Air pollution from machines
Environmental threats of economic activity causes
Loss of habitat
Acid rain
Creates greenhouse gases
Impacts on food chain
Global warming
Atmospheric pollution
Kills animal
Environmental threats of economic activity causes
Destruction of habitat
Damage of corals
Increase pollution from travel
Kills habitat by building hotels
Litter from tourist can kill animal
Environmental threats of economic activity causes
Transporting fuels create pollution
Pollution created by using energy supplies
Fracking from the ground
Visual pollution from the factories, ugly and smoke
Noise pollution from the factories
Environmental threats of economic activity causes
Water supply
Drowns and kills species
Washes soil
Affects biodiversity and wild life
Climate change may lead to drought , drying out certain areas
Becomes poisonous from mixing with sewage and chemicals waste
Air pollution threats local and global
- lead can affect the brain development of children
- indoor air pollution is worse in LEDC due to biomass heating and fuel
- gives people asthma attacks transportation
- greenhouse gases can lead to climate change
- to it air pollutants can cause cancer
- CO can reduce oxygen trans
Water pollution local and global
-eutrophication From nitrate kills water animals
Increase in cancer rate from anti cancer medicines in the sewage’s into water supply
Destruction of ecosystem
Chemical sprays and fuel leaks may contaminate
Noise pollution local
Increase human blood pressure
Reduce ability to sleep
High decibels can kill animal hearing
Causes behaviour problems as animal use sound for signals
Visual Pollution
Eyesore and distressing to users
May devalue house prices in the area
Economic activities generate green house gases
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides and ozone are examples - management
•use clean energy
•electric car
•plant trees
•line dry clothes
•don’t leave things on standby
Effects of enhanced global warming
global temperature variations and heatwaves
•rising sea levels
•melting of ice caps
•increasing acidity in oceans
•growth of the tropical belt
•destroying ecosystems
Soil erosion causes
- results from high population pressure
* deforestation
* overgrazing of natural pastures
* poor agricultural practices
* absence of soil conservation of marginal land
Consequences of soil erosion and desertification social
loss of traditional knowledge and skills
•forced migration due to food scarcity
•social tensions in reception areas for migrant
Desertification causes
gradual transformation of habitable land to desert
caused by climate change and destructive land use
natural causes may include temporary droughts period occurs when already fragile land in arid areas is overused
Consequences of soil erosion and desertification social
loss of traditional knowledge and skills
forced migration due to food scarcity
social tensions in reception areas for migrant
consequences of soil erosion and desertification economic
reduced income from traditional economy
decreased availability of fuelwood, leading to purchasing oil
increased dependence on food aid
increased rural poverty
migration causes loss of tax revenue
consequences of soil erosion and desertification environmental
loss of soil nutrients from wind and soil erosion
changes in composition of vegetation
loss of biodiversity
reduction in available land for farming
increased sedimentation of streams because of soil erosion
dust storms due to activity breaking up matter further
Management of soil erosion
•use fertilisers
contour ploughing
plant trees
prevent water from being channelled downslope
do not overgraze
use wind protectors
Define desertification
The process by which fertile land becomes less productive
Reduce desertification
Afforestation->roots bind soil
Contour ploughing-> so less soil erosion
Education about agriculture techniques
->less surface runoff
Crop rotation -> less deforestation
Terracing maintain soil fertility
Explain why greenhouse gases are building up in the atmosphere
Burning fossil fuel
-> oil and coal
Aircraft emission
Carbon dioxide
Methane from livestock
Explain how acid rain can cause problems for the whole food chain
Acid rain can cause serious problem for many animals and plants as a result the entire food chain is affected.
Explain how the effect of acid rain could be reduced
Produce energy without fossil fuels
People can use renewable energy such as solar and wind power
Renewable energy sources helps reduce acid rain because they don’t produce much pollution
Burning coal which contain less sulfur
Flue gas desulphurisation
Using unleaded petrol
Negative effects of global warming
Pressure on ecosystem
Temperature rises
Water shortages
Sea water level increases
Climate change
Loss of biodiversity
Loss of industry-tourism and fishing affected as sea level rises
Flash floods
Affects of acid rain
Acidification of soil
- > kill the organism
- > damage ecosystem
Corrosion of buildings
-> building surfaces get corroded
Damage human health
Acidification of rivers and lake
- > weakening of shells such as insects
- > aquatic flora and fauna die from high acidity of water
Effects on effects of rivers acid rain
Acidic water through soil water flow
Fishes can’t swim in acidic waters
They can die
Soil effects acid rain
Plants grow a slower
Take up acidic water
Plant is effectively poisoned
Reduce amount of crops acid rain can make the nutrients and mineral in the soil unusable
Human effects acid rain
Asthma increase
Eye and throat irritation
Buildings are getting corroded
Finiacial effects acid rain
Cost of loss of productive farming land
Cost to loss of fishing
Cost to loss of healthcare system
Cost to repair buildings
Climate change impacts
Sea level rises
- health impacts
- > air quality
- asthma
Agriculture impacts
- crops yield
- irrigation demands
Forest impacts
Change forest composition
Water resources
Change water supply
Water quality
Positive impacts on global warming
Increased agriculture land
Possible to grow more
Reduction in cold death
Release of freshwater- reduce drought
Reduced heating-people can heat propety less
Accessibility of resources
Global warming solution
Reduce reuse and recycle
Renewable energy
Carbon sequestration
International agreements
Adaptation global warming
Build more sea defences
Improved meteorology -predict and track events so that pollution can be warned and therefore prepare
Disease treatment-if the strength of the sun rays intensify disease like skin cancer will nor’easter we will have to improve treatment
Resettlement - rising sea level will create climate refugee in countries like the Maldives and Bangladesh
Explain why global warming is a threat to natural environment
Melting ice glaciers
Loss of habitat
Rising sea level
Loss of species
Forest fires
Vegetation loss
Increasing droughts
Forest fire
Loss of habitat
Help conserve natural resources
Save energy
Use less resources
Waste product becomes useful
Resources last longer
Make more uses
Importance of conserving natural resources and natural environment
Protect habitat
Prevent global warming
Species don’t become extinct
Many non renewable are finite
Conserving the natural environment will ensure ecosystem