Wallace Guardian of Scotland and leader of the Scottish Army Flashcards
What was the result of England loosing at the Battle of Stirling Bridge?
Almost everything Edward had gained in 1296 was lost.
Who did Warenne entrust the care of Stirling Castle to and why did he have to surrender?
Warenne entrusted the castle to Sir Marmaduke de Tweng but it was not provisioned for a long siege and had to surrender.
Who was accepted by the political community as joint leaders of the Scottish Kingdom and Army?
Andrew Moray and Wallace
What port did Moray and Wallace recapture?
Who did Wallace and Moray send a letter to in October 1297 and what did it say?
They send a letter to Merchants Lubeck and Hamburg in Northern Germany telling them that Scotland was “recovered from the power of the English” and they invited them to resume trade.
Why did Wallace need trade?
He needed trade to recover and obtain resources for the war effort.
When did Andrew de Moray die?
November 1297, most likely from wounds at the battle of Stirling Bridge.
Who does Wallace rule in the name of?
Scotland’s legitimate King John Balliol.
Which pro Balliol bishop did Wallace appoint to the vacant bishopric of St Andrews?
He appointed William Lamberton.
Who successfully lobbies Pope Boniface VII and King of France to pressurise Edward I into releasing John Balliol into papal custody?
Lamberton and political exiles.
What is the impact of Lamberton and political exiles lobbying Pop Boniface VII and King of France?
It raises Scottish hopes for the eventual restoration of King John.
What happened in October 1297?
There were sporadic attacks across the boarder into northern England .
What happened in November 1297?
Wallace leads army in harrying of Cumbria and Northumberland and threatened Newcastle and Carlisle but lacked siege equipment.
What crisis did Edward I face?
His own subjects were on the verge of rebellion: his military campaigns in Wales, Scotland and France had led to increasing demand on them for money, men and military service over seas.
What united english subjects behind Edward?
The shock of the defeat at Stirling bridge and the raids into northern England.
What is Wallace forced to do?
Prepare for inevitable invasion.