W4 Introduction, Consumers' emotional system, and Appraisal theory of emotion Flashcards
Hot vs. Cool system
Cool cognitions include attention, memory, and elaboration. It refers to processing under low arousal/ low emotions. Hot cognitions are responsible for processing the emotionally relevant features of the representations of the stimuli/high arousal contexts.
Appraisal Theory of Emotion
Appraisals cause emotions! 5 appraisa; groups
- Motivational state (rewarding/punishing)
- Situational state (present/absent),
- Probability (certain/uncertain),
- Legitimacy (positive/negative outcome deserved),
- Causal agency (other person/self)
Why do we feel anger instead of fear
Anger is something (1) caused by someone else, and (2) certain and Fear is (1) caused by something else and (2) uncertain
Why is it important to study consumer’s emotional response? 4
- Affect influences attitude independently of cognitive structure.
- It can create favourable and long lasting attitudes and influence product evaluation.
- It can influence attention and retention of information.
- It can lead to high product engagement (emotional connectedness to a product or a brand).
difference emotional appeal and effecive respons
Affective response involves “the generation of images or feelings” and is typically fast. Emotional appeal is “a message designed to elicit an emotional response”
When can affect have an impact? 3
Match between the product or the situation and our personal feelings.
Other than the intensity of the situation:
- Seeing others experiencing an emotion while using a product.
- Under time pressure. (emotional instead of rational cause emotional system is faster)
positive affect negatvue affect scale
o Base on word and languages, somteims hard to tell emotions in words
Mood Regulation: Valence and arousal 2
- Consumers in a positive mood are more likely to prefer products that are congruent with both the level of arousal and the valence of their current mood.
BUT - Consumers in a negative mood tend to prefer products that are incongruent with both the level of arousal and the valence of their current affective state.
study and results
energy vs ice tea: positive mood you choose for a drink that fist your mood (low or high arousal) negatvie mood oppoite
Basic emotions 5
Happiness Sadness Anger Surprise Disgust Fear
Can Positive and Negative Emotions Co-Exist? Example
: Money: “Imagine that your uncle, who has just been diagnosed with a very serious illness, unexpectedly gives you a cash gift of $20000 for your high school graduation.
Arousal is defined as
“the level of alertness or activation”.
Consumer’s state of physiological arousal varies frequently and is influenced by a variety of everyday events: * 6
- Presence of others
- Physical exertion
- Incentives
- Performance feedback
- Alcohol or caffeine consumption
- Exposure to emotionally charged stimuli (e.g., fear-arousing ads, erotic ads, political or religious messages).
- Moderate level of arousal is crucial to
to motivate or engage the person in elaboration process.
- High arousal states reduce the amount of processing capacity available for performing
- Endorser status (celebrity or noncelebrity
) has a stronger influence on brand attitudes under high than under moderate levels of physiological arousal, whereas argument strength has a greater impact under moderate than under high arousal levels.
How do content characteristics affect virality? 3
- Might contain useful content
- Valence : Positive emotions Willingness to share
- Level of arousal shapes social transmission: higher arousal more likelty to be shared
Study 2a: Amusement how and result?
Question for participants: How likely you would be to share a story about a recent advertising campaign
Result: more likely to share when amusement is high and felt more arousal in high amusement condition
Study 2b: Anger how and result?
Low anger condition: They read the baggage handlers seemed not to care about the guitars and how United was willing) to pay for the damages.
High anger condition: They read the baggage handlers seemed not to care about the guitars and how United was unwilling to pay for the damages.
Question: : How likely you would be to share the customer service experience
Resuls: more shared in high anger condition and higher level of arousal