Q&A 2 Flashcards
- Value-expressive influence
People adopt consumption patterns and behaviors that allow them to associate with desirable others (associative identification group) and dissociate from undesirable others (dissociative identification group).
- Informational influence
Consumers are influenced by information someone provides.
- Normative Influence
: Consumers are influenced by social norms, context and presence of others.
Value expressive Influence:
- Brand communities
: Targeted demographic of like-minded, trait-sharing consumers that identify with their brand and its values.
Value expressive Influence: - Tribes
A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.
Normative social Influence : Conformity
Conformity Influence to conform to social norms and positive expectations of others.
conformity inflence depends on 3
- Number of observers
- Ambiguity of the situation
- Authority of social group
To meet other people’s expectations and to conform to others’ behaviors, people distort their
opinions and behaviors even when the situation is unambiguous, and others are wrong.
Follow-up Studies (Asch): 2
Tendency to yield depends on # of confederates. Conformity disappears with just 1 confederate.
If there are many participants and just one confederate and the confederate gives the wrong answer, participants laugh.
If at least 1 confederate provides the correct answer, conformity drops (because there’s less uncertainty about the correct answer).
Normative Influence: Authority
What creates authority?
* Knowledge
* Tangible power over an individual
* Clothing (hospital white, army green, police blue)
* Looks (grey hair, length)
Profession (e.g. pilot, doctor, professor)
Normative Influence: Commitment
Once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we feel personal and interpersonal pressures to behave consistently with that commitment. As a consequence, we will respond in a way that justifies our earlier decision.
Normative Influence: Reciprocity example
Free coke at vendor where lottery tickets are sold.
study warren campbell: what makes things cool? How autonomy influences perceived coolness
4 defining properties of coolness
study warren campbell: what makes things cool? How autonomy influences perceived coolness
4 defining properties of coolness
What distinguishes cool from good?
Inferred autonomy
Descriptive norms
what most people typically do in a particular context
Injunctive norms
a cultural ideal or a rule that people are expected to follow
study 2 leg uit over de jurk
Wearing white to honor a fallen soldier (legitimate)
Wearing blue has the opposite effect
Wearing white to honor a corrupt dictator (illegitimate)
Wearing blue has the Highest perception of coolness
Study 5 demonstrated that consumers prefer cool brands only when
when they want to express an autonomous identity.
In contexts that encourage autonomy expression, consumers preferred
a cool brand more than an uncool brand and as much as a classy brand.
Conversely, in contexts that encourage conformity
consumers did not prefer a cool brand to an uncool brand and preferred a classy brand to both. Thus, cool is not merely another way of saying something is desirable or liked.