W3 the mere association effect and brand evaluations (dimofte, yalch 2010) Flashcards
When presented with ambiguous information in the form of concepts that share some associations, individuals may initially think about
many possible references and rely on contextual cues to narrow their thoughts to the intended one.
Implicit =
consumers are NOT aware of this processes
This study shows that the transfer can be implicit but still
but still affect explicit and implicit brand associations and evaluations.
This study shows that the transfer can be implicit but still affect explicit and implicit brand associations and evaluations. Its underlying process involves both
both a failure to ignore unintended automatic associations as well as familiarity-based variations in the activation of associations. This means that this associations come implicit to our mind and t is important that the concepts are equally familiar
distinct categories
(at the basic level of the consumers’ cognitive hierarchical structure
Memory knowledge consists of connection between
the to-be-learned material and the concept already known.
Moses illusion (example of author)
“How many animals of each kind did Moses take on the Ark?” and answer “two.”
This incorrect response occurs despite the fact that these individuals know well that it was Noah who took animals on the Ark, not Moses and the correct answer is “none.”
Moses and Noah share single names that prime biblical associations such as The Old Testament, large bodies of water, and saving people/beings.
This apparently primes individuals to link their unique other associations.
we might form association by linking concepts together why and how?
Evaluative learning is not dependent on the (conscious or unconscious) experience of a valued event, but can work through associative chain with the concept categories involved
Attitudes spreading via what consumer researchers have termed
secondary associations
Familiarity with the concept categories involved assists the
priming-based activation of secondary associations
results hypothese 1 If A–B–C, priming B is sufficient to create
If A–B–C, priming B is sufficient to create an implicit transfer of secondary cognitive associations to A from C for consumers with easy access to A, B, and C.
Hypothese 2
Not only knowledge but also affect can be transferred via an indirect path.
If A–B–C, priming B is sufficient for
Not only knowledge but also affect can be transferred via an indirect path.
If A–B–C, priming B is sufficient for positive or negative valence associated with C to become implicitly associated with A for consumers with easy access to A, B, and C.
design: how did they link negative to mayonaise
A clinic has a negative valence, they linked mayo to clinic therefore mayo is also negative and therefore mayonaise is also negative. They tested with ketchup
results mauo clinic 2
Attitude of towards mayonaise dropped. Not with ketchup
Attitude mayo clinic different between mayonnaise and ketchup ad.
Study 1b: Implicit association test result
Respond to aseries of words after looking pictures of picture. They associated more negative words with mayonnaise if they first read about the mayo clinic
Study 1c: Association with a logically unrelated visual prime
how? and result?
Different jerseys related to sex
Positive: trojans (condoms)
Negavtive: saints
Control: number 96
Treatment: number 69
Tojans were liked way more when they had 69 and tegenovergestelde voor saints. No difference in control group. Also what people would pay and sales success same results
Study 2: valence associations
how and result?
on wine bottle choose between frog and boy control, positive, negative. always frog but eith earts boy
Hypothesis 3
H3. The mere association effect is inhibited when
The mere association effect is inhibited when A and C are part of the same category (i.e., are directly associated explicitly as in A–C as well as A–B–C.
H3 stduy and resutl
ice bear with icein background and ice bear without icei n backgrous. nof idfference between pepsi and cola but big difference in feelings to cola