Vocabulary - PMP book. Flashcards
Na verdade.
As matter of fact or Actually.
When I confirm what someone just said.
As matter of fact.
Answer the question using “as matter of fact”.
Did you do the job?
As matter of fact, I did.
Answer the question using “as matter of fact”.
I heard that you’re looking for a new job.
As matter of fact, I am.
Actually, I am.
Nonstop schedule (ˈskejəl).
Describes a very busy person.
Synonym of “nonstop schedule”.
(ˈsinəˌnim) / SINEMEN.
Complete with sinonym of “nonstop schedule.
I hardly ever see my mother, she works….
Means to be fit financially or situationally.
In good shape.
Estou ansioso para algo.
I’m looking forward to something.
Indicates that the speaker is very happy about a future event.
I’m looking forward to something.
Synonym of “I’m looking forward to”.
I can’t wait.
Rewrite the phase bellow with synonym of “I’m looking forward to”.
I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night.
I can’t wait to see you tomorrow night.
Pay attention to the use of “ING”.
Quando recebemos algo inesperado vindo de outra pessoa, uma noticia ou um presente.
Has in store.
Has in store.
Indicates unknown situation that someone present to someone else.
Translate using “Has in store”.
Mal posso esperar para ver o que a Carol tem reservado para mim.
I can’t wait to see what Carol has in store for me.
I can’t wait what my girlfriend has in store for me tonight.
Mal posso esperar o que minha namorada tem reservado pra mim esta noite.
Expressao usada quando digo que vou chegar sem avisar na casa de alguém.
Show up your doorstep.
Show up your doorstep.
Means to visit someone without notice.
Talvez eu posso chegar sem avisar.
Maybe I can show up in your doorstep.
Translate using “show in my doorstep”.
Eu estava saindo quando meu irmao chegou aqui.
I was going when my brother showed up on my doorstep.
Drop by or Drop in.
Means a short visit.