Learn with "Friends". Flashcards
How can I say “Deve ter”.
Must have.
Voce deve ter 150 kgs (pounds).
You must have 150 pounds.
Voce deve ter ganho o jogo.
You must have won the game.
What does mean “Dairy food”?
Foods made from milk, cheese, butter and such as yogurt.
Expression used when you are paying full attention to something. Or when you like or enjoy something.
Into something.
Eu estou no jogo.
I am into the game.
Translate using “into to…”.
Ela gosta de futebol.
She’s into soccer.
What does mean “I can’t get over something”?
It’s surprise about something, or another way to say “I’m so amazed”.
Não consigo entender quanto peso ele perdeu.
I can’t get over how much weight he lost.
Nao consigo entender quanto bonita voce está!
I can’t get over how great you look.
What does mean “Stunning”?
It’s a stronger version of impressive or beautiful.
Like you’re stunning.
A vista da colina é absolutamente deslumbrante.
The view of the hill is absolutely stunning.
Expression used to describe a person or something that’s amazing, popular or even sexually exciting.
Hot stuff.
What does mean “Commodity broker”?
It’s a profession that involver trading or seeling products for other people or organization.
Like I’m work as a commodity broker.
What does mean “Lame”?
Poor taste or not impressive.
Expression used when something is burning slowly, like a coat that is burning out.
To smoulder.
Algo quente está acontecendo.
Smouldering thing going on.
Minhas coisas estão queimando ali.
My things are smouldering over there.
Expression used when you look at someone for a long period of time.
Stare someone.
He’s just staring at me.
Ele está apenas olhando para mim.
ela está me encarando.
Ela está me encarando por um longo tempo.
She’s staring at me for a long time.
A expression that use to connect a sentence to the previous one.
And so.
Similar meaning.
And so.
Therefore = Portanto…
Ouvi dizer que você tem um problema e, por isso, pensei em ajudá-lo.
I heard you have a problem, and so I thought I can help you.
Similar meaning.
We started talking.
We got to talking.
E então bebemos vinho, começamos a conversar.
And then we had wine, we got to talking.
Is an expression that use frequently use to describe an event or action that happened suddenly and as a result of another action.
Next thing you know.
O resto voce ja sabe….
Tomamos vinho e começamos a conversar. A próxima coisa que você sabe, ela vem até mim.
We had wine, we got to talking. Next thing you know, she comes on to me.
How can I say “Do nada”?
Out of nowhere.
Similar meaning.
Out of nowhere.
Suddenly or unexpectedly.
Do nada, ela comecou a dancar.
Out of nowhere, she started dancing.
Comecou a chover do nada!
It started to rain out of nowhere.
Means to make sexual advances on another person.
Comes on to me (her, him).
It causes someone to believe something that is not true.
Você acabou de dizer algo completamente enganoso.
You just said something completely misleading.
Rewrite the sentence using “whom”.
Who are you going to party with?
With whom are you going to the party?
How can I say “Implorar”.
To beg.
Means to ask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very much.
To beg.
As crianças imploraram à mãe que lhes comprasse alguns doces.
The kids begged their mom to buy them some candy.
Por favor, eu imploro.
Please, I’m begging you.
Alternative way to call people to raise their hands to vote or decide something.
Show of hands.
Levante as mãos, quem quer pizza?
Show of hands, who wants pizza?
Expression used when someone stops talking about something that annoys you or upsets you.
Drop it.
Olha, podemos simplesmente esquecer isso?
Look, can we just drop it?
Para com isso, por favor.
Just drop it, please.
How can I say “Eu te apoio”?
Back someone up.
“I back you up”
When you need support from another person, you usually tell them ….
Back you up.
Mãe, me apóie aqui, por favor.
Mom, back me up here, please.
This is a way what we say when an idea has just come to us.
Got something.
Olha, eu tenho algo.
Look, I got something.
Means to invent something or think of something such as an idea or plan.
Come up with.
Translate using “come up”.
Vamos inventar uma boa mentira.
We’ll come up with a good lie.
It is a soft, malleable substance that is used for various purposes in a construction. It means they are easily influenced or manipulated.
Putty (massa).
Means to travel while carrying your clothes and other things you need in a backpack.
Nós mochilamos pelo Japão.
We backpacked around Japan.
Rewrite the sentence your way.
Keep recording.
Keep rolling.
We use this word to emphasis to that verb.
Translate using “badly”.
Eu quero tanto voltar para casa.
I want to go back home so badly.
Expression you use when helping or bring someone an advantage.
For someone’s sake.
Translate using “sake”.
Orlando, pelo amor de Deus, vá trabalhar!
Orlando, for god sake, go to work!
Translate using “sake”.
Não quero que as pessoas vejam isso por você.
I don’t want to people see it for your sake.