Men and Woman - Book. Flashcards
When you stretch your arm in a specified direction to touch or grab something.
Put things in a specific way that you like.
Sort of thing.
Tipo de coisa.
Move or cause to move in a particular direction by turning over and over on an axis.
Roll downhill.
Rolar moro abaixo.
A tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of a tropical plant
Rubber / Borracha.
Colored cosmetic applied to the lips from a small solid stick.
Large ruminant animals with horns and cloven hoofs, domesticated for meat or milk.
Cattle / Gado.
Pass the tongue over something in order to taste.
Green seed that you don’t like and is usually put on hot dogs.
Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level.
In a manner that lacks gentleness.
Rough / Rude.
A place for a domestic fire and a place where Santa Claus comes down for Christmas.
Emit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling.
Sigh / Suspiro.
A place used for storage, like shelves.
More distant in space than something else of the same kind.
Further - Mais distante.
The name of the thing that a person without hair has.
It is a hair style, often used on women on the front of the face.
Bangs - Franja.
When you put some plastic in a gift, for example, to give it to someone else.
Wrapped / Embrulhado.
The name of the thing when you pay something in several months.
Parcels or quota(ˈkwōdə).
How can I say “Recentemente”?
Newly or Recently.
A small pointed missile that can be thrown or fired.
Dart - Dardo.
The name of the thing when you eat the food that other people don’t eat on a lunch or another meal.
Leftover - Sobra de comida.
How can I say “Perolas”?
Synonym of Pants.
High heel.
Salto alto.
A place where people usually slip all the time.
Slippy - Escorregadio.
A means of raising money by selling numbered tickets, one or some of which are subsequently drawn at random.
Raffle - Rifa - Sorteio.
Of a person or part of the body not clothed or covered.
Synonym of laughs.
Make something less tight or firm.
Loosens - Afrouxar.
Fixed, fastened, or closed firmly.
Tigh - Apertado.
A long seat for several people, typically made of wood or stone.
How can I say “Lenco de pescoco”?
Intense dislike or ill will.
Hatred - Ódio.
Save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation.
Comfortably high temperature.
Warm - Caloroso.
Light from back part of the cars.
Luz traseira - Luz de ré.