The test - Friends - Youtube Flashcards
How can I say “Numero par”?
Even number.
How can I say “Numero impar”?
Odd number.
You will find a half-eaten box of cookies
Voce vai encontrar uma caixa de biscoitos pela metade.
How can I say “Metade de uma banana”?
Half-eaten banana.
How can I say “Fita adesiva”?
Scotch tape.
I used up the rest of ketchup, so remember to add it to the shopping list.
Eu usei o resto do ketchup, então lembre-se de adicioná-lo à lista de compras.
How can I say “Me pague”? specially reluctantly.
Fork it over.
Cough it up.
Pay the piper.
Something that a particular person finds especially annoying.
Pet peeve.
I don’t have relatives over there.
Nao tenho parentes la.
What is Monica’s biggest pet peeves?
Qual é a maior irritação de Monica?
It is a practice to decide something by throwing a coin up in the air.
Coin toss.
Sorteio usando moeda.
heads or tails.
Cara ou coroa.
To choose (select) something or somebody from a number of alternatives.
To pick.
Expression used when something causes great fear and makes you extremely nervous.
Scares the bejeezus out of you.
In the phrase (Scares the bejeezus out of you), what word we can use instead of bejeezus?
Crap or shit.
Scare the crap out of somebody.
Scare the shit out of somebody.
Informal expression meaning to try to guess something.
Take a shot.
Nos temos um empate.
We have a tie.
We have a draw.
How can I say “A rodada relampago”?
The lighting round.
It means the occasion in sports or games when the two teams or sides playing finish with the same score.
To tie.
How can I say “Goleiro”?
Goalie or Goalkepper.