Vocab Quiz 6 - Review Questions for Brainscape (From Std 5) Flashcards
Believed that a strong navy would give a country more power in the world
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Engaging in peaceful negotiations but letting your opponent know you’re backed by a strong military - Teddy Roosevelt
Big Stick Diplomacy
Because many Chinese didn’t like foreigners interfering in their country, a group called the Boxers rose up and killed many westerners. The Marines led the charge to put down this Rebellion and caused many Chinese to resent us even more.
Boxer Rebellion
Panama used to be a part of Columbia until they refused to let us build the canal. The US helped Panamanian rebels get their independence so that we could build it.
Columbia & Panama
Letter from the Spanish Ambassador in the US to Spain claiming that President McKinley was weak & wouldn’t attack them - this was intercepted by Americans & published in the news
De Lome Letter
Taft’s plan to encourage American businessmen to invest in Latin America - these investments were backed by the US military
Dollar Diplomacy
Wilson’s suggestions at the Versailles Conference to end the things that led the world into WWI - this included the League of Nations
Fourteen Points
America’s policy of helping Latin America only when they needed it. (after WWI)
Good Neighbor Policy
Teddy Roosevelt’s fleet that he sent around the world to show how powerful the US was
Great White Fleet
Supreme Court cases stating that “the Constitution does not follow the flag” - people living in islands we claimed didn’t have the same rights as American citizens.
Insular Cases
Wilson’s suggested international organization that would try to solve problems between countries before they resulted in war
League of Nations
British passenger ship sunk by German U-Boats. Many Americans died, which turned public opinion away from Germany & forced them to abandon unrestricted submarine warfare for years.
Countries in the eastern hemisphere shouldn’t attempt to interfere with the affairs of the western hemisphere and vice versa
Monroe Doctrine
Wilson’s plan to teach the Mexicans to “elect good men”? who supported the United States
Moral Diplomacy
The political position in which a country does not take sides in the conflicts of other countries. After WWI, many Americans wanted this.
The US suggested that China allow anyone to trade there who wanted to and all would be given the same trading rights.
Open Door Policy
Canal the US built to shorten the route from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Panama allowed us to build it after we helped them break free from Colombia.
Panama Canal
Amendment we added to Cuba’s constitution stating that the US could “supervise” them - it also gave us a military base @ Guantanamo Bay
Platt Amendment
The idea that the US would need to enforce the Monroe Doctrine since we were the strongest country in the western hemisphere (Teddy Roosevelt)
Roosevelt Corollary
Belief that rich people (like America) are better than those who aren’t (like people in developing countries)
Social Darwinism
War between Spain & the US that was fought to free Cuba AND add new territories to the US for economic reasons
Spanish-American War
President who practiced “Big Stick Diplomacy” by collecting taxes from Central America to repay Europe
Teddy Roosevelt
Germany’s policy of sinking any boat it thought was supplying their enemy without warning. They promised to stop this after sinking the Lusitania, but started again toward the end of the war. This was one reason the US entered the war in 1917.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
American ship sunk near Cuba - it was blamed on Spain by the Yellow Journalists, which led the US into the Spanish-American war
USS Maine
Peace conference between the WWI’s allies to end the war.
Versailles Conference
President after Wilson - promised a “return to normalcy” after the age of “new imperialism” and WWI.
Warrn G. Harding
President who practiced “Dollar Diplomacy”
William Howard Taft
President during WWI - wanted to go to war to “make the world safe for democracy”
Woodrow Wilson
Law making it illegal for citizens to speak out against the government’s war effort during WWI.
WWI Sedition Act
Journalism that focuses on selling papers through catchy headlines even if the content isn’t well supported by facts
Yellow Journalism
Note from Germany to Mexico claiming that if Mexico attacked the US, the Germans would help them take back the land they lost in the Mexican War
Zimmerman Note