Standard 7 - Terms & Definitions Flashcards
Countries in Eastern Europe between Russia and Gemany that Russia wanted to become Communist. In their minds, this would have prevented another German invasion of Russia
“Buffer States”
American fear of Communists infiltrating the US government & movie industry in the 1950’s
2nd Red Scare
Dividing line between N & S Korea
38th Parallel
AA Leader who threatened to march on Washington if FDR didn’t do something to help black people get jobs during the Great Depression
A Philip Randolph
Country invaded by Russia so that it could have a friendly neighbor on its southern border. The US helped a group fight against the Communists - this group later supported terrorism against the US
Term for anti-Jewish feelings.
Europe’s policy of allowing Hitler to take over some countries in the hope that he wouldn’t take over any others
Term for the large increase in babies born after WWII until the early 1960’s.
Baby Boom
Air battle where Britain defended itself against Nazi bombings intended to keep Britain out of WWII
Battle of Britain
The last German effort to keep the Allies from invading Germany
Battle of the Bulge
JFK’s attempt to send Cuban refugees into Cuba to take the country back from Castro. It failed and most of the men were sent to Cuban prisons.
Bay of Pigs
Period when the US flew supplies into West Berlin when the Russians had blockaded it.
Berlin Airlift
Barrier built between East and West Berlin to keep people on the Communist side from escaping to the West. It was torn down in the late 80’s.
Berlin Wall
Woman who wrote The Feminine Mystique and is credited with launching the feminist movement
Betty Freidan
Terms for the main allies in WWII - The US, England, and Russia
Big Three
The peace agreement worked out between the leaders of Israel and Egypt with help from Jimmy Carter
Camp David Accords
American policy at the beginning of WWII stating that we would sell weapons to anyone who could pay up front and would transport them back to their own countries
Cash and Carry
Communist leader of Cuba who overthrew the American-supported dictator in the late 1950’s.
This country - the most populated in the world - became Communist in 1949
Period of political, economic, and ideological disagreement between the US & Russia from 1945-1992
Cold War
Event when Russia installed nuclear weapons in Cuba & JFK worked to get them removed. This was the closest the US & Russia ever came to actual war during the Cold War.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Code name given to the day when Allied forces invaded the beaches of Normandy, France to liberate Europe from the Nazis.
American policy at the beginning of WWII in which we gave old American ships to England to help fight Germany in exchange for military bases around the world.
Destroyers for Bases
Eisenhower’s idea that the US had to keep Russia from influencing events in the Middle East because of how dependent we had become on oil
Eisenhower Doctrine
Betty Freidan’s book that is credited with beginning the Women’s Right’s movement in the 1960’s.
Feminine Mystique
The systematic destruction of an entire group of people (such as the Jews in WWII)
Law that gave veterans easy access to loans and paid for their college education
GI Bill
Larger than the A-Bomb, this pushed the Arms Race to a new level.
Leader of the Nazis in WWII
Specific name given to Hitler’s attempt to destroy all the Jews in Europe during WWII
Group of people that Americans sent to internment camps during WWII in the American west
The US supported a leader in this country who was so unpopular that his own people forced him out, then took a number of captives in the American Embassy there for 444 days.
Winston Churchill’s name for the division of Europe between Communist and non-Communist sections
Iron Curtain
The US strategy of moving across the Pacific one island at a time until we were close enough to Japan to launch an invasion (WWII)
Island Hopping
These were two of the final battles in the Pacific during WWII - In both, the Japanese demonstrated that they would fight to the last man.
Iwo Jima & Okinawa
The US got involved in a “Police action” in this country in the early 1950’s to keep Communism from spreading. This country was ultimately divided into two halves - one Communist and one democratic.
The Night marking the beginning of the Holocaust when Germans attacked Jews and burned their homes, businesses, and places of worship.
American policy at the beginning of WWII in which we let our allies borrow weapons to fight Germany on credit.
Japan invaded this part of China in the 1930’s and committed unspeakable atrocities against its people.
Battle marking the turning point in the Pacific against the Japanese during WWII. After this battle, we were on the offensive.
Fascist Italian leader during WWII.
Law passed in the 1950’s that encouraged students to take more math & Science classes
National Defense Education Act
Group of allied countries originally formed to fight against the spread of Communism during the Cold War
Laws passed in the US in the 1930’s to keep us out of any wars in Europe
Neutrality Acts
Laws passed in Germany in the 1930’s forbidding the intermingling of Germans and Jews
Nuremburg Laws
Trials in Germany after WWII in which Nazi leaders who carried out the Holocaust were convicted of their crimes.
Nuremburg War Crimes Trials
Code name given to the Allied invasion of Northern Africa to keep the Nazis from getting oil in the Middle East & to retake the Mediterranean Sea
Operation Torch
This country was created after WWII to give the Jews an official homeland - their first since AD 70.
Site bombed by Japan before WWII in an attempt to keep the US out of war.
Pearl Harbor
Term used for limits placed on how much people could buy during WWII to ensure there was enough for the war effort
Poster depicting a strong working female used to encourage women to join the workforce during WWII
Rosie the Riveter
Senator who led the “witch hunt” for Communists in Hollywood and the government in the 1950’s.
Senator Joseph McCarthy
Term for the scientific competition between the US & Russia to be the first to reach the moon
Space Race
First manmade satellite in orbit around the Earth - It was Russian
Battle that marked the turning point in the conflict between the Russians & Germany in WWII - After this battle, the Russians pushed into Germany
Area around cities that grew as the highway system grew, people wanted to avoid city life, and more people had access to home loans and automobiles
Japanese military leader during WWII
Form of government in which in individual or group of people has total control over every aspect of life within the country
Truman’s teaching that Communism should be “contained” wherever it existed
Truman Doctrine
People during WWII were encouraged to plant these at home to ensure there was enough food for the war effort
Victory Gardens
People were encouraged to buy these during WWII to provide the government with money to fight the war
War Bonds
Group of allied countries originally formed to fight against NATO if it attacked the Communist countries of the world during the Cold War
Warsaw Pact
Term for workers who work primarily in offices with their minds, rather than their hands
White Collar
Term for workers who work primarily in manual labor tasks with their hands rather than their minds.
Blue Collar
Term for the phenomenon when many white people left cities for the suburbs in order to get away from large numbers of AA’s moving into cities
White Flight
Harry Truman used this on Japan so that the US didn’t have to lose a large number of men in a potential land invasion
A Bomb
Event in which many Mexicans were beaten in LA because of their “un-American” clothing.
Zoot Suit Riots