Vocab Quiz 3 Review Guide For Brainscape Flashcards
Agrement at the Constitutional Convention that created the Senate (to represent all states equally) and the House of Representatives (to represent states based on their populations)
Great Compromise
Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she founded the Seneca Falls Convention.
Lucretia Mott
Andrew Carnegie’s belief that rich people are obligated to help out the poor
Gospel of Wealth
Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Co-founder of NAACP, but left because she felt it didn’t fight hard enough for equality
Ida Wells Barnett
Federal law regulating the prices that Railroads could charge farmers for transporting crops
Interstate Commerce Act
Firey abolitionist present at both “Bleeding Kansas” and Harper’s Ferry.
John Brown
First battle of the Revolutionary War
Lexington & Concord
Great negotiator - worked out the American System between the North and the West
Henry Clay
Land purchased by Thomas Jefferson from France even though he didn’t think the Constitution allowed him to.
Louisiana Territory
Law giving land in the west to people who would build homes on it
Homestead Act
Law stating that the question of slavery would be decided in two midwestern states through the use of Popular Sovereignty.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Military arsenal where John Brown was captured for trying to provide slaves with stolen weapons.
Harper’s Ferry
Period in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when many African Americans moved north
Great Migration
President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War
Jefferson Davis
President who completed Manifest Destiny by adding Washington, Arizona, California, etc.
James K. Polk
Ritual performed by native Americans to make the white men move off of their land
Ghost Dance
Supreme Court Chief Justice who greatly strengthened the power of the Supreme Court and the Federal Government
John Marshall
The idea that Government can only do what the Constitution specifically allows it to do
Limited Government
The idea that the Constitution should be interpreted in a way that allows maximum freedom and few limits
Loose Interpretation
The power of the Supreme Court to review laws to make sure they are in agreement with the Constitution
Judicial Review
Virginia’s legislative body during the colonial period - the first representative government in the colonies.
House of Burgesses
When one company buys up other companies engaged in the same type of business (one car company buys up another car company)
Horizontal Integration
Wrote “Rags to Riches” stories (late 1800’s) about how hard work would lead to success
Horatio Alger
Wrote in “The Social Contract” that man has the right to life, liberty, and property.
John Locke