Vocab Quiz 2 Study Guide for Brainscape Flashcards
Man who became extremely wealthy by bringing mass production of steel to the US
Andrew Carnegie
Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War
Native American tribe forced by Andrew Jackson to move to Oklahoma against their will
Agreement that allowing CA into the US as a free state, allowed popular sovereignty in lands from Mexico, ended the slave trade in DC and called for a stricter Fugitive Slave Law
Compromise of 1850
This agreement gave the Presidency to the Republicans in exchange for the removal of Unio troops in the South
Compromise of 1877
William Jennings Bryan’s famous Populist speech calling for silver to be added to the gold standard
Cross of Gold Speech
Law stating that Native Americans could keep their land if they could live like white people for 25 years
Dawes Act
Segregation enforced by society rather than by law
De facto segregation
Document announcing to the world that the US was no longer a part of Great Britain
Declaration of Independence
To be stripped of your right to vote
Slave who sued for his freedom before the Civil War - he was told he could not sue because he was property
Dred Scott
Portion of the Constitution stating that Congress can do anything “necessary and proper”
Elastic Clause
Abraham Lincoln was elected President
Election of 1860
Reacting against Reconstruction policies that were lenient toward the South, the US voted the Radical Republicans into office
Election of 1866
Along with Lucretia Mott, she led the Seneca Falls Convention calling for greater equality for women
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Freedom from slavery
Lincoln’s announcement that all slaves in hostile states would be freed after January 1, 1863
Emancipation Proclamation
Freed slaves who moved west to Kansas after the Civil War
Type of government in which power is shared between states and a central government
Articles written in the late 1700’s to support the ratification of the US Constitution
Federalist Papers
Political party that followed Alexander Hamilton and believed the Constitution should be interpreted loosely
Political Party that followed Thomas Jefferson and believed that the Constitution should be interpreted strictly
Democratic Republicans
Escaped slave who became a prominent abolitionist speaker and author
Frederick Douglass
Government organization designed to help poor former slaves and sharecroppers get on their feet after the Civil War
Freedman’s Bureau
The position of people who weren’t abolitionists, but didn’t want slavery to spread into any new territories
War between the French and the British that cost so much, England taxed the colonies to pay for it
French & Indian War
Site of a Civil War battle where the 54th Massachusetts Regiment proved their bravery by sacrificing their lives
Ft. Wagner
Law that northerners must return runaway slaves to their former masters
Fugitive Slave Law
Rule in Congress before the Civil War stating that slavery could not be discussed at all
Gag Rule
Bloodiest battle of the Civil War - Stopped Lee’s advance into the Union