Vocab Quiz 4 - Review Questions for Brainscape Flashcards
English document that greatly limited the power of the King
Magna Carta
The belief that God wanted the US to control all land between the Atlantic and the Pacific
Manifest Destiny
Supreme Court decision that gave the power of judicial review to the Court
Marbury v. Madison
When Sherman marched Union troops from Atlanta to Savannah and destroyed everything in his way
March to the Sea
Agreement signed by the Pilgrims that they would submit to the government
Mayflower Compact
Term for the land added to the US after the Mexican-American War
Mexican Cession (land added to US)
Agreement that allowed Missouri into the US as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and drew the 36 30 line to divide free/slave territory
Missouri Compromise
The concept that Europe should no longer colonize or interfere with the Western hemisphere
Monroe Doctrine
Slave who led a violent and bloody uprising - his revolt caused the south to crack down on priveliges for slaves
Nat Turner
Hamilton and Jefferson disagreed about whether or not the US Constitution allowed the government to create this
National Bank
Proposal at the Constitutional Convention that would have given all states an equal number of representatives
New Jersey Plan
River that Mexico claimed was the southern border of Texas
Nueces River
Southern states claimed that they could ignore federal laws they disagreed with. This was called __________.
Law that gave land to the railroads as long as they used it to build a transcontinental railroad.
Pacific Railway Act
Southern term for slavery
Peculiar Institution
Final battle of the Civil War
Case where the Supreme Court declared Jim Crow laws to be legal
Plessy v. Ferguson
Organizations that set up political officials and secured votes for them (often from immigrants)
Political Machines
Another term for a voting fee
Poll Taxes
Political movement in the late 1800’s that represented farmers.
Political movement that called for greater government involvement in society to fix issues like poverty and sanitation.
Religious movement found primarily in colonial New England
Religious group that believed all people have an “inner light” - As a result, they were some of the first abolitionists
Republicans after the Civil War who wanted to treat the South like conqured territory & punish them for wrongdoing
Radical Republicans
The process of recognizing a law or a Constitution as binding
Period of time after the Civil War when the South was gradually readmitted to the Union
Political party formed from a combination of former northern Democrats and the Liberty Party - they nominated Lincoln in 1860
Republican Party
River that the US claimed was the southern boundary of Texas
Rio Grande River
Founder of Standard Oil - Often called a “Robber Baron” or “Captain of Industry”
Belief that even rulers must obey the law
Rule of Law