Standard 8 - Terms & Definitions COPY Flashcards
Nixon’s campaign slogan: he used it to communicate that race riots (among other things) would be put down during his presidency
“Law and Order”
Program that Clinton and the Republicans passed in the 90’s to reduce the number of people on welfare
“Welfare to Work”
Line that divided Vietnam in Communist and Non-Communist Zones before fighting broke out
17th Parallel
Military chemicals used in Vietnam that caused many to wonder if our government was in the right
Agent Orange / Napalm
Alabama city where protests, boycotts, and sit ins were used to draw national attention to Jim Crow laws in the South
Militant African American political organization that fought for equal rights - their tactics often scared white people
Black Panthers
Movement designed to restore pride to the AA community; was often criticized for being too militant
Black Power
Supreme Court case that desegregated schools & overturned Plessey v. Ferguson
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS
The idea that an immoral law can be broken peacefully to draw attention to it.
Civil Disobedience
Law that made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Group that wants smaller government, less change in society, and more personal freedom
Conservatives / Reublicans
Nixon’s attempt to lessen tensions between the US and Russia
Political party formed when southern Democrats were frustrated with Truman’s desegregation of the military. They wouldn’t vote Republican, but didn’t like what the Democrats were doing either.
The Cold War-era idea that if one country fell to Communism, all the others around it would also fall. This idea pushed us to involvement in both Korea and Vietnam.
Domino Theory
Proposed Constitutional Amendment that would have made it illegal to discriminate in any way based on sex. It was defeated.
Equal Rights Amendment
Organization of European countries that parallels the US’s Federal System - together these countries make economic decisions that impact all of the member states
European Union
Event when black & white students rode together in buses into the south to test whether they were allowing desegregated interstate travel. Many were beaten.
Freedom Rides
Mid-1960’s event when many middle class white students tried to help poorer AA’s in the South register to vote. Violence ensued.
Freedom Summer
The agreement that lowered tariffs among many developed countries around the world
Agreement between N&S Vietnam agreeing that an election would be held to determine if it would become Communist or Democratic
Geneva Accords
Gorbechev’s policy of “openness” in the media - the government would control the media less than it had in the past
Series of laws passed under LBJ to try to desegregate society & bring a higher standard of living to poorer Americans (Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, etc.)
Great Society
People who support going to war
Part of LBJ’s Great Society designed to help educate poor inner city preschoolers
Head Start
Communist leader of North Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh
The trail used to supply the Viet Cong in South Vietnam with weapons & supplies. Nixon bombed it and in doing so, expanded the war into Laos and Cambodia.
Ho Chi Minh Trail
The US fought two wars against this Middle Eastern country led by Saddam Hussein - the first was because he tried to control Kuwait’s oil, the second was because he may have had Weapons of Mass Destruction
Under this President, inflation increased, the US experienced an energy crisis, and hostages were taken at the American embassy in Iran.
Jimmy Carter
Ohio University where the National Guard killed five students who were protesting the Vietnam War
Kent State
Group that wants a stronger government, more changes in society, and more regulation on businesses.
Civil rights leader who sometimes advocated violence against whites
Malcom X
The government program that helps poorer citizens pay for health care
The government program that helps elderly citizens pay for health care
Leader of Russia who took over in the mid ’80s and brought about a number of reforms such as “glastnost” and “perestroika”
Mikhail Gorbachev
After the arrest of Rosa Parks, this movement brought about the end of segregated bus seating in the South by encouraging all AA’s to refuse spending $$ on the Montgomery Bus system
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Event in Vietnam where American soldiers opened fire on unarmed men, women, and children - this caused Americans to question their government further
My Lai Massacre
Agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico reducing tariffs and other barriers to free trade.
Organization dedicated to fighting for equality of women in America - copies many tactics used in the Civil Rights movement
National Organization of Women (NOW)
Law passed during the Bush administration stating that students should be tested to make sure they’re getting the basic skills they need
No Child Left Behind
Arab organization dedicated to the eradication (wiping out) of the state of Israel
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Documents leaked during the Vietnam Era indicating that the US government hadn’t been totally truthful to the people about actions in Vietnam
Pentagon Papers
“Trickle Down” or “Supply Side” economics - The idea that if corporations and rich people have more $$, it will filter down to the other classes as well.
States such as SC in which workers do not have to be members of unions in order to hold a job
Right to Work States
Supreme court case that legalized abortion in the US
Roe v. Wade
Part of the country where a number of factories have closed down as jobs moved overseas or to the south
Rust Belt
March organized where the AA marchers were planning on registering to vote. The march was broken up violently by police. News crews captured the images & sent them around the country. As a direct result, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed.
Selma March
Type of diplomacy where the US had a negotiator travel between hostile Middle Eastern countries
Shuttle Diplomacy
Nixon’s election strategy in which he stated that the South could determine on its own how to obey laws about desegregation. As a result, the South began voting for him & future Republicans.
Southern Strategy
When the economy doesn’t grow, but inflation is increasing
Conservatives usually believe in this type of economics in which $$ is given to the wealthy in order to create jobs so that lower and middle class workers can obtain wealth
Supply Side (or Trickle Down) Economics
Period in the late 2000’s (beginning in 2008) when many Americans lost their jobs and homes
The Great Recession
Resolution passed by Congress allowing LBJ to deploy troops to Vietnam without further approval from Congress
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
North Vietnamese Communists who fought against the South
Viet Cong
Nixon’s plan to train the Vietnamese to fight against the Viet Cong so that the US could pull troops out.
Law passed by LBJ making it illegal to use poll taxes and literacy tests
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Law restricting the President’s power to deploy troops without the consent of Congress (passed after Vietnam)
War Powers Act
Name of the hotel (and scandal) where Nixon’s campaign advisors broke into the Democratic Headquarters. This led to Nixon’s resignation so he could avoid being impeached.
Term for people who are usually against going to war
Term for the Southern states where many factories moved from the 1960’s on
Sun Belt
Gorbechav’s economic policy of “restructuring” to be more like a free market economy
Trend in the 1980’s of having less government oversight in industry
Conservative Republican President in the 1980’s who believed in Trickle Down Economics, Deregulation, and increased defense spending.
Ronald Reagan
During the 1980’s and early 1990’s the income gap between rich and poor got ______________
During the Clinton era, the national debt _______________
Decreased - we had a budget surplus!
Hyperinflation was a problem face primarily in which decade?
What major impact has globalization had on the American economy?
We now have access to more goods at cheaper prices