Standard 2 - Review Questions for Brainscape Flashcards
Why did James K. Polk want to go to war with Mexico over the Southwest and almost go to war with England over the Oregon Territory?
He had promised the country that he would complete Manifest Destiny if he were elected President
Why did many people migrate westward during the early 1800’s?
LOTS of cheap land - especially for farming - was available.
How did westward expansion impact democracy in America?
Many people could now afford land - which was a requirement for voting at the time. So many people owned land that requirement was dropped.
Who won the first election after the landowning requirement for voting was dropped?
Andrew Jackson
Which regions supported the “tariff of abominations?”
North & West
How did most northerners feel about slavery during the early Antebellum period?
Indifferent - The abolition movement didn’t grow until after the 2nd Great Awakening
What state believed that it was the State’s Right to nullify laws it didn’t like - like the “Tariff of Abominations”?
South Carolina
The main idea behind the Monroe Doctrine was that?
Countries in the eastern hemishpere could no longer claim land in the western hemisphere
What was the immediate cause of the Mexican-American War?
Mexican soldiers fired on American troops in a territory that both sides claimed was theirs.
Was Texas added to the US BEFORE or AFTER the Mexican-American War?
Why didn’t Southerners support the “Tariff of Abominations”?
It would have raised the price of most of the goods they bought and wouldn’t benefit them at all.
What did the Cherokee do to try and keep their land before Jackson forced them on the “Trail of Tears”?
They assimilated into white culture (changed their clothes, religion, education, etc.)
What economic activities flourished in the North during the antebellum period?
Shipping, banking, industries
What part of the Continental US was the LAST to be settled?
The west
Why did the South want to go to war with Mexico?
If we won land from Mexico, the South assumed those lands would become slave states. When they sent representatives to Congress, they would always side with the South.
The Marshall Court (the court under John Marshall’s leadership) is best known for consistently doing what?
Strengthening the power of the Federal Government
What is Judicial Review?
The Power of the Supreme Court to declare that a law is NOT Constitutional - this strikes the law down. This power was added to the Supreme Court when John Marshall was the chief justice.
The Central Conflict between Hamilton and Jefferson was over what idea?
How to interpret the Constitution - Loosely or Strictly?
How is “Judicial Review” an example of “checks and balances?”
The Supreme Court has the power to determine if laws passed by Congress and signed by the President are Constitutional - when it does this it’s checking to make sure they didn’t overstep their bounds.
Why was Alexander Hamilton’s plan for a national bank an example of a “loose interpretation” of the Constitution?
The Constitution did not specifically say that Congress had the power to create a national bank - but it didn’t prohibit it from creating one either