Standard 4 - Terms & Definitions for Brainscape COPY Flashcards
Gave women the right to vote
19th Amendment
Radical protester for women’s suffrage known for hunger strikes & national protests
Alice Paul
Process of settling disputes between workers & management with a neutral third party - unions would rather do this than go on strike!
Changing to become like another (For example, the Native Americans were told to assimilate into white culture)
The process by which iron is turned into steel
Bessemer Process
Much like the buffalo, the Native Americans lived off of them. Huge numbers of them were killed to make way for the RR.
Bug that killed many cotton crops in the South. As a result, many AA’s moved north during the Great Migration
Boll Weevil
The economic system where individuals own property and use it to gain wealth with little/no government involvement.
Brought the Bessemer Process to the US, began US steel, and became one of the wealthiest men in the country.
Andrew Carnegie
Argued for women’s suffrage at the state level. More moderate than Alice Paul.
Carrie Chapman Catt
Law passed after the completion of the transcontinental RR stating that no new Chinese immigrants would be allowed into the US.
Chinese Exclusion Act
William Jennings Bryan’s speech suggesting that silver be added to the gold standard. Populists loved this!
Cross of Gold Speech
Supreme Court case declaring that contracts would be upheld by the government.
Dartmouth v. Woodward
Law giving land to Native Americans if they would assimilate into white culture for 25 years.
Dawes Act
Native American ritual they believed would peacefully drive out the white men. The white men assumed they were preparing for war & attacked them.
Ghost Dance
Supreme Court case declaring that the national government alone could regulate interstate commerce.
Gibbons v. Ogden
Andrew Carnegie’s philosophy that the wealthy had a responsibility to use their $$ to help those less fortunate.
Gospel of Wealth
Period in the late 1800’s-early 1900’s when many AA’s moved from the south to the north.
Great Migration
Law giving land in the west away for free to anyone who would build a home on that land.
Homestead Act
Author of “Rags to Riches” stories.
Horatio Alger
Business practice when one person buys up all of one type of business. (Like a monopoly)
Horizontal Integration
Federal law regulating the cost of shipping between states. It was passed to help farmers after the Granger laws were overturned by the Supreme Court.
Interstate Commerce Act
Founded Hull House to teach immigrants how to assimilate into the US.
Jane Addams
The belief that government should keep its hands entirely off of the economy.
Laissez-faire capitalism
Journalists who wrote & published photos to make people see the difficulties of urban life in the late 1800’s. (Upton Sinclair would be one example)
The belief that the US should be made up primarily of whites who descended from England. These people did NOT want more immigration into the US.
Law giving land to the railroads for the purpose of completing a transcontinental RR.
Pacific Railway Act
Organizations in major cities designed to get votes for particular parties or candidates by helping specific groups - often immigrants.
Political Machines
Political group representing the farmers that pushed for the introduction of silver to the gold standard to cause inflation.
Political group that wanted the government to intervene in the issues caused by the rapid growth of cities in the late 1800’s.
Strike caused when a RR company cut worker pay but didn’t decrease the rent in their company housing.
Pullman Strike
First strike in which the army was called to force strikers into going back to work.
Railway Strike of 1877
Owner of the Standard Oil Trust and one of the wealthiest men in American history.
John D. Rockefeller
Deragatory term for people who work during a strike.
Law making it illegal for a Trust to own all of one type of company. (For example, one company couldn’t own all the oil companies in the US)
Sherman Antitrust Act
The belief that “survival of the fittest” should be applied to modern society.
Social Darwinism
Women who protested for the right to vote.
Local groups organized by farmers so they could discuss how to best address their needs & concerns.
The Grange
A company that owns other companies.
Organizations of workers pushing for shorter hours, better pay, and better working conditions.
Muckraker author of the Jungle who drew attention to the problems in the meat packing industry
Upton Sinclair
Populist/Democrat presidential candidate who gave the “Cross of Gold” speech.
William Jennings Bryan
Site where Native Americans attempted to surrender, but were massacred by the Army.
Wounded Knee
Contracts signed by workers promising that they will not join a union
Yellow Dog Contracts
Legalized Income Tax
16th Amendment
Allowed the direct election of US Senators by the people.
17th Amendment
Term used to favorably describe the wealthy industrial leaders of the late 1800’s.
Captain of Industry
Term used to unfavorably describe the wealthy industrial leaders of the late 1800’s.
Robber Baron