Vocab Quiz 1 Study Guide for Brainscape Flashcards
Lincoln was elected this year.
This was the year the the Civil War Ended
This was the year that Union troops were pulled out of the South, ending Reconstruction.
This was promised to African Americans by the Freedman?s Bureau, but was taken away from them at the end of Reconstruction.
“40 Acres & a Mule”
Southerners used this phrase to refer to slavery.
“Positive Good”
Democrats who took political office in the South after Reconstruction
This refers to the fact that the South voted for Democrats for almost 100 years.
“Solid South”
This Amendment to the Constitution made slavery illegal in the United States.
13th Amendment
This amendment to the Constitution guaranteed equal rights to all citizens
14th Amendment
This amendment to the Constitution guaranteed all male citizens the right to vote:
15th Amendment
The religious revival caused many to become abolitionists.
2nd Great Awakening
The men at the Constitutional Convention solved the question of counting African Americans toward the South?s population with this agreement:
3/5 Compromise
James K. Polk originally wanted the northern boundary of the Oregon Territory to extend to this line of latitude.
54 40
This was the famous black regiment in the Civil War that proved their bravery at Ft. Wagner.
54th Massachusetts
People who wanted to end slavery
These laws made it legal for the government to arrest immigrants and anyone speaking out against the leaders of the nation.
Alien and Sedition Acts
Henry Clay created this agreement between the North and the West to ensure that the North would get a tariff passed in Congress.
American System
This was the Union?s battle plan to defeat the Confederacy by blockading the South, taking the Mississippi, and capturing Richmond, VA.
Anaconda Plan
This President forced the Cherokee onto the Trail of Tears:
Andrew Jackson
This man became president after Lincoln was assassinated
Andrew Johnson
This term means to add land to the country.
?Before the Civil War?
This battle was the bloodiest day of the Civil War.
This was the location of the Robert E. Lee?s surrender to US Grant.
Appomattox Courthouse
Before the Constitution was written, this was the document explaining the relationship of the central government to the states.
Articles of Confederation