Midterm Review Terms & Definitions Flashcards
Agreement during the Constitutional Convention that slaves would be counted as 3/5 of a person when determining the # of representatives per state
3/5 Compromise
Laws passed in the early 1800’s stating that people who spoke out against the government could be imprisoned and foreigners could be deported. KY & VA passed resolutions refusing to obey these laws.
Alien and Sedition Acts
This was the first document outlining the relationship of the states. It allowed Congress to encourage states do do things, but didn’t give them the power to tax or force the states into anything.
Articles of Confederation
The first 10 Amendments to the US - They were added because the Anti-Federalists refused to ratify the Constitution unless basic rights were guaranteed
Bill of Rights
Event when British soldiers fired on a crowd of demonstraters and killed 5 of them. This led to the American Revolution
Boston Massacre
Early examples of these include rice, indigo, and tobacco, but NOT cotton. (At least, until the cotton gin was invented)
Cash Crops
The idea that each branch of government should keep an eye on the others to make sure they don’t take too much power for themselves.
Checks and Balances
Document written by the colonies to explain to the world why they were separating from England.
Declaration of Independence
This is the type of government we have: We vote on some issues, but allow people to represent us on more complex issues.
Democratic Republic
Government arrangement where states and a central government have some separate powers and some that overlap
Documents written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to encourage the ratification of the Constitution
Federalist Papers
People who believed that the strong central government described in the Constitution would be in the best interest of the American people
People who believed that the Constitution should not be ratified because they thought it gave the central government too much power over people’s lives
War between Britain & France. To defend the colonies, the British sent many soldiers. To pay for this war, England taxed the colonies.
French & Indian War
Agreement at the Constitutional Convention that the US would have a bicameral system. The makeup of one house would be based on the population of the states. The other house would be made up of an equal number from each state.
Great Compromise
Secretary of the Treasury in Washington’s cabinet. Frequently argued with Jefferson over their interpretation of the US Constitution. His followers called themselves “Federalists”
Secretary of State in Washington’s cabinet. Frequently argued with Alexander Hamilton over their interpretation of the US Constitution. His followers called themselves “Democratic-Republicans”
First representative body in the American colonies. (In Virginia)
House of Burgesses
Wrote “The Social Contract” and believe that the basic rights of all men are “life, liberty, and property”
John Locke
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court remembered for greatly strengthening the power of the court in cases like “Marbury v. Madison” and “Gibbons v. Ogden”
John Marshall
Power of the Supreme Court to determine if laws passed by Congress are Constitutional. (Marbury v. Madison)
Judicial Review
First battle of the American Revolution
Lexington & Concord
The idea that government can do only what the Constitution allows it to do.
Limited Government
English document that severely limited the power of the kingA14
Magna Carta
Court case remembered for instituting “Judicial Review”
Marbury v. Madison
Agreement signed by the Pilgrims stating that they would submit to the laws of their government
Mayflower Compact
Hamilton & Jefferson argued over whether the US government had the power to create this to manage the $$ of the United States
National Bank
Land organized under the Articles of Confederation creating the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Northwest Ordinance
The idea that whoever controls the money controls everything.
Power of the Purse
Religious group who colonized the New England area because they wanted to practice their religion freely. (They did NOT, however, offer freedom of religion to those who disagreed with them)
Religious group that believed all have an “inner light”. Found in the Mid-Atlantic states - especially Pennsylvania. Were among the first abolitionists.
Member of the Massachusetts colony who was exiled for teaching the separation of church & state - went on to found Rhode Island
Roger Williams
Idea that all - even those in government - must obey the laws of the land
Rule of Law
Term meaning that because England respected the colonies, they left them on their own to run their own affairs.
Salutary neglect
Turning point of the Revolutionary War. After this battle, the French helped us because they believed we might actually be able to win.
The belief that each branch of government should be given different powers so that no one branch has too much.
Separation of Powers
Event when a number of former soldiers, upset that they had not received their military pensions, shut down the local government. This demonstrated the weakness of the Articles of Confederation.
Shay’s Rebellion
Agreement at the Constitutional Convention that they would not discuss the slave trade or do anything about it for at least 20 years.
Slave Trade Compromise
John Locke believed that society held together because of this agreement where the government promised to protect its people and people promised to obey the government.
Social Contract
1st Direct tax placed on the colonists during the colonial period. This angered them and led to a boycott
Stamp Act
People who interpret the Constitution literally and believe the government can do no more than what it specifically states
Strict Constructionists
The group of people formally responsible for electing the President of the United States
The Electoral College
Treaty that formally ended the Revolutionary War
Treaty of Paris
Statements issued by two states declaring that they would not obey the Alien & Sedition laws
VA & KY Resolutions
Plan discussed at the Constitutional Convention that would have given states a varying number of representatives based on each state’s population.
VA Plan
Event when farmers in the north revolted against the government because of a tax increase on whiskey
Whiskey Rebellion
Quaker who founded Pennsylvania
William Penn
Final battle of the Revolutionary War
One of the two original politcal parties - This one followed the strict Constitutional interpretation practices of Thomas Jefferson.
Democratic Republicans
Plan discussed at the Constitutional Convention that would have given all states an equal number of representatives. This was offered as a direct alternative to the VA plan.
NJ Plan
People who stretch their interpretation of the Constitution so that they can do whatever is “necessary and proper”
Loose Constructionists
Southerners argued that slavery was good for their slaves because they were clothed, fed, and disciplined
“Positive Good”
Religious revival that stressed reforming society - led to rise of the abolitionist movement
2nd Great Awakening
Polk wanted to claim the Oregon Territory up to this like of latitude, but wasn’t able to get it
54 50
Parallel that currently makes up the northern boundary of the US
People who wanted to abolish (get rid of) slavery
Henry Clay’s compromise - the West would support the tariff and the North would send $$ to the west for internal improvements - this upset the south
American System
1st President from the West - “Age of the Common Man” - Democrat - Trail of Tears
Andrew Jackson
Term that means adding land to the US
Period before the Civil War
Native American tribe displaced from GA to OK despite trying to assimilate into American culture - Trail of Tears
Segregation “by fact” - It isn’t enforced by law, it just exists. (example - White & black people live in different parts of town)
De facto segregation
Not allowed to vote
Section of the Constitution stating that Congress may do anything “necessary and proper” - used by loose constructionists to prove they can do things not in the Constitution
Elastic Clause
Prohibited from entering an abolitionist conference because she was a woman so she started the Seneca Falls Convention
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Former slave - became a leading abolitionist
Frederick Douglass
Wanted the right to own property, divorce, and get an education
Goals of Women’s Movement
Abolitionists from SC who grew up on a plantation who also supported women’s rights
Grimke Sisters
Abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Many northerners learned of the evils of slavery from this book
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Led hundreds of slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman
Politician who designed the compromise known as the “American System” to provide a tariff for the north and internal improvements for the west
Henry Clay
President who completed America’s “Manifest Destiny”
James K. Polk
Belief that the Constitution can be stretched to allow things that it doesn’t specifically state - Jefferson DID NOT believe in this, but he used a loose interpretation to buy the Louisiana Purchase
Loose Interpretation
Explorers who claimed the Oregon Territory for the US
Louis & Clark
Land purchased by Jefferson from France for $15 million, doubling the size of the US - land was sold to settlers at VERY low prices, allowing many to vote for the first time
Louisiana Territory
Prohibited from entering an abolitionist conference because she was a woman so she started the Seneca Falls Convention
Lucretia Mott
Belief that God wanted America to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Manifest Destiny
Term given to California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada when they were added after the Mexican War
Mexican Cession (land added to US)
Wat that began when Polk stationed troops at the Rio Grande river knowing that Mexico claimed that land - Polk wanted a war so that we could complete our “Manifest Destiny”
Mexican War
President James Monroe’s statement that Europe should not colonize the Western Hemisphere any further - could only be enforced with the help of Britain’s navy
Monroe Doctrine
Slave who led a violent uprising
Nat Turner
Territory organized under the Articles of Confederation - prohibited slavery in those states
Northwest Ordinance
Mexico claimed that this river was the southern border of Texas
Nueces River
Belief of SC (and other southern states) that they could treat laws passed by the central government as if they didn’t exist - Used to nullify the “Tariff of Abominations”
Claimed by Lewis & Clark - Shared by Britain & the US until an agreement set the northern boundary of the US at the 49th parallel
Oregon Territory
Believed ALL had an “Inner Light” so they were among the first Abolitionists
The US claimed that this was the southern boundary of Texas - James K. Polk sent troops there, which started the Mexican War
Rio Grande River
Native American tribe that fought to maintain control of their land during the period of displacement - they lost their land anyway
Women’s Rights Convention organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton after being denied access to an antislavery convention because they were women
Seneca Falls Convention
Belief that states have the right to ignore laws passed by the central government (Nullification / Tariff of Abominations)
States’ Rights
High tariff passed after compromise between N & S (the American System) South Carolina nullifies the tariff & Andrew Jackson threatens to use the army. SC backs down, but still believes it can nullify laws.
Tarifff of Abominations
Americans move into Mexico, then Mexico outlaws slavery so the Americans fight to rule themselves. This led to the?
Texan Revolution
Normally believes in strict interpretation of the Constitution, but interprets it loosely to add the Louisiana Purchase to the US
Thomas Jefferson
When the Cherokee Indians were forcibly moved by Andrew Jackson from GA to OK. 1/3 of them die on the way.
Trail of Tears
Treaty ending the Mexican War. Forced Mexico to give us land including California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah for $15 million.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Abolitionist newpaper publisher.
William Lloyd Garrison
Year that Northern troops are pulled out of the South - Reconstruction ends
Promise of the Freedman’s Bureau to former slaves, although they eventually lost both
“40 Acres & a Mule”
Southern Democrats elected when the Union troops leave - They take rights from AA’s
The idea that the South voted solidly for Democrats for about 100 years after the Civil War
“Solid South”
Amendment that freed the slaves
13th Amendment
Amendment that grants citizenship to anyone born in the US, gives all”Equal protection”, and guarantees “Due process”
14th Amendment
Amendment that gives voting rights to all male citizens
15th Amendment
Famous black regiment that fought @ Ft. Wagner
54th Massachusetts
Union’s battle plan: Blockade the south, take the Mississippi, control Richmond
Anaconda Plan
President after Lincoln - one of 2 presidents to be impeached
Andrew Johnson
One of two major northern battles; Bloodiest day of the war; South loses
Site where Lee surrenders to Grant
Appomattox Courthouse
Laws restricting the rights of AA’s - basically ignore the fact that slaves are free
Black Codes
Popular sovereignty in KS leads Free-Soilers & pro-slavery supporters to KS - John Brown murders 5
Bleeding Kansas
Started the Tuskegee Institute to train AA’s & gave the “Atlanta Compromise” speech where he proposed that AA’s accept segregation temporarily in exchange for employment
Booker T. Washington
First major Southern victory of the Civil War - Proved the war will NOT end quickly
Bull Run
Northerners moving to the South during Reconstruction - hated by Southerners
Agreement where CA enters as a Free Soil state, the rest of the Mexcian cession will be decided by Popular sovereignty, slave trade in DC will end, new fugitive slave law
Compromise of 1850
Agreement between the N & S stating that Hayes (R) would get to be President if the Union troops were removed from the South - ended Reconstruction
Compromise of 1877
Slave who sued for his freedom - Court rules that slaves are property & cannot sue - slavery can exist ANYWHERE in the US
Dred Scott
Election when Radical Republicans were elected to Congress in large numbers to bring order to the South
Election of 1866
Election when Lincoln was elected - the South freaks out & breaks away out of fear he’ll free their slaves
Election of 1860
Executive order that freed slaves in territory in rebellion against the Union
Emancipation Proclamation
Former slaves who leave the South to go to Kansas during Reconstruction
Government organization seeking to help free AA’s - “40 acres & a mule” - set up schools - held court to protect against black codes
Freedman’s Bureau
Movement to stop the SPREAD of slavery - is NOT an anti-slavery movement
Famous battle of the 54th Massachusetts regiment - they lose, but prove AA’s are brave
Ft. Wagner
States that the North MUST help return slaves to the South - North hates it because of Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Part of Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Agreement that Congress would not bring up slavery
Gag Rule
Bloodiest Battle of the Civil War - Lee invades the north trying to put pressure on Washington DC & loses
Anyone could vote if their grandfather was able to - this allowed uneducated & poor whites to vote while prohibiting AA’s
Grandfather Clause
Weapons depot raided by John Brown to give guns to slaves. Brown is captured & hung, but gets sympathy from many in the north
Harper’s Ferry
President of the CSA
Jefferson Davis
Laws passed that segregated the south
Jim Crow Laws
Radical abolitionist known for his actions at both Bleeding KS & Harper’s Ferry. He frightened the South & gained attention from the north while awaiting his execution by hanging for the deaths at Harper’s Ferry.
John Brown
Law that stated that KS & NE would be decided through popular sovereignty - undoes the Missouri Compromise
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Group organized in TN to intimidate AA’s from voting
Anti-slavery party that didn’t win any elections - eventully joins with northern Democrats to form the Republican party
Liberty Party
The idea that when 10% of the Southern states swore allegiance to the Union, they could be readmitted to Congress
Lincoln ‘s 10% Plan
Tests given to keep AA’s from voting
Literacy Tests
Sherman’s march from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in his path
March to the Sea
Missouri enters as a slave state, Maine enters as a free state, a line is drawn at the 36 30 to make future states obvious
Missouri Compromise
Southern nickname for slavery
Peculiar Institution
Last major battle before the South Surrenders
Supreme Court case declaring that “separate but equal” was legal
Plessy v. Ferguson
Tax on voting used to keep AA’s from voting
Poll Taxes
Republicans who wanted to treat the south like conqured territory after the Civil War
Radical Republicans
The period of time when the South was readmitted to the Union after the Civil War
Party of Lincoln - Made from Northern Democrats & members of the Liberty party - a Free Soil party - NOT ANTI-SLAVERY!
Republican Party
Term for southerners who agreed with the Republicans during Reconstruction - hated by South!
Arrangement where former slaves worked fields & gave a % of the food to the owner - often forced AA’s back into an arrangement like slavery
War against every part of your enemy’s land - houses, fields, livestock, etc.
Total War
Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe about the evils of slavery - convinces many in north to disobey the Fugitive slave laws
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Turning point of the Civil War - Grant takes this city & gains control of the Mississippi
Led the “March to the Sea” from Atlanta to Savannah, GA - Destroyed everything in his path
William Tecumseh Sherman
Failed bill in Congress proposing that all the land gained from Mexico enter as “Free Soil” states
Wilmot Proviso
Gave women the right to vote
19th Amendment
Radical protester for women’s suffrage known for hunger strikes & national protests
Alice Paul
Process of settling disputes between workers & management with a neutral third party - unions would rather do this than go on strike!
Changing to become like another (For example, the Native Americans were told to assimilate into white culture)
The process by which iron is turned into steel
Bessemer Process
Much like the buffalo, the Native Americans lived off of them. Huge numbers of them were killed to make way for the RR.
Bug that killed many cotton crops in the South. As a result, many AA’s moved north during the Great Migration
Boll Weevil
The economic system where individuals own property and use it to gain wealth with little/no government involvement.
Brought the Bessemer Process to the US, began US steel, and became one of the wealthiest men in the country.
Andrew Carnegie
Argued for women’s suffrage at the state level. More moderate than Alice Paul.
Carrie Chapman Catt
Law passed after the completion of the transcontinental RR stating that no new Chinese immigrants would be allowed into the US.
Chinese Exclusion Act
William Jennings Bryan’s speech suggesting that silver be added to the gold standard. Populists loved this!
Cross of Gold Speech
Supreme Court case declaring that contracts would be upheld by the government.
Dartmouth v. Woodward
Law giving land to Native Americans if they would assimilate into white culture for 25 years.
Dawes Act
Native American ritual they believed would peacefully drive out the white men. The white men assumed they were preparing for war & attacked them.
Ghost Dance
Supreme Court case declaring that the national government alone could regulate interstate commerce.
Gibbons v. Ogden
Andrew Carnegie’s philosophy that the wealthy had a responsibility to use their $$ to help those less fortunate.
Gospel of Wealth
Period in the late 1800’s-early 1900’s when many AA’s moved from the south to the north.
Great Migration
Law giving land in the west away for free to anyone who would build a home on that land.
Homestead Act
Author of “Rags to Riches” stories.
Horatio Alger
Business practice when one person buys up all of one type of business. (Like a monopoly)
Horizontal Integration
Federal law regulating the cost of shipping between states. It was passed to help farmers after the Granger laws were overturned by the Supreme Court.
Interstate Commerce Act
Founded Hull House to teach immigrants how to assimilate into the US.
Jane Addams
The belief that government should keep its hands entirely off of the economy.
Laissez-faire capitalism
Journalists who wrote & published photos to make people see the difficulties of urban life in the late 1800’s. (Upton Sinclair would be one example)
The belief that the US should be made up primarily of whites who descended from England. These people did NOT want more immigration into the US.
Law giving land to the railroads for the purpose of completing a transcontinental RR.
Pacific Railway Act
Organizations in major cities designed to get votes for particular parties or candidates by helping specific groups - often immigrants.
Political Machines
Political group representing the farmers that pushed for the introduction of silver to the gold standard to cause inflation.
Political group that wanted the government to intervene in the issues caused by the rapid growth of cities in the late 1800’s.
Strike caused when a RR company cut worker pay but didn’t decrease the rent in their company housing.
Pullman Strike
First strike in which the army was called to force strikers into going back to work.
Railway Strike of 1877
Owner of the Standard Oil Trust and one of the wealthiest men in American history.
John D. Rockefeller
Deragatory term for people who work during a strike.
Law making it illegal for a Trust to own all of one type of company. (For example, one company couldn’t own all the oil companies in the US)
Sherman Antitrust Act
The belief that “survival of the fittest” should be applied to modern society.
Social Darwinism
Women who protested for the right to vote.
Local groups organized by farmers so they could discuss how to best address their needs & concerns.
The Grange
A company that owns other companies.
Organizations of workers pushing for shorter hours, better pay, and better working conditions.
Muckraker author of the Jungle who drew attention to the problems in the meat packing industry
Upton Sinclair
Populist/Democrat presidential candidate who gave the “Cross of Gold” speech.
William Jennings Bryan
Site where Native Americans attempted to surrender, but were massacred by the Army.
Wounded Knee
Contracts signed by workers promising that they will not join a union
Yellow Dog Contracts