Vocab. Module 13 Lessons 1& 2 Flashcards
Woman who journeyed from across New England to earn money instead of working on the family farm
Lowell Girls
A period of rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production
Industrial Revolution
Cloth items
An inventor who patented a large spinning machine, called the water frame, that ran on waterpower and created dozens of cotton threads at once
Richard Arkwright
a skilled Bristish mechanic who could build better textile machines
Samuel Slater
The tools used to produce items or to do work
An inventor with an idea for mass-producing guns
Eli Whitney
Parts of a machine that are exactly the same
Interchangeable parts
The efficient production of large numbers of identical goods
Mass Production
Samuel Slater’s strategy of hiring families and dividing factory work into simple tasks
Rhode Island SysteM
New England entrepreneur whose ideas completely changed the textile industry in the Northeast
Francis Cabot Lowell
Lowell’s practice of hiring young unmarried women to work in his mills
Lowell System
Groups of skilled workers that tried to improve members’ pay and working conditions
Trade Unions
Union workers’ refusal to work until their employers met their demands
A mill worker who founded the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association
Sarah G. Bagley