Module 6 Lesson 3 & 4 Vocab. Social Studies &7th gr. Flashcards
The idea that the greatest number of people in a society can make policies for everyone.
Majority Rule
A request made of the government
An order authorities must get before they search someone’s property
search warrant
A rule that the law must be fairly applied
Due Process
Formally accuse
A rule that says a person cannot be tried for the same crime more than once
Double Jeopardy
The power of the government to take personal property to benefit the public
Eminent Domain
Foreign-born people who: A live in the United States, B whose parents are not citizens, and C who complete the requirements for U.S. citizenship
Naturalized Citizens
Return to an immigrant’s country of origin
Required military service
Groups that collect money for candidate who support certain issues
Political Action Committees
Groups of people who share a common interest that motivates them to take political action
Interest Groups