Module 18 slides Lesson 1-5 Flashcards
What did many of the Confederate states start seizing?
Federal-mint branches, arsenals, and military posts
Where was the federal outpost Fort Sumter located?
Charleston, South Carolina
At Fort Sumter who did not want to stop fighting?
Abraham Lincoln U.S.
Who was the Battle at Fort Sumter between?
The Confederate States of America & America
What war started the Civil War?
Fort Sumter
Lincoln declared the South was in rebellion and asked state governors for 75,000 militiamen; Which states?
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and states north of them rallied
What other states during the fight at Fort Sumter joined the Confederacy?
Slave states of the Upper South—North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Arkansas—seceded.
What states were border states?
Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri
Where border states slave states or free states?
Slave states
What state supported the Union and set up its own state government?
West Virginia
What did West Virginia do in 1863?
Supported the Union and set up its own state government
Was West Virginia with the United States or the Confederacy in 1863 when it set up its own government?
it was part of the union
What was General Winfield Scott’s plan to fight against the Confederacy?
planned to blockade southern ports and to capture Mississippi River to divide the South.
What were some of the Norths resources?
-Population of 22 million
-Some 22,000 miles of railroad track
-More developed economy, banking system, and currency
What did the Confederate States have, or the south have that was better than the north or the U.S.?
Strong army
Advantages of fighting on home soil
What was the South or the Confederate States strategy to fight against the North or the U.S.?
Strategy—tried to win foreign allies through cotton diplomacy: idea that Britain would support Confederacy because it needed the South’s cotton.
What are some ways civilians helped the people serving in the army?
-Raised money
-Ran hospitals
-Served as nurses
-Sent supplies to troops
What shortages did both armies in the civil war face?
Shortages of:
What military basics did volunteers have to learn?
-Using bayonets.
Did a lot of people want to fight in the Civil War?
Thousands of men joined the armies.
Who were going to fight in the Civil War?
What did the Battle of Antietam gave who a slight advantage?
Where is Antietam(state)?
Since the Union controlled the sea what did the Union do?
Blockaded southern ports.
Why was it bad for the South that the North was blockading there ports?
because the South was prevented from selling and receiving goods.
What kind of ships could get the through the Unions blockades?
Some small, fast ships got through blockades
Who created ironclads?
The Confederacy
What ship did the Confederacy capture and create it into a ironclad? What did they rename it?
renamed it the Virginia
What ship of the Union made the Confederates to withdraw?
Where was the battle at?
The Monitor
Hampton Road, Virginia
About the Union ship The Monitor….
-Designed by John Ericsson
-Had a revolving gun tower and thick plating